I Am Not That Man Anymore: How My Life Has Changed Through The Years

Inspired by SweetHomicidalQueen’s MyTake here . Well, it might be a rip-off but I am a different person than her, so maybe not exactly...
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How unique are you?

This quote from Margaret Mead is one of my favorites and I think it captures the essence of one aspect of coming of age. When we enter...
2 3

Top 5 Best Actors Women Loved to See in Movies in the 2010s

Zac Efron Women love seeing Zac Efron in movies because how attractive they think he is alone. Ben Affleck A lot of women think he's...
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How To Fix Your Life

There is no easy way to fix your life. If you feel like your life is broken right now, it most likely took time, a series of events, and...
8 6

A Random Retelling of My 2016 (POLL inside)

Warning: This will probably be a very low quality piece. I'm feeling especially emotional, and this site is sort of an outlet for me to...
1 3

I Am Not Who I Was; Change Throughout Time

No one will be the same person they were yesterday let alone two years ago. If you are open minded and accept the opportunities to...
9 11

10 Of The Most Beautiful Women Of The 2000s

The Top 10 Most Beautiful Women Of The 2000s Megan Fox Megan Fox is very beautiful. She was definitely beautiful in the 2000s and she...
10 9

What Are Your Thoughts On Keira Knightley?

I think Keira Knightley is pretty (:

Micro uzi vs skorpion vs Mp5. Which one do you prefer?

This is just for fun. No need to take this seriously. If you get offended or don't like guns, please just leave the post. Also if you...
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Are looks subjective or false?

I want to believe looks are subjective but if that's true why are so many people attracted to the same person? I honestly think we as...
9 18

Would you rather lose an arm or a leg?

I'd say leg cause gaming is LIFE
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