The Philosophy Behind the Imperfectly Shaped Heart


It seems as if the symbol of love or the graphic denotation for love in the human perception is always drawn in a way that is "perfect". When we try to draw a heart on a piece of paper, it seems as if it's only fully drawn when it's perfectly symmetrical and shaped in such a way that it doesn't differ from the heart we use as emojis on Facebook. This caught my attention, so I started to question things. Why would we only want to draw a heart when it's "perfect"? What is it with an imperfect shaped heart that makes us not like to stare at it?

The Philosophy Behind the Imperfectly Shaped Heart

I took a closer look did some research and came across a video from the Youtube channel "School of Life". It was about how romanticism destroyed love. Romanticism made humanity see love as something that we do just for the objective of finding something perfect: the perfect relationship, the perfect guy or perfect girl we would love to date and eventually have a "perfect" relationship. If it is in fact true that we see love in this way, then I'm frightened. How will we be able to evolve if we don't accept the imperfections of the human soul and the human body, shape and behavior? Every time I see an imperfect shaped heart drawn, I fall in love with it. An imperfectly shaped heart is constantly portrayed as something we have to correct, and of course when we're little we follow and erase the imperfections five hundred times before being satisfied with our perfectly shaped heart.

The imperfection of love is something we all contemplate at sometime, because we're only humans! When we start a relationship and don't see things evolving into a romantic and movie-like situation, we get sweaty hands and start to question why did these movies all just lie to us. Eventually, we start to contemplate the possibility that love might not be meant to be perfect from the beginning. So, what is, in fact, the point with love?

Love without imperfection is not special. Hollywood's depiction of love is twisted, turned and in front of a mirror. How in the world can we see possibly trust love that's seen reflected in a mirror? How can we possibly feel love that is distorted and manufactured? The imperfections of actual love are what makes it special. Okay, fair point, you're probably thinking "what is special, anyway?" and that is something I can only answer by saying that nothing in life is precious but everything is sacred. By understanding that, you will come to the realization that that is exactly what makes love special. It's sacred. How dare we not accept the imperfections in the imperfect shaped heart and want to edit it into something not unique? Because, after all, that's what we are doing. We make the heart not unique. When we make it like a Facebook heart, we make it identical to thousands of other hearts drown around the world.

And no, it's not that we can't or we shouldn't improve our love our progress in our relationships. It would just be a healthy investment if we started melting into the extra centimeter of the one half of the heart instead of trying to make it exactly symmetrical with the other half. Embrace the imperfection of the heart and love.

The imperfectly shaped heart is the symbol of love in its plenitude.

The Philosophy Behind the Imperfectly Shaped Heart
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