My dad touched me , should I tell?

Three months ago our family and some friends went on a family cruise. Okay so I stayed behind to watch my brothers while my parents went out drinking with some friends. While watching my brothers we all passed out , I fell asleep on my parents bed. Next thing I know I wake up to my dad standing beside the bed holding my hand around his... his member? Oh my god this is hard to even explain this any how , I start freaking out and start questioning him like what are you doing? He pretends to be turning off the lights , then he layed down on the bed then got up to throw up. I'm crying silently cause I'm so scared aND betrayed feeling while pissed at the same time. My mother layed there drunk and asleep, I got in my bed and cried a bit , I didn't sleep. I decided that if he ever came to me again I would tell , cause maybe he was drunk? I'm so hurt and betrayed, cause if he did this to me will other men be the same way someone I trust? Should I tell or wait? Oh and I'm fifteen sorry it was so long
+1 y
I'm scared it's so easy for someone to say go to the police and such. Cause then what? I'm so stuck right now. I plan on moving out next year with my older sister she's my only hope
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Im so sorry :((( I don't know what happened with me but I always remember being extremely shy and scared around older men, to this day i'm still kind of scared to be around older men, I don't know if something happened in my childhood or what. But seriously, I am SO sorry. The first thing you want to do is tell your mom, if she does nothing about it or tells you to forget or makes up an excuse as to why he would do it, your mom is wrong. Whether he was drunk or not, he did something HORRIBLE. You then want to tell a teacher, the police, anybody you trust. Although i'd try not to tell friends because kids can be mean and they might not understand, and they may tell other people. Tell a trusted adult, but your mom before anyone else. I know its hard because he is your dad, but he did something very wrong, no dad should ever do that, and he has to pay up for his actions, as simple as that. You can't just keep quiet because this feeling of betrayal, guilt, shame, disgust, and horror will never truly vanish. Believe me and just tell a trusted one, if it helps he can't be charged for a very long time, he'd be put under child molestation, not rape or anything.

  • I really, REALLY hope you've told an adult. I don't care how drunk he was, it should have NEVER happened. & for him to pretend to be shutting off the lights after you wake up, he KNEW what he was doing. Get help, & find a good therapist to help you calm down from this, & find your way back to normalcy. I don't recommend telling any friends, it should be kept in the family & with authority figures. Young people don't always understand. Hell, I'm 24 & people my age, even older, wouldn't understand, because some people are just ignorant. Please get help. He can't get away with this.

  • Tell someone, a person you can trust. It is the best way to go. I have had something like this happen to me and i kept with me for a while and it was getting really really painful for me not to tell anyone. So i told my mom and that lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. Everything went to a better place afterwards, so tell, don;t be afraid because you'll end up feeling worse than you already are.

  • Look Hun... I understand
    Like REALLY understand
    You can fight or flight
    Or you can let others help you
    I'm always here if you need guidance

    • ^^^ THIS is good advice. Because horrible or not... it's a complex situation. People can flame me if they want to, but straight up calling the cops, etc. could make a bad situation worse.

Most Helpful Guys

  • This is a hard question only you can answer.
    How is your relationship with you dad now? is he weird about it? he might not even remember. Are you depressed or suicidal about it, do you just think it was wrong, but you have accepted it and moved on?
    Has it ever happened since or before this?

  • Assuming you are not trolling here yeah, you need to tell someone immediately. If your mom does not believe you tell a teacher or other adult you trust.

    • Just saw your update. if you need help getting in touch with someone I am more than willing to help you. If you are comfortable talking to a stranger about it feel free to send me a message. Otherwise I stand by what I said in my first comment, a teacher or other adult you trust from school should be able to get you the help you need.

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What Girls & Guys Said

4 13
  • You need to tell someone ASAP

  • Tell someone immediately. The police. A school counselor. A trusted relative. Just get it out to someone you can trust.

  • You need to tell someone asap sweety! I'm so sorry this has happened to you!! You and your family are in my prayers!

  • Well maybe he was so drunk he thought you where his wife? you where in his bed. Has he acted weird around you before? How about after?

  • Never once in your story did he touch you, sounds like he was looking over all of you lovingly and just happened to be scratching himself. This sounds like a lot of drama to bring upon your family who will know that you are lying and disown yoiu.

    • He put my hand on his sick and made me jerk him off so yeah its not drama

    • *dick

    • Sounds made up. It would have been more believable if you awoke to find his dick in your mouth

    • Show All
  • ... please get out of there !

  • No not all guys are like him at all. And im missing the part where he touched you

  • Yes, you should tell, Its going to be awful but if you want justice thats what needs to happen. Its horrible and I'm very sorry and wish there was another way

  • Having a little troubling following this story, any who.
    Without a doubt this is disturbing and never should have happened.
    I would continue life as normal and hope that this was a one of occurance. If it ever happens again seek help.

  • Tell immediately! Waiting will only increase the likely hood and severity of repeated offenses

  • there may be people on here which disagree, but it seems the general consensus is for you to go tell. you are 15 and it can damage you emotionally and possibly damage any future relationship you may try have with men if you do not get help.

  • if it happens again tell. what my guess of what happened is that he was super drunk and mistook you for your mom.

  • yes you should definitely say something. call the police!

  • tell it immediately... i suggest...

    any delay / not acting.. would be caused further instances

  • You need to say something and say something NOW

  • R u sure it was on his dick or like around his finger cause if he is a white guy they r very tiny fow nbn there

  • Sorry but this does not sound authentic.