Should I warn his new girlfriend?

Hey i really need some input about this preferably from other girls but i dont mind any opinion is welcome! Basically my ex is dating this new girl i haven't been with him in over 4 months and no longer have feelings for him nor do i love him, i found out a couple of days ago that he has a new girlfriend and i found myself worried for her, he was very abusive with me and he's very manipulative, at first he seems charming and lovely but then after a few weeks or months he shows his true colours, he's not a nice guy at all and he really broke my heart when we ended and disclosed he had actually cheated on me twice despite my hate for him i actually dont want this new girl to go through what i did and i feel as a girl myself i should warn her about him send proof if she wants proof and then leave her to make her mind up on what she wants, i just can't help but feel if someone messaged me when i first dated him and told warned me about him and sent me proof of what they was saying i would of ran for the hills and wouldn't of gone through the heartbreak and stress which i did when i was with him, so girls if a stranger messaged you and warned you about the guy you are dating would you take any notice or would i just be wasting my time?
Should I warn his new girlfriend?
9 Opinion