Sorry Girls, Abusers Just Don't Change


I met him back in University when I was taking business classes. He was so cute with his hazel eyes and dirty blonde hair...the way he smiled at me and how hard he tried to make me laugh... Wasn't long before I had fallen!

Sorry Girls, Abusers Just Don't Change

3 months later we moved in together. It was a pretty grungy apartment, but we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. The honeymoon stage was in full sight, and I couldn't get enough!

I came home one evening from work- tired and starving. My man was sitting on the couch playing video games; dirty laundry all over the house, potato chip and candy wrappers on the floor, and dirty dishes in the sink (which smelled like something had rotted). I gave him a kiss and asked nicely whether he could help me with the dishes and cleanup. He said "okay", and 1 hour later he hadn't budged.

Sorry Girls, Abusers Just Don't Change

I went up to the sink and began washing away in silence. He looked over and said "I said, I'm gonna do it", and I replied, "never-mind i'm on it." It seemed like time flew by when he went CRAZY!

He came over to the sink grabbed my arm and pushed me out of the kitchen, proceeded to grab the dishes and break them against the floor! I was yelling "stop, stop" as tears rolled down my eyes... but he had lost it. He proceeded to walk over to me and put his hand over my mouth; "SHUT UP" he kept saying. I was in panic and ran out of the house and hid in the bushes, as I saw him walk the street in search for me.

Sorry Girls, Abusers Just Don't Change

He messaged me that he was sorry, and for a week he was buying me flowers and showering me with compliments and nice dinners. I thought he had changed, and that I loved him, and he loved me.

It was a month later we went out to dinner. We had started talking about our future and he kept making really condescending jokes. I grew tired and ate my food in silence. He grew agitated and simply got up and left the restaurant. I paid for the meal and went outside and he was sitting in his car. I got in, and he began to call me every name in the book. "You're selfish and a b*tch, and I can't stand you," etc. It was freezing outside and I didn't have a way home, so I pleaded; "take me home please", he began to drive, and as we got onto the highway, he stopped the car and told me to get out. I said "no", so he attempted to push me out; I was in tears until he finally let me back in and took me home.

Sorry Girls, Abusers Just Don't Change

Many bruises and tears later, I packed my belongings and left forever. I was lucky that I got out in one piece.

This is a lesson: if you start to see abuse in the beginning, don't believe the abuser. Get out early, and never look back. No matter how much it hurts.

Sorry Girls, Abusers Just Don't Change
41 Opinion