A Teenager's First Love


People tend to believe that teenagers can't fall in love simply because we are young (and most of the time very naive). People tend to forget the time they were 16 or 17 and fell in love with that strong bad boy or the beautifully intelligent young woman.

A Teenager's First Love.

Whoever you are reader, you were once a teenager. You may even still be a teenager, 15, 16, 17. Love is a part of life, and so is heartbreak. Your first love may have been your best friend, a kind stranger who complimented you or helped you while you passed them going throughout your daily routine. It may have been one of the most unexpected people you would have ever thought you'd love. Loving someone and being in love with someone are two different things.

The difference between the two (according to google) is: Being in love with someone means you want to spend the rest of your life with this person and you can't see yourself with anyone else but that person. When you love some one it just means you don't want to see anything happen to them, and that you always want to see that person/family or friend happy.

"You can't love someone until you love yourself. I think that's bullshit because I loved you so much I forgot what it was like to hate myself." I loved that quote, so much. Now I realize that quote is bull shit. I find it to be so fucking true that you can not love someone completely until you have learned to love yourself.

You have fallen in love once before. You were/are a young, dumb and naive teenager. You have loved so strongly, so purely, you wanted a future with them. You would give your all to be or stay with them. If asked to, you'd give your life for them to save theirs. Being in love is something that is not as rare as people say, but true love is.

As someone who loves strongly, is very sensitive, empathetic and someone whom wears my heart on my sleeve, I have fallen in love with one person. He was my friend, my supporter, my everything. I'm sure you have met someone just like that once before when you were my age.

He helped me through my dads abuse, my depression and he helped me through my suicidal thoughts. I trusted him with all of my being and I knew without a doubt that he loved me as much as I loved him. One day he just broke up with me. Out of the blue, and like a fool, I asked him to keep in touch. We kept talking that night but when I woke up the next morning he messaged me saying "I'm sorry Jade, you're amazing but you're not enough for me. Think of me as just a dream and try to forget about me."

A Teenager's First Love

I was heartbroken to be told I wasn't enough, especially after hearing this from my father for a while. We'll call him X. X was just the first heart break of many I will experience in life, which is one step closer to finding my true love. He will be the story I tell my daughter when she is a mess on the floor, crying her eyes out over the first person to break her heart. I will brush her hair from her face and hold her while she sobs in my arms, and I will whisper to her how I was once in love at her age. How he made me feel, what he said and did for me. I will tell her that it get's better, it always gets better, but I will never tell her how sometimes I will lay in bed for hours on end with thoughts of him in my head and pictures of him stored away in my attic.

Heartbreak is something that everyone will experience. You will cry at 3 am on the bathroom floor with the shower running so no one will wake up and hear you crying. You will have dry sounding sobs coming from you, your hand clutching your heart, your lungs like thousands of knives are in it with every inhale. You will feel as if your heart is falling apart, you will feel as if you won't know what love is. As a young woman/man, you will collapse in a mess and believe nothing will ever feel right again. But it will. You will love again, you will love stronger, more feircely and you will be loved as you deserved to be oh-so-many years prior.

"We accept the love we think we deserve."

A Teenager's First Love

"It's so fucked up to cause someone so much pain that they can write a fucking novel based off of it."

A Teenager's First Love
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