"Why So Many Men Are Walking Sausages" (I'll give you a hint: it's Patriarchy, the societal misogyny of our culture)


"Why So Many Men Are Walking Sausages" (I'll give you a hint: it's Patriarchy, the societal misogyny of our culture)

I wrote this last September and posted it to a social media website...but I realized that this post of mine works well as a mytake, so tada.

"Why are so many men in our culture walking sausages who only care about sex? Why do women constantly get close only to have their hearts broken time after time because the guys were only pretending to care about them? Why do we accept this as a "normal" thing in our society? I'm going to tell you all today why these things happen, and it has to do with a little thing called Patriarchy.

When it comes to men, there is no greater threat to their emotional development than the term "be a man". For it implies that you are weak if you are a woman, it implies that you need to be manly and do manly things, that being like a woman is wrong. It creates this idea that you must stay away from "girl things" like having feelings and getting attached to things, showing love toward people, and truly just being friends with the opposite sex. Conversely, it says that you've got to be "manly" and want lots of sex, not have any emotion other than lust or anger, and always be the one with the "pants" on/the control. This is created from a hatred of women, misogyny. Because the entire bases of the idea stems from the concept that you have to be like a man because it's not okay to be like a woman, that being a woman is a horrible and wrong thing that you should never want to be. If that's not clear hatred to woman I don't know what is, for what other reason do you justify separating yourself from women so much?

The "be a man" idea, a result of Patriarchy, is one of the most prominent examples of why men become walking sausages who care nothing for women and step on their hearts all the time. Misogyny is not born, it's made, and society is responsible for it.

Conversely, while society tells men they should not develop feelings and should only want sex, it tells women that it's okay to have feelings and emotions. Because of this, women end up actually being in tune with their emotions, as *everyone* should be, and thus they constantly look for love....and end up getting their hearts stomped on by the men that our society creates. Our society tells men not to have feelings, including feelings for women, and that they should have as much sex as possible, so when a woman wants to have feelings for someone inside of a loving relationship, these men are taught by society to not care about them and to use them for sex, to do and say whatever it takes to get into the woman's pants because it's the "manly" thing to do, that if they develop any feelings for the woman at all they are now "acting like a woman" and somehow that's treated as a bad thing.

Why do we accept this kind of behavior in our society? Because our society spits it out so much that we consider it normal. So many think that men and women are just "like that" and that they are not made that way by their despicable environment. This thinking needs to change if we *ever* want to change this world, otherwise the world will just keep going on like this and things will never change. We need to start teaching boys that it's okay to be like girls, and we need to start teaching girls that it's okay to be like boys. If we do not get rid of the misogynistic model, the children of the future are only ever going to suffer more. The men will continue to bottle their emotions up inside with no one they're allowed to turn to, and the women will continue to have their hearts stomped on and broken. If we truly want a better future, we must work to change the present. For if we do nothing, nothing is what we will continue to get."-Me

"Why So Many Men Are Walking Sausages" (I'll give you a hint: it's Patriarchy, the societal misogyny of our culture)
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