I am in love with a senior girl. What do I do? She is 18, I am almost 15. I don't know if I have a shot, of if I should ask her out. What do I do?

Me-Freshman boy in highschool. Almost 15. I am told I am very mature for my age and also I am 6 ft tall.

Her-senior girl. 18 years old. Significantly shorter than me.(5 ft 4?) Very attractive.

Some friends know her, some don't, but they say we would make a cute couple, appearance wise and personality wise. Some say I have a shot. Other. people who aren't that good of friends say that she is a drama queen, but that happens with a lot of highschool girls. Our only class we share is concert choir, but I am a tech crew member for show choir, which she is in. I have been building up the courage to tell her I have a crush on her. I would also like to get to know her more. What do I do? Ask her out, tell her I have a crush on her, what? Do I even have a shot? I can post pics if needed
I am in love with a senior girl. What do I do? She is 18, I am almost 15. I don't know if I have a shot, of if I should ask her out. What do I do?
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