You can't truly love someone you think of as inferior


Many men on this site like to believe that women are inferior to men because it makes them feel better about themselves. They can blame their own personal failures on women and they never have to own up to anything! It's pretty damn convenient right? If not a little childish... Except for one thing, these men are incapable of heterosexual love. You can not truly love someone who you think of as less than you. You can't love someone and still want them to have less opportunities, less rights, bad treatment, and a less fulfilling life than you have. Loving someone means wanting the best for them, believing in them, helping them reach their goals, and treating them as well as you possibly can.

You can't truly love someone you think of as inferior.

Most men will agree with me that this is NOT love.

You can't truly love someone you think of as inferior

Yet they are deluded enough to think that this is love. This NOT love, and never will be.

I have seen opinions from men on GAG stating that they think women are evil, disgusting, stupid, weak, less human than men, deserve less rights, and deserve to suffer. This is pretty much spot on to the way Hitler felt about Jewish people, though not all men who hate women think we all deserve to die as Hitler thought about Jews. Yet wanting women alive only so men can use them, control them, and hurt them is basically wishing death upon us anyway. And here is something we all know to be true, Hitler could never truly love a Jew. Hitler thought of Jews as inherently inferior from the day they were born and there is nothing they can ever do to become equal, just the way many of the men on GAG view women. Hitler believed that Jewish people were responsible for "every evil", which is the same way women-hating men think about women. An easy scapegoat for all your problems and personal fuckups!

You can't truly love someone you think of as inferior

You can't truly love someone you think of as inferior

Propoganda is used to constantly enforce these extreme views over long periods of time until they are firmly ingrained into the general social psyche. "All jews are ugly and evil like vermin and they must be eliminated." / "Women who want basic human rights are evil, and all women who want rights are ugly. All women who do not submit and want more for their lives than servitude must be tortured and restrained." Intelligent, locigal people know these sorts of messages to be false, fearmongering, and overdramtic. Unhappy and unintellgent people looking for a scapegoat to blame their problems on will fall for propoganda instantly and fanatically. They will then cling to these fucked up views desperatley.

Hitler's inability to ever love a Jewish person because he constantly deluded himself into hating them, is the same with women-haters. Women-haters are obviously incapable of loving the very person they hate and are deranged to think otherwise. I think that these men should own up to this fact, I have seen posts of men on here who claim to treat their wife like a slave and yet still love her. You can not love someone and then turn around and treat them as inferior and treat them with cruelty. Many abusive people mistake obsession and lust for love and genuine affection, if you are hurting someone and controlling them YOU DO NOT LOVE THEM. You can't hate and devalue women, and then turn around and claim to love and value them at the same time. I'm not asking you guys to stop hating women because I know that hating is what gives your sad life purpose, and you will never stop. But at least stop lying and trying to hide and excuse your true feelings.

You can't truly love someone you think of as inferior

Again guys! Just as you would never consider this love...

This will never be love either!

You can't truly love someone you think of as inferior

I will, however tell you why I personally refuse to view other people as inferior. The reason is this, thinking of other people as innately inferior makes you lazy and unmotivated. I could easily say "Well as a white person I am automatically better than all black people. And since they are SOOO inferior I don't have to try very hard at anything because I am AUTOMATICALLY better". Then you become so lazy and entitled that many of the people you like to think of as inferior will soon surpass you because you were too busy thinking about how superior and "born for greatness" you are. And so you never tried as hard or worked as hard as they did.

You can't truly love someone you think of as inferior

And before you decide to keep blaming huge groups of people for your own issues or the actions of very few within that group....

You can't truly love someone you think of as inferior

There will always be men who don't hate women and view us as equal, who we can team up with and take on life with! Human beings are stronger when we work together, there is no denying this fact. A team that is always infighting and struggling to see who is superior will never get anything done. Couples who view each other as equals are the only couples who are capable of actually loving each other and working as a team. So if you view women as inferior STAY AWAY FROM WOMEN, and if you view men as inferior STAY AWAY FROM MEN. You can either stay single or date the same sex, but leave those of us with intelligence and compassion alone. Because you do not, and never will know what love is.

You can't truly love someone you think of as inferior

*disclaimer* The reason I mainly talked about men who hate women is because that is the majority of what is expressed on this particular site. I am well aware that there are women who hate men too which is also fucked up, and I dissagree with any and all bigotry. Anyways bring on the #edgy comments about how much hate you can spew, death threats / rape threats *(Threats of violence even online can get you arrested by the way a lot of GAGers seem to not know this!), and childish whining. It's what I expect from this site, but I also know there will be many intelligent reasonable people too so it's all good!

You can't truly love someone you think of as inferior
21 Opinion