Girls, My Girlfriend shivers when I touch her clitoris, then pulls my hand out of her vagina, did I hurt her or does she not want to be fingered?

So basicly, I was spooning with my girlfriend and started to massage her a little bit and went between her legs and in her panties. When I touched her vagina for a bit she was fine with everything and became 'wet'. But as soon as I touched her clitoris she had this big shiver going though her whole body and pulled my hand out of her panties, This happend twice, we have never done anything sexual nor did we ever have sex. Now I'm afraid I have hurt her in some way or something... Are some clitorisses so sensitive that they hurt when you touch them or does it mean she does not want to be fingered? I don't want to ask her. (sorry for my english)
+1 y
Thank you all for your answers! I asked my question here first because I was curious if it could hurt. I've asked her about it and she said I hurt her a little bit, when I asked more questions she giggled and didn't seem to want to talk about it any more.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I remember when an ex first tried to perform oral on me. The tip of his tongue touch my clit and it hurt like hell! It was soooo painful! I nearly killed him and he wasn't even rough or anything. There are so many nerves down there. I can't really touch my clit with my finger cause it's sooooooo sensitive. Too sensitive. I would have to soak it in lube then lube my finger and touch it gently with the tip of my finger. I prepare myself first mentally and I can only do that when I'm horny. If not it just hurts. No amount of foreplay, orgasms or anything will make it not hurt when touched! It's just the way some girls are. I do LOVE to be fingered, just stay away from my clit! Lol.

  • its very sensitive you can't just touch it directly on many women. its way more sensitive than penis head.

    anyhow she should have communicated bc obviously you have no idea. and since she said nothing you should have asked.

    everyones body is different you're going to have to ask her. we can't tell you we can only guess.

    your future sex life depends on open communication. start now.

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What Girls Said

  • It is a very sensitive area and although it might not have hurt her it can sometimes feel like an uncomfortable tickle. She may just not be ready.

  • As her! Tell her you liked the way she squirmed if it was pleasure and you dont want to over step bounds. The clit is veryyy sensitive so if it was out of pleasure she wasn't ready for try it again with a littlee pressure (too much can hurt), no nail, slight movements and watch her get turned on and squirm. You can also try not going under the skin at first since the clit will swell and she will respond with that

  • They are extremely sensitive, more sensitive than your penis. Nerve endings in penis: 4,000. Nerve endings in clitoris: At least 8,000 Don't touch it directly and harshly. Go online and read up on this. You didn't hurt her but it was uncomfortable for her.

  • I think she had an orgasm. You should ask her tho, not this page or else you won't know what SHE felt

  • Sometimes it feels too much at once

  • Try not to touch the clitoris directly as it's really sensitive for most girls... go on top on the hood or on the sides. Also after a girl orgasms the clitoris is super sensitive so give it a minute before you touch her again.

  • Having touched a clitoris and fingering a gurl, TWO totally different things. Clit is on the outside. Did your fingers penetrate?

  • It may just be that she isn't use to her clit being touched. It can be really sensitive when we get turned on, so you didn't do anything wrong. Just be careful that your not too hard just brush against it.

  • Next time ask her to show you how she likes to be touched

  • You should be asking her these questions, not us. Do not be embarrassed to ask her questions. Do not be embarrassed to answer her questions. Talk to each other. Learn all about each other.

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