How to Master the Art of Texting


How to Master the Art of Texting

Want to master the art of texting the opposite sex? Here's some tips that can help improve your texting experience and avoid being a boring texter.

1. Don't double text someone if they didn't respond right away. Or triple text. Or quadrouple text.

Not everyone is a fast typer with two thumbs. If they don't respond right away, then chill out. They are probably busy with their own lives and will get back to your text later.

How to Master the Art of Texting

2. DON'T..EVER..TYPE..IN..CAPS!!!!!!!

It's often hard to express feelings through text messaging, so when you use caps, it comes across as screaming at them! Definitely don't do this if you are texting the opposite sex!! Unless, of course, if it's your best friend or someone you know that will definitely want to kill you.

How to Master the Art of Texting

3. Don't text a novel.

How would you like it if you asked the person you were texting a simple question like "What did you do today?" and they responded with a novel? Be considerate. A simple "I went to the game today." will do.

How to Master the Art of Texting

4. Avoid Sarcasm.

Like mentioned, it's hard to express emotions when you're text messaging. So if you're being sarcastic, it's hard for the other person to know that, and it may come across wrong and end up hurting their feelings. If you want to have that type of a conversation, pick up the phone.

How to Master the Art of Texting

5. Check Autocorrect!

I know Autocorrect is supposed to correct you, but there have been the worst texting mistakes when people send a text message without checking it first! So either check Autocorrect, or turn it off!

How to Master the Art of Texting

6. Know when to end the conversation.

If you're texting someone, and they're just responding with 'K's and 'Awesome' and not engaging in the conversation and inputing their opinion, they're not interested! They don't want to talk to you right now, or maybe they're just busy! So leave them alone and text them at a later time! Dragging a boring conversation on leads to no response..and you triple texting them.

How to Master the Art of Texting

7. Don't correct someone when they make a mistake in a text message.

It's just plain annoying. Even if it was them not knowing how to spell, and not Autocorrect, don't correct them. Unless you want to have a nasty end of a conversation.

How to Master the Art of Texting

8. Don't use too many emojis than necesary.

Especially when texting the opposite sex, NEVER use so many emojis that they flood your screen. It's super annoying and a conversation killer. But if you're trying to annoy someone, go ahead ;)

How to Master the Art of Texting

9. Don't ask that person why they didn't respond to your text message.

Again, it's super annoying and if it's the opposite sex you're texting it will definitely make you look clingy and needy.

How to Master the Art of Texting

10. Text at a reasonable time.

No one is going to appreicate a text at 3am in the morning on a weekend because you can't sleep. Or a 11pm text on a week night. Be reasonable, and be considerate to their schedule.

How to Master the Art of Texting

Use these tips in your everyday texting experience, and you could master the art of texting!!!!


How to Master the Art of Texting

BONUS TIP: Don't do that^ 😂😂😂

How to Master the Art of Texting
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