Been in an affair for a year and the wife found out?

I have been involved in an affair with a man for a year . We worked together in a town a few hours from his home. He kept an apartment here and went home on the weekends do to his work. We were together night and day for 6 months straight. I tried to break it off with him a few times but he begged me not to leave him as he was in love with me and needed me in his life. I continued the relationship with him because I had feelings for him also. He unexpectedly lost his job and had to move permanently to his home full time with his wife. It just about killed us both. For the first few months were missing each other very badly.Then after awhile I could feel him getting distant from me. I ask him if he still loved me and he said that he wasn't sure if he was in love with me but his feelings hadn't stopped. A few times we discussed letting the relationship go but we couldn't just stop. At this point we were only seeing each other physically about once a month, but were communicating everyday. 1 month ago his wife found out and she lowered the boom on him. She called me and ask me what was going on between us and I told her the truth BECAUSE he told me he had told her the truth. Now it seems as though our TRUTHS don't match. He is severely downplaying our relationship. She threw him out and is filing for a divorce. The night she found out he came to me and has continued to be with me and talk with me as much as he can while having to commute to do so. The day before yesterday he told me that he has no feelings inside for anyone and that a counselor had told him that he needed to stop talking to me. That was it. Haven't heard a word since. Thoughts please.
Been in an affair for a year and the wife found out?
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