Why You Don't Need Negative People In Your Life


Each of us has probably been in a place where you feel like you have to make a choice whether a person is worth your time or not.

It is difficult and feelings often make us see the reality with blurry sight. You may think they will change or they didn't mean it. But in the end you gotta see that some people just isn't what they seem to be.

Why You Don't Need Negative People In Your Life

We all wanna be the responsible person who makes good choices and still knows how to enjoy life. We don't wanna throw a good friendship or relationship away just because of a few problems. Maybe you think: people make mistakes! Forgive them! Everyone deserves a second chance.

Why You Don't Need Negative People In Your Life

But what if it is their 120,000th mistake, what if you already have forgiven them for all of them, what if they destroy every chance they get? What do you get from it? Think about it: how much negativity does it bring to your life?

Why You Don't Need Negative People In Your Life

From own experiences I have learnt that only after you cut the negative out you see how much they have been weighing you down. It is like, you see it before it too, but you never realize how much it is. You don't see that the positive are very small compared to the bad.

Maybe you have a close friend that makes you annoyed all the time? Maybe that same friend makes you feel guilty all the time? Or maybe you have a fling with a person who constantly make it seem like you are making them let you down. Often negative people try to push the blame on you. They also complain all the time and are very self centered.

Why You Don't Need Negative People In Your Life

Why You Don't Need Negative People In Your Life

You need to put the boundaries there. You have the opportunity to back up and say: Hey I do not need this bad vibe in my life!

DO IT NOW. Vibrate higher.

Why You Don't Need Negative People In Your Life

Why You Don't Need Negative People In Your Life
Why You Don't Need Negative People In Your Life
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