Why do feministic women have to ask our government to freely go naked in the streets, to feel womanly empowerment in our Western Culture?

Why do feministic women have to ask our government to freely go naked in the streets, to feel womanly empowerment in our Western Culture?

I think it's really stupid these ladies think, that men and women believe that people are generally capable of moral good; especially in the context of the modesty codes. As an egalitarian, I don't believe that women should wear a burka; but I don't feel that women should be naked either. Modesty and clothing shouldn't be overly focused on the charater of the woman or the display of her skin-but rather a balance of both. My take on modesty comes from these talking points:

1. We are incapable of moral good on a regular 24/7 basis.

If you can't expect all people to be devoid of sexual thoughts or deviod of any wrong doing, then why should you always expect them to treat you in a moral or a non-sexual way if you may be wearing something that may make them hot-and-bothered whether be clevage or no-cleavage; buttocks shown or no buttocks shown.

2. This Social Issues on Sexuality/ and Public Dress Codes can be solved by both the man and the lady personally; Not the government granting you private law, for all hell to potentially break loose.

Men and Ladies should be working together on the issue, without the government being involved. Yes, there is such a thing as being too modest-so please don't try to peg me there; but there's still a need for both self-control and the covering of intamate areas. They are very personal areas, which women have that many men (that aren't homosexual) will take a liking to; or may just notice about you, regardless of what you think about your own body. (This can also go vice versa.)

3. The argument of shirtless men, is an illogical fallacy.

I understand that it's not fair to many of you ladies regarding men wearing no tops and you being told, you must be covered. But may I remind you that their are (from a general perspective, bear in mind...for those who may attack me.) "things" we have on us, which bounce and flop; to put it bluntly. If topless laws were passed in my country (The U.S.A) I would practice my right to disobey by wearing a shirt; for the reason that I do not wish for men AND ladies to publicly know my personal business "up there". Besides, there are very fat men in the world who need to cover up their "moobs" and "beer belly" so you can't say that all men are being told to go shirtless.

4. I don't feel the personal need to be completly nude or topless, in order to feel strong!

I am a beautiful, empowered, and strong young lady when I wear dresses, skirts, and well...clothes that don't overly show too much skin. I want to respect myself and other men by allowing them to practice self-control without it being too complicated. Is that so hard to express or understand?

5. The Meme Of Emma Watson should create some common ground.

Nuff said on that one.

5. Can I Just Come Out and Say That...We Need a Balance?!

In closing, this issue needs to be handled with care; many of these social issues on sexaulity and social sex issues should neither be addressed by steering to the far right nor the far left. I'd hate to see any future animosity on either side of the spectrum as well as I'd hate to see men and ladies disturbing eachother on this issue in the furture if this becomes a nation-wide privallage to be freely nude/half-nude, in public after decades of de-sensitizing.

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Most Helpful Girl

  • i hate feminists who don't shut the fuck up about being topless, i would much rather have a law that would make it illegal for anyone (men, women, trans, intersex w/e) to be naked/half-naked in public because quite frankly i feel violated seeing peoples bodies and remember that naked people don't look like emily ratajkowski or tom hardy, they look like ugly, gross, average people who probably never worked out a day in their life. i'm not ashamed of my own anatomy, i'm ashamed of yours!

    • "i'm not ashamed of my own anatomy, i'm ashamed of yours" lmfao that needs to be on a t shirt 😂

    • HAHA!! I'm crying, that's hilarious!

    • I do agree with what you say, but I don't think being offended affords the right to make something illegal. I can see how full on public nudity should be outlawed, but otherwise, nah. I'd just look away.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • I don't like dudes going around shirtless in public either. I think it's only acceptable for them to be shirtless on their own property or at the beach/pool/sauna. Women should be able to walk around those same places shirtless (a lot of the time they actually can). I hate having to hear about nudity in public. Sorry but being butt ass naked for humans is not "natural." Let's see how long those people that talk about being "natural" will last in a place like Canada or Norway...

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  • you're confusing 'rights' with preference. many people support the 'right' of all for something without actually having any desire to engage in that activity personal;y/. for ex anal sex used to be illegal. you could be tortured and beheaded. now its legal though many people have zero interest in it. and plenty of men have man boobs so your example isn't credible aside from the fact its missing the point of equal rights.

    you said you're egalitarian but you talk like an anarchist. the 'government' is supposed to be the will of the people. thew fact that it fail;s to represent the people does not change its purpose. to say you're going to do something without the government is like saying you're going to elect someone without voting. it makes absolutely no sense and is completely ineffectual. even protests that are not condoned are ultimately to put pressure on people in authority to hear the peoples stand,. to force awareness and effect change,.

    how you personally feel and what you do personally is a completely different subject from what you have a right to do... until of course you hit something that is against the law. if wearing your favorite color sadden;y became illegal you could say i can do it in private. but there's no reason you should have to.

    you obviously dont feel like looking at naked women in public. you have a hang up. sodding confuse your issues with legality. logically, that will go no where very quickly.

  • hahahahahaha... haaaaaaahahahahahah
    you are quite right on a few of those points but I can sum it up for you in a few sentences.
    Being rebellious is real, those women that want to walk around topless, the moment that is legal, they will wear tops. Feminism is a stupid sham made up by stupid women who think men are stupid. Men aren't stupid, we just don't like to put in the effort to stop stupidity. like Anonymous said "overzealous feminists/lesbians don't want to be equal they want to be superior", we know that, all guys know that. But we have two heads and the really stupid guys let the smaller one do their thinking for em ALL the time.
    In my opinion, women can go topless, but I think you just ruined it for me when you said "... things we have on us, which bounce and flop" you just ruined boobs for me lol.
    I don't think women have to get any legal consort to do whatever, its in the eyes of society. this is the thong vs gstring argument all over again, they are the same, people should stop harping.

  • But doesn't Emma Roberts quote just prove the idea of hypersexualizarion of the female body. It's sexy because people spend so much time making the hidden area seem mystical magical and amazing when in reality it's fatty tissue under the skin. This shows that we're what's made breasts or private areas sexy, not them being innately sexy.
    I'm annoyed that women can't go topless. I remember beige at soccer practice in July and it being 90 degrees. The boys team took their short off and sodid the girls. We were all in sports bras and all appropriately covered. But the next day the principle came and said we couldn't take our shirts off. Yet when we went to practice later on the boys were topless. In that case I especially didn't understand. We were appropriately covered so I don't understand what made is just so sexy that our shirts had to be on. We were just hot not trying to be cute or scandalous, just trying to be comfortable. I don't know about the other girls but hearin that made me feel really self conscious. It starte to make me think I was being too sexual even though I was just being a kid. And I don't really think that's a good feeling to be spreading to other women that every part of your body or everything you do has to be for sexual attention.
    I dot see why breasts are a big deal, it's just breasts. And as a feminist (just like I said above) I dot want my daughter stressing that her natural chest makes her inappropriate because then I feel she'll start to feel like she's slutty (if that makes sense). It's really just breasts and it's fine if you don't go shirtless, but I feel that you wouldn't because you've been taught that your chest is something to hide. Mayr I you had grown up walking around without a Shirt on hot days you'd think topless women were okay.
    Also you say that men are attracted to it. And that's true but I feel that the lack of chest exposure makes them distracted by it. I like women yet I can refrain from string at cleavage and look a woman in the eye. I like men yet I can easily talk to a shirtless man and not ejaculate on myself, lol. I think covering up makes it distracting because it's like seeing a plane crash you want to look, but if we saw a plane crash everyday though it's interesting we wouldn't be endnotes by it. I find men with large chest muscles attractive but I can't not function if I see them before my eyes. Can you not handle this because I've never met a woman that can't? (Genuine question.)

    • and I'm not saying this I say that everyone should just wear whatever they want with no restriction. But I just don't think breasts are detrimental to society. We functioned with them before I think we can do it again.

  • I've always said this too and of course I agree with you. Not everything is a competition and to me walking around topless as a woman with my nipples out is the last thing that is going to fix the issues of the world. I also can't stand how some women pin it on and berate men for "objectifying" women when at the same time they want to walk around with their boobs out, of course they're going to objectify you, they love boobs!

    The entire concept is ridiculous to me and provides no solution at all and it's just something to complain about in my eyes, with all of the things going on in other countries/places, genital manipulation, rape, forced marriages etc. we're here worried about showing our nipples in public.

    I understand equal rights needs work for both men and women but there are so many bigger issues then showing your breast in public, that I can't help but think these people are insensitive and really unaware of their surroundings so I can't take them seriously.

  • As a feminist I think there is more important equality issues to be concerned with.

    • I think the feminists in the United Kingdom are different than the ones here in the United States. The ones here in the United States could care less about gender "equality." They are man-hating, oppressing, and a cult. I see them no different than the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), Westboro Baptist Church or any other "hate" group.

    • @CincinnatiRedsfan oh it makes sense now, we don't hate men (well the majority anyway). I didn't even realise some people see it as a hate group.

    • As I said, I think the feminists groups in the United States are different from the ones in the United Kingdom (or other countries.) Here in my country, they ARE a hate-group.

  • Never knew we were asking to go naked out in the streets. 😂

  • I can't believe there are women who are actually trying to protest against wearing a shirt. I realize breasts are just another part of the body. But breasts are sexual. They are a private part. We need to cover our breasts just how everyone covers their other private parts. We just happened to have one more private part then men. I don't see this as 'inequality' and no matter what, breasts will always be sexualized. Not just by society but it's human nature. these women are honestly kind of stupid to me...

    • In societies where breast exposure is common, breasts are not viewed at sexually arousing. South America and Africa have cultures like this, in parts of Africa it is actually the thigh that is covered up and considered sexually inappropriate, when at the same women walk around topless all the time and nobody even cares.

  • Good article, just simple common sense for a change.

  • Actually, contrary to popular belief, it is legal already in many places to be publicly topless, for example in most states in the US.

    • Which states may I ask?

    • @Aud_Queen I know it's legal in New York but that's the only state I can think of.

    • It's legal for women to be topless in California.

  • I agree that it should be about balance. Also that in public places like walking down the street, everyone should be properly clothed. People have a right to make their own decisions regarding how they dress but I do think it's better to cover the intimate parts of your body. I think its more special when you expose them to the people you are in a relationship with.

    At the beach if a girl wants be topless, fine, but I doubt all girls will want to take advantage of this. I actually agree about guys with man boobs having to cover up. I don't want to see that shit 😨

    I think evenlift is actually correct about it not being as illegal as most people think.


    I have posted pictures of what I believe to be "typical beach attire" for both genders. Or in other words what attire is most common and in my opinion the typical guy currently wears more fabric at the beach than the typical girl and now they want to go topless too. Ok, whatever ill happily enjoy the view :p



    • He actually has more of his body covered than she does. Her entire bikini covers less area than his trunks...

    • @Octavion That was my point, the typical guy currently wears more fabric and is more covered up than the typical girl.

    • Some feminists want women to cover up, some want to be covered less. If it was about freedom of choice, then they wouldn't be against freedom of speech or displays that they disagree with. Feminism has no tenets. It's pure ideological mudslinging.

  • There just boobs, and people do have public nudity events across the country. I personally could never do it, but if that's what they want to do more power to them.

  • A lot of verbiage there just to miss the central point, that women have the right to ask the government to do whatever they wish. If this is all that important to you, call your congressman.

  • Really there's no excuse for walking around naked in public man or women, and I'm honestly tired of the feminist bullshit, it gets more ridiculous every time I hear it.

  • It's completely fair to say that women should wear shirts, but they do have the right to not wear shirts if they so choose and that is what these protests are about. Just because you prefer it one way doesn't mean the opposite should be outlawed. I'd like fat ugly men to always wear shirts but I'm not gonna force them to at gunpoint which is basically what you are threatening to do when you make something illegal. All laws are backed by the threat of violence and imprisonment and that is not a justified punishment for not wearing a shirt.

    • >I'd like fat ugly men to always wear shirts but I'm not gonna force them to at gunpoint which is basically what you are threatening to do when you make something illegal. All laws are backed by the threat of violence and imprisonment < exactly.

    • @Azara that's what makes government immoral

  • Balance of arguments, reason and logic, are the last things you'll find in feminism. I suggest you lay the ground work for something new... call it the 'egalitarianism'.

    Have calm debates with people, don't be afraid to get 'offended', and don't be afraid to refine your beliefs in the name of reason.

    • And if those on tumblr disagree, fuck 'em honestly. Having unique beliefs is what makes you unique yourself. It gives you integrity, and more attractive personality over all.

    • So long as they aren't crazy beliefs, of course. The challenge is adopting the logical mindset in the first place. It's a worthwhile goal, trust me. :)

    • Not just on tumblr, lol, they are the ones in charge!

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  • She ( emma watson) is so right... this is so true... a woman should stay a mystery for men.. reveal it all and the fun is gone. and also the more u reveal the more the chances that guyz would chase u down for ur body... not for what u are... thank god at least someone is there in west who thinks like this.. and I know history will repeat.. gowns and stuff will come back again.. girls will again cover it all.. and tempt everyone.. its like.. when u get a gift and u dont kbow whats inside it.. if he dosent likes u or leave u.. u get the answer all he wanted was ur body..

  • If God intended us to be naked, we wouldn't have been born with a shirt and pants.

  • *applause* AMEN, SISTER!

    • It actually used to be illegal for men to go topless as well. If you look at the really old men's swimsuits, they look a lot like modern women's one pieces. the only reason this changed was because a bunch of meatheads got mad tat they couldn't show off their full beauty.

  • Bless you for writing this

  • It isn't fair that men can go topless and women can't. Boobs are not a sexual organ and the only real difference is that women can breastfeed and men can't. Some women are small so is it okay for them then? Your reasoning is ridiculous. I'm not even for free the nipple or whatever, I want guys to just put a fucking shirt on too.

    • Not every women is meant to be a mother though; so how can you say that this is a black-and-white issue?

    • What does being a mother have to do with anything?

    • You just said boobs are soley for breastfeeding; and yet not every women is a mother who breastfeeds. So why is this a black-n-white issue?

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