Cologne/fragrance collecting - a weird hobby?

i am a guy. I collect fragrances. I've sampled probably 300+ fragrances. I own 20 colognes, some of them cost over $100, but I like them all. I probably want to add 20 more in my collection over the next few years.

first, my #1 rule with cologne is only apply a little. one or two sprays max. I'm not that guy who puts on eight sprays and stinks up the whole room.

second, I don't collect fragrances with the purpose of attracting women. I think that's just lame. as any hobby solely done to impress women is.

I collect them because I view a well crafted cologne as art, just as much as a well-crafted wine, painting, sonnet or song.

will I ever use all of that juice? probably not. but if you store them correctly, fragrances can last for 10+ years easily. and whatever bottles I don't use much of, I just pour in a sprayer and share it with friends.

i'm constantly met by judgement by people saying "oh you're crazy, you only need 2", but in the end women are allowed to have 40+ shoes without being judged lol.

but I'm just wondering is there anything that makes the hobby of collecting a lot of colognes/fragrances weird, especially since msot people I know think its wierd.
Cologne/fragrance collecting - a weird hobby?
12 Opinion