7 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem: Love Yourself Again!


Like any change you make, positive or negative, big or small, the first step to making that change is to want it, you have to REALLY want it.

How To Boost Your Self-Esteem

Start Small

7 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem: Love Yourself Again!

When we start with small successes, we build momentum and gain more confidence in our abilities. Each completed task, no matter how small, is a building block towards a more confident you. What are some small tasks you can complete immediately to prove to yourself that you are capable of achieving goals you’ve set for yourself?

Do Something that Scares You

7 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem: Love Yourself Again!

As with all skills, we get better with practice. The more often we actively do things that scare us, the less scary these situations will seem, and eventually will be rid of that fear.


7 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem: Love Yourself Again!

Get out of the house, setup a lunch date, or invite a few friends over for a games night. Socializing with others give us opportunities to connect with other people, and practice our communication skills.

Help Others Feel Good About Themselves

7 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem: Love Yourself Again!

Help somebody or teach them something. When we help other people feel better about themselves and like themselves more, we feel good about yourself. See what you can do to make others feel good or trigger them to smile. Maybe giving them a genuine compliment, helping them with something or tell a stranger who looks a bit down you're giving out free hugs and ask if they would like one.

Get Clarity on Life Areas

7 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem: Love Yourself Again!

Your self-esteem is the average of your self-concept in all the major areas of your life so get clarity on the areas of your life that need the most attention. Write down all the major categories of your life, then rate yourself in each area. Work on the lowest numbered category first, unless they are all even. The more you build up each area of your life, the higher your overall self-esteem will be.

Get Motivated

7 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem: Love Yourself Again!

Read something inspirational, listen to something empowering, talk to someone who can uplift your spirits, who can motivate you to become a better person, to live more consciously, and to take proactive steps towards creating a better life for yourself.

Get External Compliments

7 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem: Love Yourself Again!

As crazy as this sounds, go find a friend or family member and ask them what they like about you, what your strengths are or what they love about you. Often we value other people’s opinions more than our own; we are the best at beating ourselves up for things not done well, and we are the worst at recognizing where we’ve done well in. Hearing about our strengths and positive qualities from another person helps to build a more positive image of ourselves.

7 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem: Love Yourself Again!
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