Is 'Tom and Jerry" really racist? And, does Maroon 5's song 'Animals' really glorify troubling stalking behavior?

These are two things that I saw today. First was that they're going to
be putting a warning on the Tom and Jerry cartoon because of character
on there named Mammy Two Shoes who's a heavyset black maid. How
does that make the cartoon racist? I mean, if that makes Tom and Jerry
racist. Does that mean the characters of Elmer Fudd and Porky Pig in
Looney Tunes, are not just innocent characters. But, instead making fun
of people with speech problems and stutters? I mean, there are people like
Elmer Fudd that talk like that and can't prononce there R's properly
and just have speech problems in general. There's people like Porky
Pig that have a stutter that they can't control. Right?

As for Maroon 5. Apparently RAINN (Rape, Abuse , Incest, National
Network), say's ""Maroon 5's video for 'Animals' is a dangerous depiction of a stalker's fantasy -- and no one should ever confuse the criminal act of stalking with romance," said the sexual assault organization." I saw the video, is it creepy? Sure, it is. But, not
because he's following her. But instead, because they had blood poured
on them and I think that's gross. See, if a guy watches this video and thinks
stalking someone is romantic. It's not because of Maroon 5's video,
it's because they lost there grip on reality long ago and Maroon 5 isn't
responsible for that. See, if you go over everything in this world with a fine tooth
comb. You'll most asuredly find something offensive or that you don't like.

What do you think?
Is 'Tom and Jerry" really racist? And, does Maroon 5's song 'Animals' really glorify troubling stalking behavior?
55 Opinion