When Will Guys Give Up The Senseless Complexes About Not Getting Girls?

When Will Guys Give Up The Senseless Complexes About Not Getting Girls?

Once upon a time I thought the girls on GaG were wrong to say how the guys are mad because they haven’t been in a relationship or had sex, but I’ve been here long enough to see it myself too now, and I just don’t get it. Why are guys here holding on to all these fears and complexes about meeting girls, how to talk to one, or how to get one for sex? Is this really a thing in these times? Or is it that the Internet is just a safe place for them to come out of the millions of other guys? I once tried to stand up for them and have their backs, but with enough observation of my own, it’s become increasingly difficult for me. In some ways I can sympathize with them, but in other ways I really can’t.

This Take has been in the works for a long time in between my exams and other parts of my hectic life, and was promised to a female editor who really wanted to see it, so I am now glad to have the chance to finally post this. It is certainly longer than I would've expected, and I try not to make very long Takes, but I guess it had to be this time. I know a lot of chicks are gonna want to read this too so please bear with the length.

Guys keep living by the books...

I’ve never been a guy exposed to all the stuff I hear the guys talk about here, so when I say they’re living by the books I mean that literally - all the new age uni textbook bologna and articles. When I was growing up it was the norm for a guy to talk to a girl (or talk her up) and flirt, take her out, strike up a conversation, pay for dates, etc., and I was raised to be this way as were my guy friends. So it seems so strange for me to be here and see guys babbling out a bunch of senseless research about the “top 20%” of guys compared to the 80% of girls getting access to this and that, how guys have to “up their game,” or being mad because guys are supposed to pay for dates.

When Will Guys Give Up The Senseless Complexes About Not Getting Girls?

None of this has ever been reality to me like it is for them. I can’t live my life based on social experiments with guys and girls on YouTube, and all the research and “studies” about guys and sex/relationships compared to girls. In fact it’s impossible for me to, that’s why I can’t seem to wrap my head around all the stuff they’re talking about. They’re watching YouTube and reading all that crap and thinking it must encompass them, and they start trying to convince the rest of us - and girls too - that it’s true. And I’ve actually started wondering if they do it just to try to make themselves feel better about where they are in life, so they want it to apply to the whole male populus so they don’t have to feel so alone.

And when they’re writing all the Takes about why guys aren’t getting this, can’t have sex, can’t do this, and then trying to back them up with studies, they think they’re sounding smart and having some kind of wisdom or understanding about the world of sex and relationships, when it’s really just a cover for the fact that they feel bad about themselves for either never having a girlfriend or still being a virgin, or only ever having had sex once. I will say that girls do mind guys being virgins more than a lot of them really admit, yeah. But it still doesn’t mean guys have to make their lives be about that. Girls don’t care about what you think concerning the 20% of guys or how guys aren’t getting access to the girls. Most of them are not impressed by that stuff.

When Will Guys Give Up The Senseless Complexes About Not Getting Girls?

If you’re having some insecurities about still being a virgin or never being in a relationship, then just be honest with yourself about it and work it out. And I’m actually being sensitive and sympathetic when I say that. Come to terms with yourself and honestly say, “Yeah, it does bother me that I’m the only one in my peer group who hasn’t had sex,” or, “Yeah, it does make me feel kind of bad that the girls I know have more sexual experience than I do.” The healing begins once you face the truth about how you feel. From there you start working it out.

Don’t try to put up a guise by trying to algebraically explain it away because when you do, the only person you’re fooling is yourself.

Not getting laid…

This does seem to be a preoccupation for a lot of guys on GaG. It’s also extremely common here - but also in high school and college pop cult circles - for guys, and some girls, to talk about how hard it is for guys to get laid and how easy it is for girls. I am one of the few people here - alongside some girls - who doesn’t really subscribe to it, and I’ve talked about it here and there. All throughout my life and my minglings with the opposite sex, I haven’t found it to be very hard, or true, which is why it still seems like a new idea to me.

Growing up, sex was never a thing that we really had to “work” at like the guys here say. It wasn’t uncommon to sleep with girls in succession, and girls being angry about a guy seeing other girls on her wasn’t either. We never had all these modern philosophies about how many more options girls can have compared to guys, and if those ideas did exist I certainly wasn’t aware of them. And in fact a lot of girls even expected us to have been around the block, which was why some could be wary of wanting to date.

When Will Guys Give Up The Senseless Complexes About Not Getting Girls?

So I find it incredibly hard to believe that guys are really struggling all that much to get sex or have fewer sex partners. It hasn’t made a lot of sense to me. As I’ve explained to some people, in these times sex is actually a lot more available to us guys now than it ever has been, so I can’t see how anything has changed to not be in guys’ favor.

And with all the girls today who want it to be okay for them to have casual sex without being called a slut, I imagine that sex is getting even easier for guys to obtain. A hard truth is that females have made sex a lot more available to men than most really realize, or choose to admit anyway. So they want to make it seem like their gender has been more sexually moral or conscientious, or has “higher standards,” when they really don’t. They don’t like thinking about the real fact that their gender has “given it up” to guys a lot more than they really care to see.

Girls who also think they can get sex easier - especially based on actually doing it - are going to think it just because they’re females. In their minds their success is based on their gender, not because she was actually guys’ type. And most of these girls aren’t even actively asking for sex or approaching men, they’re just saying yes to guys who want it. So their success rate is often times a lot different when they actually try asking, and most usually admit that they’re scared of being turned down if they ask - and have been. So to make themselves feel better about it they try to save face and turn it around on the guys by saying “they were shy and awkward” or “guys are afraid of confident girls.” You cannot imagine how many times I’ve heard females give me these excuses for why a guy just didn’t want to have sex with her because she was forward.

When Will Guys Give Up The Senseless Complexes About Not Getting Girls?

It is still very much the case that a guy will be wary of a woman like that because it isn’t very common for women to ask. It does seem strange to many men, and can throw up a red alert for us no less fishy than it does for a woman when a man is trying to ask her. And I honestly cannot say it’s necessarily wrong for a guy to be cautious about that. What I will say is that it’s curious for a “confident”(forward) woman to expect a guy to be all for that and be mad that he wasn’t interested, yet it’s okay if a woman is wary of a man who’s trying to approach her. Why is a guy supposed to appreciate her being forward, but a woman can see it as threatening when a man is?

If girls were really making sex that unattainable for guys, there wouldn’t be so many STDs, unwanted pregnancies, love children, cheating, guys getting sexual favors, women crying about how a guy “used” them or talked them into bed, guys who have girls on the side, and girls sending them dirty photos on their phones.

So for me it seems like all the talk of how hard it is for men to get sex is a new age philosophy meant to weaken male prowess and try to make it like females are the sexually superior ones that call the shots. As if people are trying to psychologically reverse us by saying, “Guys aren’t really getting laid as much as we think.” We're supposed to pretend nowadays that easy females and guys who've had plenty of available sex don't exist. A sly way of re-writing culture.

When Will Guys Give Up The Senseless Complexes About Not Getting Girls?

And even if it really was true, what good would it do for guys? Cuz I don’t think it’s helping them get any closer to getting the girl or getting laid. Acknowledging popular stats about the numbers and age ranges of sexually active females compared to sexually active males only just makes you think you’re stuck in that number and always will be. It isn’t helping you “up your game.”

So your female friends have already had sex compared to you, or more partners, and? It’s not an indication that you’re struggling as a guy, but maybe the fact that you’re not really getting out there. And for every girl who gets sex with a guy easily, don’t you think that’s making it just as easy for the guys? It’s a fact that “easy” females give it to men pretty regularly. And how do you know all the guys she’s slept with still haven’t slept with more girls? I myself have heard studies about girls losing their virginity younger than guys, and if that is true it would actually prove even more how that makes sex accessible for males.

Living your life by sex studies isn’t gonna make it better for you, and when you base your life on them, you really just put your own self in a box and program yourself to be one who misses out.

Talking to girls…

I will level with guys on this one a little bit. Society and the media have tried to make it as if women require very special verbal communication that guys are bad at and have to learn all the right things to say and how to interact with them, so some guys do think nothing they say to a woman will be right - and some actually have had bad experiences with immature women who seem to think they do deserve a special kind of communication from men just because they’re female.

When Will Guys Give Up The Senseless Complexes About Not Getting Girls?

However, you move on to the next ones. Sounds like a broken record, but sometimes simple age-old advice is the best advice. You treat your experiences as...well...life. That’s always how I look at it when I have experiences with unpleasant or stuck up females who didn’t care for my conversational company, didn’t appreciate it, or didn’t find me interesting. I just shrug and think, “Ah, well. There’s always the next one.” And you have to do the same.

There are some girls you can just look at and already tell they're not worth bothering with from the start, especially the ones who make it a point to keep a pinched, snobby expression on their face at the bus stop, walking past them in the hall, on the train, etc. They already make it clear they don't want guys to talk to them because "guys are always hitting on them" or "You just don't know which ones are gonna call out to you with something dirty." Block them out. I do.

When Will Guys Give Up The Senseless Complexes About Not Getting Girls?

There is a kind of attitude you as a guy have to have where you can’t take females too seriously. And I mean this in the sense of life and death. Some guys act like the girls they talk to or meet are the last females they’ll ever see and if she’s not interested they’re doomed. You really can’t take it that seriously. There are always other women to meet and talk to, and the more you interact and talk with them the more you learn and the better you get.

Bad experiences with anybody hurts. But living in fear of being humiliated if you try isn’t the answer either. There will always be those who aren’t interested and don’t want to talk, and there are others who are. It’s like a deck of cards. Sometimes you get dealt a bad hand. And sometimes you’re holding a royal flush.

Take it from me...

I don’t want to make this your typical tired, cliche “tips” for guys, but rather I’ll just put myself out there as an example, and I’m not trying to consider myself a “ladies man” or all that crap because I really don’t care for that image and don’t like trying to compete with guys or trying to say, “This is how you do it, fellas.” But rather I use myself as an example for you to get an idea and do your own work from there.

I look at women as an experience. Facets of existence. A part of life. As creatures you are naturally supposed to mingle with. I don’t look at them as beings I have to gauge my success rate with based on ridiculous pop sci stats and social experiment videos.

When Will Guys Give Up The Senseless Complexes About Not Getting Girls?

When a female has caught my attention in an unignorable way, and if the opportunity is there for me to take, I take it. I come up with a reason to get near her and have a conversation starter with, and it does work most of the time. I’m not into pick up lines or saying, “How are you?” I come up with concrete words that can ignite feedback. And it has worked for me with many different women of different ages and races.

I speak Spanish, and Latinas usually love that. I’m a world culture nut, and Filippinas, Indians, and other Asian women are always surprised at how much I know about their countries, and sometimes they burst into a grin and ask how I know so much. And I tell them. They find that impressive, and suddenly they become surprisingly comfortable with you compared to a moment ago when you just seemed like a stranger.

When Will Guys Give Up The Senseless Complexes About Not Getting Girls?

I’m also a hell of a flirt. I admit I should be more reserved about it than I am - even my brother has been embarrassed by it before - but it’s something I really can’t help. I am a sensual person, and flirting is part of my personal nature I guess. I do it so much that I often try to play humor into it with women so they won’t be uncomfortable, and it does usually work. Some women don’t take it very well, you’ll always have those, and others have fun with it. I love seeing chicks blush or start laughing when you tell them how good they look, say how they have a sexy voice, call them sugar, buttercup, or sexy beast.

For me, meeting and interacting with chicks is like fun chill time, not a terrifying moment of trying to calculate how to make the move. You just go for it. It's either hit or miss, and either way you get something out of it you can learn from.

So what can guys do?...

Stop seeing females as a dangerous mountain to climb for one. Although women and the media do enjoy trying to make guys think females are more complex or special than they really are, and trying to make us think we have to have a special approach and be armed with confidence up to the teeth, you really can’t take it that seriously. And if you would approach the concept of getting to know a girl as just that, you'll have more success. Don't look at a girl as a potential girlfriend or sex partner right away, but as a friend or someone you can feel your way with first. That's what I do.

When Will Guys Give Up The Senseless Complexes About Not Getting Girls?

As I also explained once months ago, when guys are being angry about a lack of sex or frustrated about girls' "high standards," going on about being "friendzoned," and what we have to do to win them over, it really just feeds their ego and encourages them to want to make guys thirst even more. But when you start treating them like any other fish in the sea where you pick and choose who you pursue, and not sex goddesses to worship and pursue, they begin to humble themselves and have respect for you. It's worked for me.

Also, why would a guy want a girl who's not interested? Why would a guy want to pursue snobs and such who want guys they themselves aren't even worthy of? What appeal is there in that? I never get it. I like women who show me they're humble more than anything, who are kind and down-to-earth and aren't simple-minded with self-righteous concepts of entitlement or superiority, who I can actually share an important connection with. And she doesn't need to look like Jennifer Lawrence or Salma Hayek either. If she does, great. If not, I'm still not missing out.

When Will Guys Give Up The Senseless Complexes About Not Getting Girls?

And, yes. "Confidence" is a major factor. That is still going to stand to be true whether you want to hear it or not. When you approach confidently - which basically means you boldly approach without being aware of your insecurities but only your strengths - you do make an impact. Hell, I have a weird mole on my head that everybody can see and I hate it, yet chicks still think I'm good looking even if I don't think so, and some say they don't even notice the mole until I mention it. So that says I'm doing something right with how I command their attention.

And finally? For the love of Yoda, PUHLEASE...give up those damn studies and videos. Free your mind of all that garbage.

When Will Guys Give Up The Senseless Complexes About Not Getting Girls?








5 12

Most Helpful Guy

  • I think that a forum such as GAG allows people to express themselves with greater freedom than they would dare to in person. You are not seeing a collection of freaks and losers venting, you are seeing what a large number of people in the real world think and feel.
    Men, especially young white men, are being vilified, discriminated against and disenfranchised in every imaginable way as a result of the lobbying power of the Cultural Marxist hate movement called Feminism.
    This results in a lot of very unhappy young men. Forums such as GAG gives them a voice.
    I would encourage these young men to take a deep breath and reassess their situations.
    A man's life should not be defined by a woman. Nobody should allow their life to be defined by another person.
    The young males complain because between the ages of about 15 to 30 the females are in the grip of the bad-boy fixation. They have been brainwashed by sundry romance movies and stories about the edgy bad boy, who has a heart of gold that only the girl can see. This sort of crap probably predates Romeo and Juliet.
    It is not until women have some life experience and approach the age of 30 that they can identify a bad boy as the sociopath that he is. It has been said, more than once, that a woman of 38 would kill to get the type of man she rejected when she was 18.
    In the meantime, a lot of good young men sit alone and weep on to their mouse mats, as they see girl after girl on the arms of males who look as though they should be on wanted posters.
    To these young men, I say go out and do things that you enjoy.
    Build a career, or a business.
    Take the money that you are not pissing away entertaining women and invest it in property, so that by the time that you are about 40 you will have increased lifestyle options.
    To the young women who think that they are sex on a stick, I say this.
    Until you are about 30, you are in demand and you get away with a hell of a lot because men will tolerate your bad behaviour.
    After your turn 30, you will hit the wall. Men will begin to lose interest. By the age of 35 you will be painfully aware of this.
    About 30 years ago, the owners of two introduction agencies told me this same interesting thing.
    Between the ages of 18 to 35 they had five males to every female on their books. After age 35 this began to change and by 40 there were five females to every male. The women became desperate, even vicious, as they competed for men.
    Young women who sneer should be mindful of that.

Most Helpful Girl

  • I just think too many people focus on studies and believe that it's the rule in every instance rather than a guideline for possible instances. No study or professional opinion will ever truly be accurate. It's impossible to look at women and men of all ages, of all cultures, of all areas in the just the U. S. alone and come up with something that would apply to everyone.

    It seems as though life and love has become cold and calculated instead of free, and warm, and beautiful. Too many people hold on to their failures and experiences and all it does it turn them sour. Heartbreak and rejection are merely small parts of life that make up something much bigger. No person is entirely hopeless at finding love or happiness. I just think people need to look internally and first understand happiness comes from wholeness of self. Once they've achieved that they'd understand that love is about sharing your happiness with others, not using others to bring you happiness.

    • I clicked Like before I even finished reading, lol.

    • Lol! Well I certainly feel flattered. :)

    • @Relentless_Hippie You're certainly living up to your namesake.

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What Girls & Guys Said

13 55
  • Just reading this, thank you. I agree completely. Frankly, yes it may be tough for some guys to not have success with women. That is everywhere. But making excuses as to why they aren't getting anywhere is just stupid. If anything, ask some questions, but don't blame it on your personality, your height, your age, your weight, etc.

    • YES!

  • Thanks for mentioning me. I agree with the things that you have said. Sex is more available now than it has ever been especially with social media being involved.

    • Was wondering where you'd been. Would also like to invite @jesshkah, @EmpatheticLady, and @Spiorad_Aisce to this Take.

  • "If you’re having some insecurities about still being a virgin or never being in a relationship, then just be honest with yourself about it and work it out. And I’m actually being sensitive and sympathetic when I say that. Come to terms with yourself and honestly say, “Yeah, it does bother me that I’m the only one in my peer group who hasn’t had sex,” or, “Yeah, it does make me feel kind of bad that the girls I know have more sexual experience than I do.” The healing begins once you face the truth about how you feel. From there you start working it out."

    You said that so well. :)

    "As I’ve explained to some people, in these times sex is actually a lot more available to us guys now than it ever has been, so I can’t see how anything has changed to not be in guys’ favor." SO TRUE! Less young people were having sex in the fifties than now.

    "If girls were really making sex that unattainable for guys, there wouldn’t be so many STDs, unwanted pregnancies, love children, cheating, guys getting sexual favors, women crying about how a guy “used” them or talked them into bed, guys who have girls on the side, and girls sending them dirty photos on their phones." YES! Guys, you gotta ask first. We ladies are selective, but not selective enough XD

  • Beautifully written.

  • I love this take. Well done.

    • Thanks.

  • The reactions to this are so funny, girls saying 'amen,' and guys calling bs.

    What you wrote is partly true, but still an oversimplification of relations between guys and girls today. Okay, maybe 20 years ago when you were young it was easier for normal guys to get laid, but things are different today. Social media has changed everyone's focus to only want the very best partners. That's the genesis of #relationshipgoals.

    Most girls I know aren't interested in settling, and neither are guys. That's why most colleges now are just hookup scenes for the top guys and girls. Actual relationships are almost nonexistent in college now, because all the girls want to be with a few guys, but none of those guys will ever commit because they know they can have so many other girls. It's a real change from when my parents were in college and everyone had at least one LTR by the time they graduated.

    So it's not just a problem for guys, it's a problem for girls who want to meet the right guy. You have to understand that most of us don't want a string of random hookups. That doesn't appeal to me at all. I want to meet a good guy and have a relationship, but it's become much more difficult.

    Maybe I'm too picky, but I think that too many guys remove themselves from the dating scene because they think they have no chance with girls.

    • @TayTay21 First you say, "Okay, maybe 20 years ago when you were young it was easier for normal guys to get laid, but things are different today." Then you say, "Actual relationships are almost nonexistent in college now, because all the girls want to be with a few guys, but none of those guys will ever commit because they know they can have so many other girls." It doesn't change anything. Just because you're not seeing what I'm talking about isn't gonna make it untrue or oversimplified. You're 19, you still have yet to see a whole world of how people are on many different levels and situations.

    • You didn't understand what I wrote. I wrote that getting laid *has* become more difficult for all but the top guys because of hookup culture, but the unforeseen byproduct is that actual LTRs have become more rare because those top guys have no desire to settle with one girl because they have so many options. These are not paradoxical outcomes, they're simply consequences of the same social trend. And just because you wrote something down doesn't make it any more a universal truth than what I wrote. What you see may not be what others see in their lives. You're certainly not the ultimate arbiter of all that is and is not.

    • @TayTay21 "I wrote that getting laid *has* become more difficult for all but the top guys because of hookup culture..." - You're talking about college. Outside of it, it's a lot different than that. "And just because you wrote something down doesn't make it any more a universal truth than what I wrote. What you see may not be what others see in their lives. You're certainly not the ultimate arbiter of all that is and is not." - I write based on life, not just one peer group of campus life. I think what bothers you is the fact that I wrote in this Take how women are actually a lot easier than we choose to think. As I said, it's a hard truth, and noting top guys and girls in college isn't gonna make it untrue.

  • I completely agree. On this website especially I see so many bitter guys who think women are all snobs who expect them to treat them like queens. These are usually the ones who also say "nice guys finish last" and complain about the friend zone.

    The truth is women are not that different to men. Like men we are people who appreciate a good sense of humour and a nice personality. We do not expect to be put on a pedestal and we don't constantly grumble about the friend zone. If you have that mindset towards girls, you are unlikely to have any luck with Them.

    If you treat women with respect and positive mindset you stand a much better chance! and before anyone leaps on the "respect" part, I mean treat them the same way you would treat any human being- with manners. Don't feel entitled to sex or a relationship just because you opened a door for someone, that's common courtesy!

    • Some good points.

    • Darcus blocked me! After insulting me and making no relevant points. He obvious can't handle reason! He needs to just make personal comments! 😂😂😂 haha

    • Cel98 Yeah, let him run. If ignorance and refusal to listen is what he wants, so shall he reap it.

    • Show All
  • Most girls these days seem to flock to guys with a lot of money.

    My parents, and many other older people tell me it wasn't always like that. My dad said people in the 1970's were wild, and sex was easy. I can't agree that it's easier. Sure, we have the internet now, but girls have such a huge number of guys to choose from.

    You can't tell me you haven't noticed that girls are too picky these days, even if you HAVE been succeeding.

    • Are things the same in England too?

    • @Vivaldi I have no idea, but I see why you thought I lived in England, via my user name. I'm a certified English-Language Arts teacher, so that explains my user name. I live in the United States.

    • I am one of those unattractive guys who has never had a girlfriend.

    • Show All
  • I think they are just terrible quitters that want attention. It's really simple like you said. Either just fucking do it or completely fucking quit already, instead of trying.

    How hard is it to completely just throw in the towel on things like relationships, dating, etc. compared to whining about how unfair things are, etc? JUST QUIT if you really want to.

    Do the best you can with what you have and what you got and what you have control over and don't overthink too much about rejections and other things that you have little or no control over.

    Otherwise just learn and figure out how to quit instead of whining and being "woe is me" all the time about it.

    For me, once I realized that I absolutely would never want kids with the way how I view reality and the current state of the world it more or less became redundant to really try anymore as I more or less can't seem to feel like I genuinely care about sex, dating, relationships, flirting, etc.

    ALL of the motivation and incentives for pursuing any of those above and previously mentioned just isn't there in my heart or mind anymore when I started thinking very deeply about things and when I first searched for answers.

    When I realized the truth is that it's all just hormones, that's when it became completely clear to me desires for those things are Nothing BUT all delusions and illusions.

    All of those things in regards to relationships, sex, dating, etc. will only matter to me if I actually desire them and absolutely want them, but why does it even matter at all to me anymore? As I really feel like I don't even give a fuck any more and they no longer hold any real actual importance to me anymore.

    The whole lust, physical attraction thing works because of those hormones within our bodies and brains to create the desire within us to reproduce, it's just there to do it's thing so living beings won't die out completely and eventually.

    Hormones meant thus it's nothing special at all, nothing unique at all, sure everyone has their own individual and unique experiences with all those things, but it's not unique, otherwise it had only ever occurred once or rarely in all of history and existence. All in all it's a learning process and a struggle for those that aren't willing to quit. All those desires created by the hormones has one true purpose and that's just to provide a means to an end for living beings to have the desire to reproduce and procreate all simply because they just cannot live forever.

    • Very well said! As someone who has social anxiety and is socially awkward, I have 'almost' thrown in the towel, but I never whine ir complain because I have kinda gotten used to a life of solitude. But then again, if an opportunity presents itself (for a date or relationship), I wouldn't pass up on that!

    • @aficionado Sometimes I think that if there was eventually an attainable way to live forever, then reproduction may even become obsolete if not redundant. And sex would only be an option for hedonism entirely assuming the form and version of immortality attainable is still a biological one just take Deadpool's healing factor as an example. Or if we were immortal beings to begin with in, or the first place when coming into existence, again hypothetically speaking, then sex and reproduction would have been automatically redundant since we as a species won't have "need" to ever reproduce. Just do what you can with the best that you have, we ultimately do really die alone for most part even if we were going to marry some lady and have our own offspring with them, since there are no guarantees that it will last forever in the first place. And someone almost always passes away before the the other instead of dying at the same time, which will leave the other person behind.

    • Right, I agree! I never CHOSE to have social anxiety, and my efforts to overcome that haven't worked. I also have ZERO confidence when it comes to women. But like you said, I need to make do with what I have got. I'm just focussing on rebuilding my career now (which is in a turmoil)! Oh yeah, I'm gonna catch Finding Dory at the cinemas today - by myself, as always (because I hardly have friends). I am perfectly fine with it, though! :)

  • Jesus, I have no idea. It seems to me that a lot of the modern kids especially online or on GAG are so steadfastly sure in their misinformation that they will simply never learn.

    Yes, confidence is a thing. Yes, anyone can get it.
    No, whatever you THINK is holding you back, isn't really. Small dick, no car, being a short guy, being a fat guy, whatever it is.

    They're just never going to learn it seems. Moaning about how NICE they are, as if that shouldn't just come as standard, and wondering why their boring boring asses aren't drowning in pussy. "Hey, I won't cheat on you or punch you in the face. Will you fuck me?" "No." "You f***ing wh***!" Way to go Mister Nice Guy.

    I'll bet you anything the guys who reply to you will be full of "You don;t know me!" and "Well, my situation is really different, I AM at a disadvantage" or the ever classic "You either have no standards, or are a rich superstud" because that's the only way to have success.

    • Nicely said!!!

    • My situation really is different though. I'm not attracted to literally 99% of women, because I'm submissive. Dominant women are pretty much impossible to find.

    • @Maverickj maybe you haven't been looking in the right areas

  • Thanks for mentioning me in one of your replies. I don't know but when I read considered takes like this I am inclined to agree with you. Sometimes I feel people read too much into things at the moment on here especially it can seem to be certain group of young men who are being fed populist theory on the internet. What is it, the glass ceiling in the sexual playing field is being shattered and now girls are doing what boys have always been doing. Some guys are being told this is why they are not getting laid and they believe it.
    Honestly getting laid or not getting laid could be down to any number of reasons but as Bob Dylan put it, it is often "A Simple Twist Of Fate". You may meet 127 girls, connect and have sex, only meet 1 or 2 maybe in never connect with a person but that is life not because you are in the 7.8% percentile demographic of a social, economic or behavioural group. Really I know whether or not I get with someone is down to luck, my nature, circumstances rather than the machinations of outside modern society.

    • Dude, if we could give MHOs for Takes you would get it cuz that was the bomb.

  • You just don't get it.

  • When people stop obsessing about sex.

    • Sort of. I'm obsessed with sex and have a high sex drive yet I'm not killing myself over it. So what's going on?

    • Do you define who you are in terms of having sex?

    • It's a sad fact that guys today are trained to want sex. Yes, our bodies, minds, hearts, and souls crave it, but it is like craving a beautiful home, and wanting it, but never picking up a hammer to build it. Deep down, what all men truly want is a woman's heart. We must earn it. She will give it to us quickly at first, but to hold onto it, it is difficult and requires us to become unselfish, empathetic, caring, loving, loyal, decent, sweet, kind. Sex becomes a natural, wonderful byproduct of that, and hopefully only in a marriage situation. But these days men want sex without the work, without the self sacrifice and difficulty. Just consider the term "FWB", it's a lazy, selfish, dishonorable man who won't put the work in to loving the woman before he LOVES her.

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  • Perhaps if all came easy for you because you were a good looking extrovert with luck on your side while most guys who complain are ugly introverts who have been shamed or ridiculed enough times to assume that it will never be aorth it.

  • Honestly I don't see any particular problem with not having girlfriends as a man if you're really happy staying that way, the one thing I just always ask of other men is to PLEASE stop rating their self-worth on what the opposite sex thinks of them. At least, not to any extreme extent.

    It's actually quite ironic to me, because I'd say one of the few major opportunities men have that women don't really seem to in most regards is the opportunity to draw your sense of self-worth from things that AREN'T shit like appearance, attractiveness, sex, sociability, what-have-you. Yet almost no men I come across are aware that this opportunity is there for them.

    I do agree that if a dude ISN'T getting dates, the worst thing to do is to complain about it relentlessly. Ya know, I've seen guys who talk about killing themselves and shit because girls have said they're not good in bed, it's so weird to me.

    • I find the biggest perpetrators of that is women. Women often rate a man's worth by how much pussy he is getting. We see this when female gagers want to insult male posters they don't go for his intelligence, or personality they often always go for how much pussy he is getting. "Oh look another blue poster who can't get girls" "Lol your such a misogynistic virgin" "This is why no girl wants you"

  • Wish i could upvote this more than once, you basically encompassed pretty much everything, great take 👍. It comes down to self-pity at the end of the day, easier to sit and complain instead of going out and improving yourself. It's always someone else's fault, always something they apprently can't control. Simply having a good personality and being in shape is enough for most women - things that you CAN influence.

    You know the scariest thing? The next Elliot Rodgers is probably lurking around on here somewhere... and he actually had looks, money and connections to lots of women.

    • @Cosytoasty OMG, dude! I was thinking of Elliot Rogers yesterday when I posted this!

  • Social anxiety can be a real downer, it's not that easy for everyone you know. It comes naturally for you? Great for you, doesn't apply to everyone else.

    • Not EVERYthing can be blamed on social anxiety. To imply that would imply that guys are a lot more unstable than they really are. It's mostly a lot of psychological garbage these guys fill their heads with.

  • 1. When they get a girl.
    2. Death.

  • the amount of times i go on the internet and read the same tired threads: how do i get BF/GF?

    its a age old problem: with a age old solution, you go and meet them. dont expect them to come to you (nope GF/BF dont come like a pizza does)
    sure tech has made it easier to meet them but it also comes down to 90% human interaction.

    most potential matches dont like it when you beg for their love it makes you look like the sniveling doormat you are. if they reject your obsessive love they werent for you anyway, and please do us all a favour and MOVE ON! dont make pages or threads about how they burned you. its counterproductive and makes you look like the person who accept failures

    confidence always wins. if you haven't got any go to the store and pick some up.
    dont expect your BF/GF to solve all your problems or get you out of depression, if you dont love yourself nobody else is going to.
    before you still say i find... human interaction has been going on for centuries, your ancestors found partners its up to you: if you remain single/married/divorced

    forget FB, friends with benefits because their are no real fulfilment emotionally in a relationships like that.

  • Too many guys try to use a systematic approach to get laid, especially the highly intellectual men like myself. Systematic, calculated maneuvers are how we process things.

    When it comes to talking to girls (not "getting laid"; that comes later), it is all about emotionally stimulating her. If a guy comes off awkward because he is using a rehearsed progression of speech in the conversation, that won't emotionally spark interest in the female in question.

    Way back in middle school, I stopped putting on so much pressure to use a high-odds systematic approach to girls, and just started talking to them as people while slipping in a compliment.

    Trust ME, that style of "go with the flow, talk to her like a person with no pressure" does work!

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