The Friendzone doesn't exist


I've seen quite a few questions and myTakes on this topic recently and so I thought it wouldn't hurt to share my views on it as well.

The Friendzone doesn't exist

I personally think the term "Friendzone" is kind of dumb. The reason I think it's dumb is because the so called friendzone doesn't really exist. First of all when a women rejects a man, for whatever reason it maybe, there are only two things that a man can do; either move on with his life or remain friends. Whining about being friendzoned is not one of these things.
Being friends with someone means appreciating them as a person and if you can't do that then you're simply not their friend, so move on.

The Friendzone is not real

The friendzone is a misogynistic, bullshit make believe land "nice guys" have come up with to demonize women for not wanting to date them, for exercising her right to say no. It's an excuse to ignore the fact that there might be a reason(s) for a woman to reject them or refuse to have sex with them like not being physically attracted to them or not being able to connect with them on an emotional level.

Healthy dating is two people who both want to be in a relationship with each other. When one of them doesn't want a relationship, the other should respect their boundaries and seek a relationship elsewhere.

When it comes to the friendzone, one or both of the parties agree that they are friends under a misguided concept, when they are not. This inevitably leads to the person who rejected the relationship offer to become annoyed and bothered by the person who was rejected, while the one who is rejected constantly tries to change the rejection leading to both of them wasting their time.

The friend zone is an imaginary place made up by cowardly guys who think basic human decency entitles them to attention, affection, or sex from women, but in truth such an expectation is itself incompatible with basic human decency

Movies are not real life

The incorrect notion of the friendzone is often perpetuated by the false claims made in romance movies that being someone's servant and / or pretending to be their friend will eventually lead to them agreeing to a relationship.

Remember "Just Friends" anyone? Yeah that movie that starred Ryan Reynolds as the main character in which he was always just a friend to the love of his life... that is until the end where she just "magically" falls in love with him. Movies like this are what puts the idea into people's heads that if they wait out the friendzone, the women responsible for their distress will just wake up one day and realize they're in love with them. Only if life was that simple.

The Friendzone doesn't exist

Respect a woman's Boundaries

When a woman says no, it means no, period. Any attempt to change this, to "soften the blow" or offer pretend friendships is a waste of everyone's time.

Respect yourself and those around you. Say no to fake friendships, to pretending to be with someone, to selling yourself short to get someone who doesn't want you.

The Friendzone doesn't exist

The Friendzone doesn't exist
73 Opinion