Dream about cuddling. Meaning? Dream interpretation?

Hi :)

So tonight I dreamed about cuddling with a guy friend.
We get along well and talk from time to time. Now that school is over for me we don't see each other anymore but we met a few time with friends.
My best friend once mentioned in a rather joking way that he might like me very much but I don't pay a lot attention to that. (Like I said it was rather joking.)

Back to the story: I dreamed tonight about us sitting on a couch and cudding for hours. There were other people too but we didn't care. It was us and I felt very protected by him and safe in his arms as he was hugging me a lot.

Now my question: What does that mean? Where did this come from? Is that normal?
+1 y
I forgot to mention one thing: At the birthday party of one of my friends we were both drunk (Unfortunately I was more drunk than him) and we were holding hands and slightly cuddling on a bench there.
Dream about cuddling. Meaning? Dream interpretation?
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