How To Spot a Commitment Phobic Male


As part of my crusade to start writing more than to just guys having a hard time getting laid with high frequency. Let me endeavor to point out a few ways a commitment phobic male like myself can be spotted.

He's Too Good To Be True And You Don't Know What's Wrong With Him

How To Spot a Commitment Phobic Male

If he's good looking, great job, great personality, caring, sweet and yet...single? WHY IS HE SINGLE?! Your intuition is probably right about guys like us...there's a reason we're not constantly off the market. Either we're crazy, super shy, or have huge commitment issues and betray/run away from anyone who tries to get close to us. It's one of those.

He More Or Less Mirrors Your Dating History

How To Spot a Commitment Phobic Male

This is less reliable, but if he seems to just mirror what you say in terms of how longs it's been since you've dated or how many relationships you've been in--it might be safe to say he's hiding/downplaying his many, many trists liaisons and ever brief romances. A person's dating history while seemingly none of your business is actual a super important indicator of how they are and who they are. For instance, if a guy has been in many relationships and never loved anyone, it's pretty safe to say you're not going to be the first.

He Becomes Rather Sensitive/Hyper Critical

How To Spot a Commitment Phobic Male

This is but one way the commitment phobe pushes a girl away. He starts off easygoing--excited to meet her, but then any flaw she has becomes a reason to hate her. This is a mechanism to keep the status quo--loneliness.

He's Capable of Talking About Marriage and Babies With You and You've Only Recently Been Dating

How To Spot a Commitment Phobic Male

This one's a bit tricker and maybe not true across the board. However, if a guy is talking to you about this stuff and he's not the least bit scared/nervous chances are it's because he's not taking it that seriously. It's a fantasy (yes some men fantasize about having the perfect family) but if it were to come down to choosing you to marry he'd run so fast you'd think his legs were going to fall off.

He's Not That Close To His Mom/Family

How To Spot a Commitment Phobic Male

Again, could be his family are jerks, however, a man who doesn't stay in contact with his own blood probably won't stay in contact with you that much. He's a Rolling Stone and can't nobody chain him down. Don't think you're the exception.

Beware the Commitment Phobe

How To Spot a Commitment Phobic Male
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