How Western Women are Harming and Endangering Society

How western women are harming and endangering society

This is a serious subject that needs to be addressed. I acknowledge that men have done things to harm society, but it is my strong belief, based on what I see happening, that women are the ones who are harming and endangering western society more than anything else.

The most obvious is the erosion of the family unit. Multiple studies have shown that a society made up of broken families also have a higher rate of crime, drug and alcohol abuse, and teenage pregnancies. Strong family units is the glue that holds society together. Destroy the family unit and you destroy society. The brainwashing of feminism and the divorce laws have made men think twice about getting married. The divorce and family courts laws have allowed women to benefit from a divorce by getting full custody of the children and getting financial benefits. Thus, over 70% of divorces are instigated by women. On top of that, more and more women are breeding with bad boys and assholes, while rejecting good men who are seeking love and commitment. This is also very damaging to society.

How Western Women are Harming and Endangering Society

Another dangerous problem is women going into professions that are male dominated, such as the fire services and the military. Both the fire services and the military have had to lower their standards in order to get more women in. Over and over again women have failed to keep up with the men in their fitness training, so now the fitness and strength standards have been lowered so that more women can join these services. In my opinion this is very dangerous and harmful to society. Why can't people just accept that there are different strengths and weaknesses between men and women? Oh sorry, we wouldn't want to upset the feminists now would we. That would be sexist.

And then we have abortion. Hundreds of thousands of babies a year killed inside the womb of their own mother. And for all the evil people who say that it's only a fetus, why is it that if a woman has a miscarriage people say, "Aww she lost the baby" but if a woman has an abortion people say, "It's not a baby it's a fetus"? You just change the words whenever it suits you in order to justify your evil actions. Abortion is the biggest genocide that has ever existed. Abortionists are terrorists against the unborn. But it's women who instigate this. Women are the ones who go through with it.

If women keep on doing these things, and if all the white knights keep supporting what these women are doing, I can't really see a future for western society.

12 20

Most Helpful Guy

  • Actually your studies are wrong. Just think if contraceptives didn't exists and abortion? Most of those aborted babies would of grown up in broken homes or in crime or wa below the povert level. The theory is that the crime rate from the early 90s to now has dramatically decreased since abortions and contraceptives are more available. It may look as if crime has increased but thats because we are sooo connected nowadays. Shit that happens now did happen in the 40s and 50s you just never heard about it unless you were in that town. News didn't spread like it does today.

    • Everything you said was false.

    • Nope lol

    • yes it is, 100%

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Most Helpful Girl

  • Jesus Christ. You seriously need to find that Western woman that broke your heart and tell her to apologize or something.

    We get it, you hate women.

    Should we go back to good ol' wife beatings then? You're more fit for the middle east than the US.

    • Calling out lame shaming tactics.

      Code black

    • @LogicBomber lol whatever. You both can have a circle jerk with the rest of the bitter dudes here

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What Girls & Guys Said

38 57
  • Everyone hates so much on Western women, but nobody realises that Western men are equally trashy. It's a new sub-culture rising of youth as a whole. I don't like that sub-culture, and I think both genders fuck up equally.
    You can find them in North America, the UK, Russia, South Africa, Korea, Japan, China, Italy, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, etc - any non-war-torn country.
    If you tell me a trait about these trashy teenage girls, I will tell you a trait about trashy teenage men to counter it. You will see that they balance out, and it's fair.

    Another point: you said that women's search for jobs is causing the 'family unit' to crumble. You realise that approximately half of the doctors treating your children, scientists discovering cures for aids and solutions to global warming, lawyers making sure your violator gets put to justice - they're women too, aren't they? There are bigger things in life than making children, believe it or not. Frankly, I think you're being selfish to expect all women be eager to help you procreate and clean the house.
    If you disagree with this point, tell me how you aren't being selfish.

    Science and technology won't progress as quickly as we urgently need it to, if 50% of the population is locked away, making sandwiches and raising children (that the world no longer afford - look at how fast global warming will take effect - so stop complaining, because we have a bigger problem right now, and reproduction can wait).

    And frankly, when it comes to abortion, most of the time, it's an agreement by both the male and female that they don't want the child, so the woman isn't the EVIL murderer. Statistically, it balances out that the male and female both are, since you wanted to put it that way.

    Honestly, you're coming off as pretty fucking salty lol. If you're not willing to take the places women have left behind, to fix the problem, obviously, you're less capable than you want us to believe lol. What's the matter with your wife bringing bread to the table while you stay at home and do the chores and raise the kids? Then your children won't be raised in a broken home! Simple solution, see? What's the matter? Does it sound too difficult for you? Would it hurt your masculinity? :'(

    • sry but women are not half of the doctors or scientists, men vastly outnumber women in these fields and have contributed a lot more, majority of inventions by far are still made by men.

    • @alphadoggystyle

      Of course men have contributed more in those fields. It's not a huge surprise that the group with a higher level of education, support, and resources were equipped to discover and invent more, lol. By your logic, white men > black men, because white men have contributed much more to science than African Americans (who have to deal with racism and shit, and women have to deal with sexist men like OP). See? It's a problem of situation, not so much the people.

      Ok, the'half' thing:

      Women working in:
      Family medicine (~58%)
      Psychiatry (~57%)
      Pediatrics (~75%)
      Obstetrics/gynecology (~85%)
      Surgery (~41%)
      Emergency medicine (~38%)
      Anesthesiology (~37%)
      Internal medicine (~46%)

      A graph in the following link:
      States the trend of female employment in relevant areas sits at ~34%, but at this rate, will hit 50% very soon.

      What are your sources to suggest inventions past 2008 are mostly male made?

    • Even today when women have all these rights and privileges, it's still men who are at the top of science and are still the greatest inventors. Thanks to men millions of women now have employment due to technology.

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  • Good thought and take, will span volumes w/o an end if we discuss this cause it's a vicious circle. But what intrigues me is why 'WESTERN' women and not just 'WOMEN'

    • Because it's mostly western women who are doing the most damage.

    • There's a history to everything buddy :) one can never clap with one hand :D

  • Sorry, but war and human exploitation are way worse than women not wanting to breed with you.

    This is strewn with personal views of why women are evil, you haven't really addressed the real social issues that are causing the shift in human relationships you've just been a bit of a whiny baby about it... bring something better to the table next time, this is substandard.

    • Probably the best MyTake ever.

    • @bobbyxx Yeah, if you're a mindless hate filled idiot...

    • @alphadoggystyle hahaha... yeah, whatever you say sweetheart.

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  • That's fine, we will keep our distance from you.

  • This was so dumb.
    You sound like a butt hurt, friend zoned crybaby.

    • Most women are crybabies by nature, and you where obviously butthurt by this mytake because the facts presented makes you angry.

    • @alphadoggystyle I'm angered by your stupidity and most of your points are opinions.

    • @alphadoggystyle The only stupid one here is you.

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  • "And then we have abortion. Hundreds of thousands of babies a year killed inside the womb of their own mother." -- On the other hand, do you really want the kinds of women you condemn raising children? I think not.

  • You are funny.

  • Eh.. I hate to break it to you, but an overwhelming majority of violent crimes, and other destructive behavior in the western world are committed by men.

    I'm not saying modern day women are perfect; Because they certainly have their flaws. But I don't think women are the ones "harming" or "endangering" society. I don't see how ignoring gender roles is "harming" society.

    • Yes but the violent crimes are commited against other men. When it comes to domestic violence women are actually more likely to be perpetrators while men are more likely to be victims statisticly speaking (according to the CDC NCVS and various third party groups). Women are harming society as much as men mainly because they claim victim hood where their is none and men allow them to function with impunity. Gender roles functioned as a checks and balance system so that no one was fully empowered to act in what ever fashion they saw fit, now however thanks to feminism, mens greater propensity to cater to women, women function above criticism, to criticise women is to be a misogynist, to expect women to function under the same precepts as men is sexist etc.

    • @hellionthesage I guess that's another way of looking at it.

    • Thats not really a way to look at it, thats what statistical facts and historical facts are showing us (this is not the first time these situations have occured and likely won't be the last. However in each scenario it ended in collapse).

  • Bring back the downvote. This guy, seriously.

  • Western women didn't have much of a say in the past, so they just put up with shit. Now they have a say so the family unit is changing. Makes sense. Takes time for new dynamics.

    Abortion is a debated topic among both genders so can't exactly turn it into a gender thing.

    • Actually thats entirely false, provably so. Unless you think men wanted to go to prison because of their wives debt? Or go to war or be forced into bucket brigades or posses all incredibly dangerous while women stayed in safety? Women and children first, was that also them beign forced into the situation? Because I do not recall ever coming across any account of women rebeling against this and putting themselves in harms way as men where expected to do for all of history. What about when men where expected to fight to the death for a womans "honor" is that also something that was forced onto women or forced onto men seeing as how women choose who they reproduce with and how their male children are raised and by extention what values they have?

    • @hellionthesage i have no idea how to respond to you. you took a simple point and blew it out of proportion. this isn't a gender war.

    • You said women didn't have much say in the past and just put up with shit ie they where opressed,. I pointed out that this is false, provably so and the only way you can come to that conlcusion is if you completely ignored all the responsibilities that men had, which where significanly more then what women had, so much in fact that the biggest opponent to feminism and womens suffrage was other women since they didn't want the responsibilities that men had. I didn't turn this into a gender war, you stated something that was inaccurate, I was merely pointing that out. And again abortion is a gender issue as it gives women reproductive and parental rights that men don't have making it very much a gender issue.

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  • Have to agree with this to a large extent... women may be free, but they are freely choosing bad options. Garden of Eden all over again... and the men go along with it as well.. shame on them too.

    • But much of it isn't what we would call free will it is using psychology to manipulate people into thinking it is their choice. See the film "The Century of the Self." Its about how Marketing has been used to manipulate people for the past hundred years or so. Same thing with western women.

    • @genuinlysensitive I'll have to watch, but I agree with what you said. someone is defining the agenda through media... and it is bad... almost like they intentially want to disrupt the family and stimulate divorce and chaos... for the economy?

    • Not so much the economy, at least for us. I mean look at who is making out like bandits. Extremely rich people, multinational corporations, their pet politicians, and a few select well funded biased political groups such as feminism. Also, if you've noticed the birthrate among Western countries is in the toilet, some are actually less than China with it's limited child policy. This is no accident.

  • First off don't blame one gender, blame society as a whole. Women aren't destroying the moral fiber of society. It's half-baked ideologies like these that do a fine job alone. It would be nice to see your statistics you based this article on.

    By the way, who cares if a woman wants to go into the military. It's awesome that someone wants to fight for our rights and keep us free, regardless of gender or sexuality. The reason people actually care about miscarriage is because a majority of the women wanted their baby but due to circumstances, lost it. If a woman wants to abort her baby, let her. Especially if she's an alcoholic and drug addict. It would be horrible bringing up the child in such an awful environment.

    • If a woman wants to abort her baby let her. What messed up shit is that. That is worse than saying if a paedophile wants to rape and murder school girls let him.

    • Nope, western women have destroyed the family unit and are harming society. The military will also be ruined by women.

    • @bobbyxx Comparing paedophilia and abortion is like comparing apples and oranges but then again, you'll never be able to understand what it's like to have laws passed on your body. It's not worth debating this topic.

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  • Gosh, I'm so proud to be a westernized woman. (I'm not being sarcastic) I'm also glad I know now to stay away from hateful, sexist men like you. :-b

  • Can we please stop telling women what they should do and let them live their lives without pressuring them to be like this or like that, just like guys get to do? ok thanks, bye !

    • You mean like stop telling them they are worthless slaves if they "choose" to be housewives? Yea lets do that!

  • Im not trying to be funny but a hundred percent serious. Have you ever thought about seeing a psychiatrist or going gay? Im sure cis gender men and transwomen are a way to go.

    • You can't "go gay"

    • @FallOutBoy2001 lol, yea you can. Soon enough you will realize this

    • You can't but ok then

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  • This society needs to go anyway.

    Look, the way it used to be, you had to wife a bitch up to get sex. Basically you became a slave to get access to a hole. How much sense does that make? Fuckin NONE. And there was a better than even chance those kids you were raising weren't yours, you just thought they were.

    Now, there's still a better than even chance those kids you think are yours really aren't, but at least you don't have to sell yourself into slavery in order to get sex anymore.

    Sure, women are more unhappy than ever. Sure, their anti-depressant use and cock count are through the roof.

    But that's not exactly your problem, now is it? Not unless you're dumb enough to put a ring on one and sell yourself into slavery.

    • What's slavery about love and commitment?

  • Just a question for all the argumentative types, what do you think about all of the men who run away and leave a WOMAN to raise a child on her own?

    as far as my opinion goes, society will continue to go downhill if people dont start accepting responsibility for their choices. i dont think you can blame an entire gender on society being the way it is or increasingly getting worse. many contributing factors cause society to be the way it is. the biggest one being an individuals ego.

  • And with the mindset of society at the moment, there isn't a lot we can do to stop it, except strengthen our own families and help others striving for the same goal. We can love and teach our own children to be conscientious loving citizens and how they can achieve the most happiness out of family life as well. I think that will bring us more fulfilment than spiralling into a pit of despair haha.

  • If you think women are such a problem, just go gay. Don't be so negative, it's stressing you out and stress makes you ugly on the inside and the outside. You need to let go of that negative energy, you can't attract a partner with such a negative aura. And hey, it doesn't matter what women are doing, there will always be a past, a present and a future for the western society. It will only be fucked up as long as wars continue.

    • Hey, next time a woman gets raped, I'm gonna tell her that, "if she thinks men are such a problem, just go gay," or the next time a moron whines about wars, I'm gonna say, "if men are such a problem, go gay." You fucking idiot.

    • @xXHelenaoftroyXx He's bashing women for being such a big problem in society and the cause of every problem. He didn't mention being raped by a woman so you whatever you are tying to get at is invalid. If you agree that women are such a problem in this society, why would you make such a comments? I never once said men a big problem on society and I didn't agree with the person who has such negative feelings towards women. I want equality, not this divide among people. You didn't read properly, it's evident in your comment. What I was saying is he is seeing things wrong, he should be directing his anger towards people starting wars, not women who are trying to live their lives peacefully as he mentioned that broken families are because of women. Not true. An abusive, neglective and/or selfish parent is the cause of a broken family. Your comment makes you look ignorant. Your terrible sarcasm makes you looks idiotic too. I suggest you delete your comment and try again.

    • But western women ARE destroying the family unit, with the help of the family courts.

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  • All these guys hating feminism and "feminazis" and western women bashing are just projecting their own insecurities onto society. Don't blame others because the girls you like don't like you. I could go on but...

    • Oh look, another white knight.

    • I was about to say the same thing haha

    • Dismissal of an argument is not the same as proving it wrong, its a forfeiture of the argument. If your going to comment at least provide an argument.

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