6 Most Common Topics that Couples Argue about!


1. Money

6 Most Common Topics that Couples Argue about!

- Not having enough money.

- Spending so much money on unnecessary things.

- Debts.

2. Sex

6 Most Common Topics that Couples Argue about!

- Not spending enough time for it.

- Having a stressful life that effecting the time for sex.

- Not doing it.

3. Housework

6 Most Common Topics that Couples Argue about!

- Who will do what?

- Not helping your partner.

4. Child

6 Most Common Topics that Couples Argue about!

- Blaming the other side for a certain behavior of the child.

5. Family

6 Most Common Topics that Couples Argue about!

Letting families to take part in relationship.

6. Friends

6 Most Common Topics that Couples Argue about!

- Spending more time with them.

- Seeing a friend of yours that your partner doesn't want you to.

6 Most Common Topics that Couples Argue about!
5 Opinion