One day. . . this will be you!

One day . . . this will be you!

At what age will you stop having sex?

This question is posed quite facetiously. I am 60 years old and still very active sexually. I have no intention of stopping my sexual activity at any time in the future. Why would anyone stop having sex at age 30, 40, 50, or 60?

I ask the question to lure younger people into thinking about one certain aspect of the maturing process. This is a problem which is not unique to the current younger generation, as it has recurred with every generation.

When children reach the age of 12, 13, or 14 years, they begin to think critically and independently. They begin to discover things for themselves and they learn about life without direct instruction from their parents. When they discover things, because they have not previously heard about these things, they sometimes believe that they have "discovered" something that was previously unknown.

Many people learn how to masturbate without any input from anyone else. "Holy cow, what is this I've discovered?" they wonder. It doesn't occur to them that members of the human race have been masturbating for thousands of years. It DAMN sure doesn't occur to most people that their parents have ever masturbated! Well, masturbation is a useful discovery . . . but, if you are one of those horny kids who masturbates every day and think you are a freak for doing it so often . . . you are no more of a freak than the other millions of kids who masturbate every day.

People move on, prompted by hormones, and they are eager to have sexual experiences with the opposite sex. The first time that a guy gets to feel a girl's boobs, he says to himself, "Today, I am a man!" The first time a girl let's a guy feel her boobs, she realizes how much power she has over guys with her body.

One day. . . this will be you!

The first time a guy gets his hand in a girl's panties, he thinks he has joined the ranks of the world's greatest explorers. And the girl thinks, "Before long, I'll be a woman!" And the first time the guy has sex with a girl, he has definitely conquered the planet. And the girl who just lost her virginity? Everything about her demeanor changes. Somehow, a little girl went into a cocoon and emerged as a butterfly.

All of this is the way things should be. This is the way things have been forever.

Intellectually, youmg peolple know that their parents must have had sex at least once . . but that was 15-20 yeas ago. So, many young people assume that older people don't know much, if anything, about sex. Well . . . mybe they know a little bit about sex, but sex today is different, right? Parents could not possibly know anything about the way sex happens today! Let's call it "modern sex."

This is a remarkably naive assumption. Do you really think that people didn't use the doggy-style position 50 years ago? Or that nobody ever had oral sex in the 1960's? Certainly they never had anal sex, right? Hasn't it been verified that no one ever had a threesome before 2014? Old folks don't know about the good stuff!

I have responded to questions in the "Sexual Behavior" category and received responses from 16 year old boys and girls telling me that I was clueless about sex. Every now and then, a child in this age range has more experience than I would expect, but most of these kids are either virgins or have had sex only a few times. Even the more experienced teens, with rare exceptions, have not had sex for than 30-50 times.

So, young people, ask yourself this question: at what age do you intend to stop having sex? Since older people had sex when they were young, there must be an age where you simply stop fornicating, right? No more copulation after age 30? 40? Now ask yorself this: When you are 29 or 39 years old, do you think you'll be telling yourself that you need to stop having sex next year? If you eventually decide that you will never stop having sex, then you should understand that the generations that came before you all reached the same decision. That means that 60 year old guy has been having sex for 40+ years! That means the 60 year old guy has had sex at least 100 times, and maybe even 1,000 times more than you have. It means that the 60 year old guy may know quite a bit about sex (as well as other things.)

When I am tempted to feel offended by the arrogance of these young sexual "experts," I remember my youth. You see . . . I was different. I actually did discover the world. I actually did know more than all of the older people. I really was the King of the World.

Nothing has ever been more true than this truism: history repeats itself!

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Most Helpful Girl

  • I figured that in my 50s to 60s I'd lose interest especially with all of the changes in my body as a mature woman.
    I used to assume older people don't have sex (when I was much younger).
    I swore up and down to my friends that my parents stopped having sex once I was born (they were 30s-40s)
    But I don't think that at all (as an adult).
    I think someone very young and naive would probably think that.
    A 70 year old guy offered to pay me for sex about a year ago.
    Older men look at me in sexual ways right along with young men.
    I'd have to be oblivious to think older people don't desire sex at least.

    • I used to be shocked that men old enough to be my granddad would look at me in that way, but not so much ne more.

    • Many women have a decrease in libido when they are going through menopause, though it is not as pronounced if they are using a hormone replacement therapy. After menopause, many women feel more at ease about sex, with no monthly concerns and no worries about pregnancy. There are some women who become more active in their late 50s and 60s than when they were younger. Even if your desire decreases, when you do have sex, it will still be enjoyable to you (based on what my partners have told me.)

Most Helpful Guy

  • The day I stop having sex or thinking about it is the day they put me in the ground. My grandparents (dad's side) were active in their late 80's.

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What Girls & Guys Said

4 4
  • lol when I got boobs my first thought was, "What do you mean I have to wear a bra? That's nonsense and uncomfortable!"

  • Damn, I wish i could still keep having sex till age 60 but i realize my bones will break if i did xD like uggg my back...

    • Unless you are truly disabled, you will probably continue to be sexually active into your older years.

    • yay!

  • im pretty sure I'll die before being 60 lol

    • When I was 16, I couldn't imagine being 60 years old. Somehow, I would just vanish and no longer exist. But it happens. You get older and, one day, you look in the mirror and you're 60 years old. It will probably happen to you, too, but you don't need to think about it or a long time.

    • That's true, time flies.

  • Me: (Reading the title and seeing the picture of the old ass couple) ha. ha. yeah right. More likely I would live alone until i'm that old. No, not alone. With 9 dogs. I'd be the crazy dog lady.

    • Of course, that is your choice. Relationships can be very satisfying in your older years. Have you turned your back on the possibility?

    • No not really, but I'm starting to believe that I will never get what other people seem to easily get. I'm starting to give up hope of ever having someone want to spend the rest of their life with me. Whereas dogs...

    • Always be open and ready for love!

    • Show All
  • Add 4 more old women then that would be me:)!!

  • sex.. whats that? haven't had any in 4 years... lol

  • Apparently it's at age 41. I didn't get very much at all, in terms of how many women. And I take no pleasure in recalling the early days of those relationships where there was a lot of sex. Nevertheless I'm at the point where it all seems futile so last November was probably the last for good.

    • Well that's a sad comment! I hope things change for you.

    • I'm actually resisting the hope for any better because it's too unrealistic to sustain it. If I changed everything things could be different, but I haven't shown myself to be capable of any positive changes lately.

  • This is semi correct I will be the old guy but there won't be no girl