Is Sweden insane? Is Sweden insane?

Apparently, feminism is ‘progressing’ in Sweden: link What I love about Swedish feminists, though, is unlike other feminists, they’ve dropped much of the pretence that feminism is about equality. Two thirds of Swedish university degrees are now earned by women, and feminists couldn’t be happier. There were so many funny/tragic things in that video.

So, on the one hand, Sweden is becoming a feminist paradise. On the other hand, Sweden is becoming Islamized. Muslims now account for 41% of Sweden’s population growth, and the European Union estimates that by 2030 Muslims will constitute 40% of the population. The city of Malmo currently has a 25% Muslim population. Parts of that city have become no-go areas for Jews and for unveiled women, and even for fire and ambulance services, which demand police escorts!

I’m looking forward with grim glee to see how these two groups, the feminists and the Islamists, collide. Somehow I doubt that their shared hatred of Western civilization will strengthen into a spirit of love and co-existence! Ladies, you think Western men are oppressive? You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Swedes are also EU citizens, which gives them the right to migrate to other EU countries. My advice to any sane Swede is therefore to leave. That said, most European countries aren’t too far behind Sweden.

So, is Sweden insane?
Is Sweden insane? Is Sweden insane?
9 Opinion