I lost control and beat up my boyfriend?

Last night, we had just come back from the club when he said something really mean to me. I was drunk and just snapped even before he could finish his sentence.

I slapped him so hard he fell on the bed, after which I climbed on him and repeatedly punched his face. When I realized what I had been doing, I stopped immediately and apologized.

He didn't reply and rushed into the bathroom... bleeding. I cried myself to sleep.

This morning his face is blue and swollen. At least he learnt his lesson, right? :'(
+1 y
LOOK HERE GUYS --- I am NOT an abuser. I just lost control. I know that the police won't do anything to me so I guess I allowed myself to get carried away. BUT this is not what I wanted so I am not an abuser at heart either. MOST OF THE TIME I am a good girlfriend
+1 y
Wow I can't believe you guys are saying such mean things like I need to be sectioned or put in a jail or that I have a mental sickness. You're just making me feel worse. I truly regret what I did but I haven't apologized to my bf cuz he made me do it, you know? And for those saying he should call the police I HIGHLY disapprove as he will be the one arrested and maybe even humiliated by the cops a little more I truly think he's had enough.

What can I do to make it up to him?
I lost control and beat up my boyfriend?
131 Opinion