Does it count as masturbating if you don't orgasm?

Most nights when I am naked in bed, falling asleep, I get a boner and end up playing with it for a while to tire myself out but not enough to cum. Then sometimes I do it again the next morning cause I wake up hard but don't orgasm. Only like twice a week do I have an actual "session" where I stroke hard until it spills seed. Does this mean I'm a daily masterbator?

Does it count as masturbating if you don't orgasm?

Technically you're masturbing daily
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It only counts if you cum
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Not sure
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Most Helpful Girls

  • it's definitely masturbating. i used to think the same thing when i was younger because sometimes id wake up with my hand under my underwear but never actually pleasured myself, but it is masturbating.

  • Masturbating is simply stimulating your genitals for pleasure, or touching yourself to put it simply. You don't need to orgasm because, either way, you are still touching yourself.

Most Helpful Guys

  • Yes, it does. If you have sex and you don't cum it doesn't mean that you didn't have sex, you just didn't cum. So with masturbation it's the same.

    • but if someone says they do it daily, I tend to assume they have daily orgasms, not just rubbing it against the sheets for five minutes.

    • I tend to think it too, but I also consider masturbation without orgasm as masturbation.

  • Absolutely! If you are jerking or rubbing, you are masterbating. Cumming is just the great pleasure it provides, but not necessary.

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1 4
  • Yes, there is an old rule that says "touching yourself for more that 15 seconds is masturbating" also there was a joke/saying that more than 5 shakes after peeing constituted masturbation, LOL.

    • ha! yep, a single shake is good enough.

  • "It only counts if you cum" wtf? Does this apply to sex with a person? It's not considered sex unless you orgasm?

    Seriously, who are these people lol.

  • If it gives you pleasure, it is masturbation.

  • I would think it only counts if you cum

  • It only counts if you cum