Do bandanas look stupid?

I started wearing bandana's in high school because I was a big fan of PurePwnage. Some people said I looked like a pirate, some made gangster references. I still wear them - mostly in the summer - to keep my lengthy luscious locks under wraps. I'm wondering what people think of them. Do you immediately think pirate costume? Do you think gang connotations? I'm Australian and I'm not really aware of any gang colours around here (Bikies, that's about it). Do you just think they look silly? Do you feel like you glean something about their personality? Perhaps you wonder if they have cancer (idklol)? Maybe only some people can pull a it off, do I look like I can go outside with a bandana on and not look like a dildo (or a cancer patient)? :) Thoughts? Feelings? Share.
Cancer patient.
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  • lol I know this question is old but I have to answer it cuz Im from California basically the home of the bandanna. Really its all in how you wear them yes if you wear them like justin bieber u look like a douche a little. Honestly you have to own it. I have a purple one I wear it when I'm having a bad hair day or like when I was sick and didn't want to breathe on anyone (lol looked like I was gonna rob people so that was kind of funny). If you're comfortable weaing it then hells yeah you don't look like a douche but if you're wearing it to try and look gangster or fit into a group then yeah you look like a confused highschooler. If it fits into your style then yea rock it! hell we all have those days when we dont want to do anything to our hair. Being from LA I still see them some but here's a tip if you ever come here DONT Wear a RED, PURPLE, Blue, or WHITE one outside on your head, around your wrist, or in any back pocket on your pants.(constantly think of the song drop it like its hot by snoop, flag hangin out the left side yea thats the crip side, so then u know dont put them in ur pockets so they hang out) Steer clear of pink, and orange also in some areas thats considered blood colors (dont ask me why I know). =D

  • I understand the concept and why you're asking this question, becuas eyes when the word bandana is brought up gangs, Pirates, cowboys, gardeners, and yes cancer patients do come to mind. But at the same time I'm thinking who gives a fuck? It's your life, your body, and you should feel free to wear whatever you want to and express yourself.

    I wear bandanas sometimes but like this:

    It's a personal choice and just a since of fashion for me. It's how I express myself. So don't let others options stop you.

    And to all of those ridiculous options up there:
    -You have hair really long hair so you're not a cancer patient
    -Pirates don't exist anymore
    -Dildo? WTF?
    -Gangsgers as long as you avoid blue and red bandanas in America you should be fine

    Do whatever you want.

    • Sorry I meant don't let other's opinions stop you.

    • i like to use it this way too

    • What if it's someone with short hair that can be obscured by a bandana? Pirates don't need to exist anymore to make people think of pirates. But pirates do exists, they just don't look stereotypical. Dildo is basically a generic insult I use. But I don't know, maybe some people really think others can look phallic with a bandana on. Their are no gang colours like that in Australia but the association is made from watching American shows. I wonder how many Aussies make that association. I plan to keep wearing them, I just want to know what people think of them.

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  • I looked at your profile picture, it looks really good on you; I like it.

    • MHO. Just for that.

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  • TBH only seen them worn by gay guys and little teen gang-wannabes.

    That said, wear whatever you want to wear. Don't let public expectations hold you back!

  • I personally don't like them at all.. they have this gangster look to them which is very unattractive for my taste. I prefer head bands for an athletic look or any type of hat either casual or more formal for a classy look, but bandanas remind me of ghetto gangster style... but wear what you like!! I wouldn't wear what others thought was best for me.. i wear what I feel comfortable in and what I think looks best on me irrelevant to what others think!

    • well, actually there's a certain type of bandana that makes the entire look appear trashy/gangster.. but there are others that don't look so much like that.. I suppose it depends on the print and color of the bandana.. If you're going for the gangster look, I hate that look. xD

  • Bandanas are also considered as fashion as well haha plus people will stereotype no matter what so just say no or ignore them or find one more fashionable I guess.

  • They make you look like a pirate. The cool kind of pirate. Don't worry, I'd take it as a compliment if I were you.

  • Bandanas don't look stupid.. if one wears it and acts like gangster, then it appears like he's a gangster with bandana.. :p if he wears it and plays beach volleyball, then he appears to be an athlete or player that wears bandana :)

  • Well, it reminds me of Axl Rose :D

  • I only answered dildo because it was an option. I don't really think much of bandanas lol.

  • I personally dont like bandanas, either long hair on guys at all. But if you feel good with it, wear it.

  • they mostly remind me of gangsters where i'm from haha

    • what‘s mean " gangsters where i'm from "?

    • where i'm from, the only people who wear bandanas are "thugs" or "gangsters". people in a gang, or who think they're cool and have some street credit or something silly like that.

  • some people can rock them, some people can't. I think if you put your hair up in a ponytail and then put one on it would be cute. Even without the ponytail, you can do it. Just personal preference.

    • I always have it in a ponytail with two sections just to keep it all under wraps. So do you think I am one of those who can rock them?

  • I think it really depends on the person, would suit some but not others. Simple as

  • I like bandannas, and I like them on other people IF they can pull them off. If you are one of those people, awesome.

    • Well you tell me, do you think that I am one of those people?

  • None of. yhe above I think they're cool but dont put them on your neck. Thats like a cholo look..

  • At first I read banana.

    Bandana's are cool I guess.
    just don't expect to be considered as any type of stereotype.
    Because that's when you start looking stupid.

    :-) but dude wear anything u like that's the best thing to do

    • I read banana at first too lol

    • *cyber-five* !

  • well i dont think they do. i love them, even on myself. gives me this Spanish gangsta vibe, especially with hooped earrings. :P
    i truly dont care what people think of me anyway, so even if they dont like them, thats not my problem=]

  • Personally I like them. And I wear them quite often

  • In wearing a bandana you need to avoid looking like Kai the hitchhiker:
  • Do bandanas look stupid? Yes!

  • I love and admire when people are unique, i dont have the balls myself.

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