Girl Goes Cold - Lack Of Respect?

When you're dating a girl that's pretty moody and tends to go hot/cold on your, and she has multiple partners, don't you think I have the right to cut her off due to the lack of respect?

In my opinion, respect is the most important part of relationships. You truly cannot love someone unless you love yourself first, and have respect for your partner. That's just simply the facts.

So this girl I'm dating FREAKS OUT because I cut her off after her giving me some cold response and then not talking to me for over a week. It's natural for confident guys like myself to cut cold, pessimistic people out of my life. I didn't contact her or anything, I just simply deleted her number, removed from Facebook, etc.

It backfires and she goes crazy on me, sending me 20 text messages, calling me over and over. I'm like WTF and ignore her calls, but I finally text her about how she has no respect and that if you're going to be moody and hot/cold, I want nothing to do with you. Peace.

Then she goes off about how that has nothing to do with respect, etc.

Let's be real people. If you're hot/cold towards a guy (maybe you have other partners, maybe you only use him when you want him, etc.) that is pure disrespect, is it not? Especially when this is a guy you've known for 6+ months? Maybe I should have put my foot down sooner, but it's better later than never.

Wouldn't you all agree that a relationship really cannot go anywhere without some form of respect? I'm thinking I should have walked months ago when she first gave me the cold shoulder.
Girl Goes Cold - Lack Of Respect?
4 Opinion