My boyfriend showed me pictures and videos of his penis.?

Hi everyone! So my boyfriend and I are on summer break, and when school starts back up, we'll be sophomores. We've been dating for a while now, and yesterday we were joking around about him sending me a picture of his penis. Well I was joking around, and he knew that I was just messing with him, but he said that he wanted to send a picture anyway. I still thought he was playing since the day before he sent me a picture on snapchat of a drawing of a penis. So he sent me a picture and two videos on snapchat, and when I looked at the picture, it was actually his penis. We talked about it, and he said that he wanted to let me have a picture that I could keep. (I'm sorry this is so long, but I really need to get this off my chest.) I told him that that might not be a good idea, and he said to give him a good reason as to not send the love of his life a pic that I could keep. After that, I told him that I didn't need a picture to know how much he loved me. I'm not really upset by him sending the videos and pictures; I'm shocked more than anything because I didn't expect it. In all honesty, I'm kind of happy about it because in my opinion, it shows me that he trusts me enough with pictures and videos of him knowing that I could easily have taken a screenshot of it and shown it to someone. Is it fine for me to feel this way? And this Friday we're going to the movies together with some friends of mine. I'm scared that I'm not going to be able to look him in the eye because I can't help but think of his penis when I see him. And I'm worried he's going to say something about it to me because he's really sexual, but I'm not. I'm really shy in general, but especially when he says sexual things or asks sexual questions. And can you think of a way for me to not be so shy with him? Sorry for this being so long. Thank you! :) (I should mention that he is my first boyfriend.)
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Most Helpful Guys

  • This is an open forum and in order to give the best answer to your questions we have to have info.When yadayada asked if you were a virgin he was probably just trying to find out if you had seen his penis before or not.You are his boyfriend and if you stay together you will be seeing his penis, and he will be seeing you.So even tho the display of his equipment is premature, you can look him in the eye, knowing his secret.He wasn't shy so he isn't ashamed of it.So embrace it.I personally feel that it is more fun to get naked together, but a little show and tell is fun too.I know a girl that used to flash me for years before we actually hooked up.I lusted for her and it was turn on to finally feel the boobs she had been displaying for me.

    • True. I guess I just didn't like the way the questions got asked. :) Sorry. And it was the first time I ever saw him.

  • Does he know that :

    1) you're a virgin?

    2) that you aren't comfortable with sexuality yet?


    Sounds like he believed you were "playfully kidding but serious" about the penis picture.

    You females are so bashful and passive that sometimes we can't tell if you're joking or we as men take the risk, and take less the lead in this instance and make the advance.

    In this case the advance was sending the penis pic thinking you REALLY wanted it but were too bashful to ask for it directly.

    • He knows I'm a virgin. He also knows that when it comes to sexual things I'm the type of person that will not answer any of the sexual questions straightforward. I'm just shy with him and he knows that and has even said that he likes it.

    • He was just horny and had an out of control moment...hopefully you're not mad at him anymore. :)

Most Helpful Girl

  • It's ok to feel that way. This sounds a lot like me during the summer before sophomore year (I'm a rising senior) Just relax, he's your bf so you should feel comfortable around him. Don't get pressured into anything that you don't want to do. If you still feel this way about it just really talk to him about it

    • hope this helped..

    • Thanks. I'm starting to realize that I just need to go woosah. And I am comfortable around him. It's just more so the fact that he's so unnerving to me because it's like with the things he says, he's just taking a stroll through the park. His answers and stuff just make me so shocked because I'm not used to it. And he hasn't pressured me at all. Even though he sent me the pictures and videos, he hasn't asked for anything in return. I guess he knows I'm not that type of person.

    • and that's a good thing..he does know you. hope you have fun this summer! :)

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  • I think you reactions are fine. I think on your date Friday you should just try to break the ice, sort of get out in front of any awkwardness, perhaps with a joke.

    • That's a good idea.

  • If you find it disturbing that he's displaying his junk by all means tell him he's inappropriate. You probably don't want to see his penis any more than his last bowel movement.

    • What this guy said

    • I don't find it disturbing at all. I'm actually perfectly fine with. It was just that my eyes were not prepared for it lol.

  • Are you a virgin? Have you had sex with him?

    • Uuumm. I haven't had sex with him, and I don't plan to any time soon. And I don't think that's necessary for you to know.

    • If it wasn't necessary for me to know, why did you tell me?

    • I meant the part about me being a virgin. 😑

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