The 5 "Fs" Every Serious Couple Need to Know

The 5 "Fs" Every Serious Couple Need to Know

Every relationship is hard in its own way, and every couple will have tough decisions to make. But how do you know if the issues you face are worth the fight? First of all, you have to be aware of the reason you are in the relationship. Is it because you are sad and lonely after your last relationship failed? Is it because all of your friends have significant others and you don’t want to play third wheel? Or maybe your family is pressuring you into finding that special someone before you get “too old.” These are all very real possibilities and issues that young adults face every day. If you are with the right person for the right reason then these issues are definitely worth the trouble.

1. Family

Every family functions differently and every person was raised differently. There may be a situation where the mom doesn’t know how to let go or the dad doesn’t think you’re good enough. It is important to realize that family is just that…family. They have been there you whole life and believe you deserve the best. However, if your significant other is truly the one you expect to spend your life with, there is one thing you need to understand. Yes, your family has their opinions, but your significant other is your partner. If your family is overstepping their boundaries with their opinions, it is important to back up your partner and let you’re your family know where you stand.

The 5 "Fs" Every Serious Couple Need to Know

2. Financials

This particular issue becomes more and more relevant as I enter adulthood. The idea of financing cars and paying a mortgage can be a hot button issues for some people. Now that couples are moving in together before marriage, it can become a messy process when you have to figure out who pays what bill this month. When creating a life with someone, there has to be some give and take to this issue. Sometimes the guy will make more money and can cover a few more bills than before. Or maybe the girl has more cushion in her savings account to cover this month’s rent. This does not mean that one person should always pay for everything. Like I said before, a relationship is about being partners. So give where you can and ask for help if needed.

3. Friendships

The 5 "Fs" Every Serious Couple Need to Know

There is not a single relationship I have been in where I get along with ALL the guy’s friends. That’s alright. As long as they aren’t a bad influence, you don’t need to be around them all the time. It is important for you both to have an outlet. Spending 24/7 together is not healthy and can actually have a negative impact on your relationship. Make sure you each take time to keep your own identities and remain the people you fell in love with. It will help maintain a strong bond and also give you things to talk about. Forever is a long time. Keep it interesting.

4. Faith

The 5 "Fs" Every Serious Couple Need to Know

This particular issue may not pertain to all couples, but it is by no means an easy topic. After dealing with my own hardships of being in a relationship with two different religions, I can tell you it is one worth fighting for, especially if you are strong in your faith. If you are lucky enough to have someone that is willing to work with you, don’t take advantage of that. If a marriage and family is part of your future plans, it is important to know possible barriers before you take the leap. I never realized how strong I felt about that aspect of my life until I was faced with the decision to give it up. Marriage is about compromise. It is not for one person to dictate over the other. If your relationship is strong, there are ways to work together and find a middle ground.

5. Failure

The 5 "Fs" Every Serious Couple Need to Know

Young couples that are just starting out may face the fear of failure. Failure at a new job. Failure to make sufficient money. Failure to be enough. These are fears that every person, single or taken, can understand. When you have found the right person, you will have your greatest support, your biggest fan, and the one person who will always help you through. Don’t ever let your own ego or fears bring them down. Remember to stay encouraging and lend a listening ear when needed. You may not be able to fix everything, but you can reassure them that they are loved.

If you feel like all these issues are ones that can be overcome, then I’d say you’ve found a relationship worth fighting for.

The 5 "Fs" Every Serious Couple Need to Know
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