Are we exclusive? Is it necessary to have "the talk?"

I've been dating a guy for 2 months. He's 47 and I'm 38 if that's of any relevance. He calls and/or texts me every day (not constantly., just once a day usually, which is good). He's taken me out to dinner with some of his family members (brother, sister-in-law, nephew, etc). He's casually mentioned that I can "drop by" if I'm bored (which I have no intention of doing). And over the weekend he introduced me to his 7-year-old daughter. Here's the thing: All of these things make me think that he's serious about us and that we're exclusive.

On the other hand, we've never discussed it and he was incredibly nonchalant about these "events" and did not make much of them. For example, the times when we went to dinner with his family members and when I met his daughter he phoned me during the day when we were supposed to get together that evening and explained that something had come up and if I didn't mind I could come along to dinner with his family members or still come over to the house but his daughter would be there with her friend. So basically the nonchalance about what, to me, are rather important events is kind of throwing me off.

Do guys do these kinds of things without it meaning something? I don't really want to have "the talk" at all...unless he brings it up. :) At this point, I'm basically assuming exclusivity and some level of seriousness, but I want to get some opinions from you guys. Thanks for your help!
Are we exclusive? Is it necessary to have "the talk?"
4 Opinion