Hottest girl (or guy) you've ever seen?

So, you know, after you've seen so many pretty faces, they start to blend together, right? I mean, it takes more and more to impress you. At least, that's how it is for me. But, then I saw this chick: Hannah Cranston who is on ThinkTank on youtube. And, I'm just blown away by how perfect she looks to me. Especially in this video:

Like, her personality isn't the best. And I don't really have a crush or anything, I just cannot stop from admiring how perfectly beautiful her face looks. And, it's not even like a sexual thing or anything. It's just like, "Holy shit. Her face is perfect." Anyone in agreement?

Also, post pictures of people you think have perfect faces, if you think anyone does. And I know perfect is a stretch, but just the closest thing to you.
Hottest girl (or guy) you've ever seen?
10 Opinion