Chivalry vs. Feminism: Can they co-exist?


According to the free online dictionary a definition of chivalry is:

The qualities idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women.

According to the Urban dictionary feminism is defined as:

Feminism...embraces the belief that all people are entitled to freedom and liberty within reason- including equal civil rights--and that discrimination should not be made based on gender, sexual orientation, skin color, ethnicity, religion, culture, or lifestyle

Feminists....Are dedicated to fighting the ignorance that says people are controlled by and limited to their biology.

Chivalry vs. Feminism can they co-exist?

So those definitions are all fine and dandy but how does those descriptions translate into actions in 2015? Let's start with examples for chivalry:

Bravery: Some guy won't leave a female alone after she clearly has stated that she is not interested and has told him to go away. You then go up and tell the guy to go away.

Courtesy: Holding the door open for a female.

Chivalry vs. Feminism: Can they co-exist?

Honor: Showing respect and respecting a females opinions.

Gallantry is similar enough to the bravery example I gave.

So you may not have an everyday chance to be brave but you certainly have an everyday chance to show courtesy and honor.

Now let's look at feminism. Although for the most part women are fairly equal to men in the developed countries if not in certain situations have more of an advantage in something like dating.

There is still some inequality with women being victims of more crimes and also being stereotyped to be a certain way for the most part worse for society as a whole ex. only being attractive if they look or act a certain way.

Chivalry vs. Feminism: Can they co-exist?

Overall feminism is about the ability to choose. To be able to choose to go to school, to work, to become whatever you can, to act (within reason) how you want to act.

Chivalry vs. Feminism: Can they co-exist?

Modern-day feminism isn't the same as it was in the 60s or 70s it's now realizing that women's voices matter in all areas of life no matter how small and that they can be the person they want to be regardless of gender.

Chivalry vs. Feminism: Can they co-exist?

Now how do those two meet? They meet quite well in fact. Men can still choose to be chivalrous by showing women courtesy and honor (and bravery when needed) and women can choose how far they will accept courtesy and honor.

For example I am a strong believer in women getting off their ass and doing things for themselves (for example approaching a guy). But I still enjoy it when my boyfriend opens the door for me. Yeah I realize I am perfectly capable of opening the door for myself but it is the thought behind the action. It's like a guy buying a girl flowers. She is perfectly capable of buying flowers for herself but the fact he thought of her to do it is what matters.

Now I am not saying that men should do this without any thanks! Women should appreciate what guys do for them and thank them for it. (Heh why do you think my boyfriend still opens to door for me? :P)

Chivalry vs. Feminism: Can they co-exist?

Please note this does not apply to the extreme Feminists who hate men and think they should die or whatever. This take is referring people who are legitimately concerned about social inequality.

So basically this:

Chivalry vs. Feminism: Can they co-exist?

and not this:

Chivalry vs. Feminism: Can they co-exist?

I would like to hear other people's view points please leave your opinion below this is my first mytake. :)

Chivalry vs. Feminism: Can they co-exist?
95 Opinion