Women are attracted to themselves, not men?

Lesbian porn is the most popular genre to "straight" women, and in tests women are more aroused by female body than the male body. Now women claim to still be straight and say it's because it emphasizes female pleasure, they get off on the pleasure rather than the women (otherwise they obviously wouldn't be straight). So with women not being aroused by random dick pics, and the male body in general, but are aroused by a women being pleased, are they attracted to themselves and not men when the partner pleasing them in video doesn't matter? And don't say your boyfriends body arouses you, that's emotional attraction, if it was what his body looked like that aroused you, any guy with a similar looking body would arouse you immediately.

Women have shown to be aroused by gay male porn too, but far more so by lesbian porn (If you want sources for any of the above, https://indiana.edu/~sexlab/files/pubs/Chivers_Seto_Blanchard_2007.pdf , and pornhub statistics). So is female sexuality narcissistic and more about attraction to their own pleasure, or are women just bisexual and closer to being lesbian than straight?
+1 y
+1 y
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Most Helpful Girls

  • 

    • Dafuq, wait...

    • Mmm i understand

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  • Personally I don't react to lesbian porn, even I try to avoid any porn movie where there is two women, I'm more into guyxguy... But I know a lot of women who are into lesbian porn but who are actually straight... I think it's because men's biggest weakness is women... I'm not just saying it, a lot of statistics proof it and stories as well, meanwhile women just want to look good which is also psychology proofed (I read a lot of psychology articles and I stumble upon it a lot) So, as a conclusion, we can say that men are into watching the women's body getting fucked meanwhile the women watch it to imagine they're the hot girl in the video... which tends to help us get an orgasm. Just tell a girl she looks beautiful / hot and notice her reaction... We just want to look beautiful and sexy... It's not for men only but we want to do it for ourselves and we imagine that sexy pornstar to be us.

    • So attraction to themselves and extreme sexual narcissism it is! If they aren't attracted to the male body, and the partner doesn't matter they aren't straight.

    • See they imagine it's them, with lesbian porn they can't be straight then, because they are imagining another girl eating them out.

    • It could be because strictly aesthetically speaking women are the fairer sex.

  • Ok. First off, I'm into gaya porn. Guy/guy. I've tried watching straight porn. I've tried watching lesbian porn. Neither one turns me on. However, I would have to say that a lot of women are narcissistic. Sad, but true. Second ) I couldn't be a lesbian because I would slit a b*tches throat before I would ever kiss her. They're too damn self serving for me, and as an old school woman, it's hard to handle because I was not raised to be as nasty as the women of today. As far as the dick pics go: the only reason I get angry about it, is because it is very arrogant to assume that that should somehow be the highlight of my day. I'm not a fan of arrogance.

  • If the women are straight, I think that the arousal part is more of an admiration than an attraction. Like you can see a woman with a nice figure and admire it, in a sense that you wouldn't mind being shaped like that or having that figure. But being attracted to her... that when stuff starts getting kinda gay lol

    • If it's admiration they wouldn't be getting sexually aroused and masturbating to it.

    • I agree... thats why I said at that point it starts getting gay lol

Most Helpful Guys

  • Females are considered the attractive gender by BOTH genders. On average women are much less attracted to men , than men are to women. This is because , due to Bateman's Principle ( female has a much greater & riskier reproductive role ) women are nearly always the choosers. A man has to put in serious effort to make himself attractive to women... or he is invisible to women.

    • Yes i know bateman's principle, it's because 1% of men can knock up 100% of women. That doesn't show why "straight" women re more aroused by other women than men.

    • I think it's societal conditioning , painting women as THE attractive gender , in addition to anti male propaganda infecting the heads of Western women , a combo of both.

    • Affect and effect, just because society and the media made them bisexual doesn't mean they aren't, although i am sure you understand that.

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  • Women attraction to men is based on what men can give them. Essentially women see us as utilities to use. The more useful of a tool you are to them in whatever goal that are after the more kinder, and warm they are towards you.

    This is basic female nature.

    • Yup they are prostitutes

    • lmao that's great ^ it's kind of true in away. women want men regardless of in a relationship who can do for them and if you do for them they give sex. men are also pigs and it wouldn't be that way if y'all would just act right. the world is so screwed.

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  • Female sexuality is retarded and makes little sense, dude. I wouldn't put too much thought into it.

    All you need to focus on is that lesbian relationships almost all fail and the eventual novelty of such a lust dies away, which is where men come in.

    Incidentally, women tend to still find male traits (not necessarily attuned to the body itself) attractive, male hair, deep voices, height, etc.

    • weird but not true, you're who you're. girls can date other girls out of lust, but a lesbian is a lesbian if the relationship fails she's going to the next girl. you don't run to a man when a relationship fails with your women, and women who are straight don't run to lesbians when their partner fails. no logic there man.

    • Oh, this might come in interesting to you, by the way:


      It just dawned on me that literally every girl I know has got pictures of herself on her phone naked, covering up or otherwise, they start doing this shit at really young ages. I'm sure you all know girls who do, too, or have met ones that do. Whereas, I don't personally have any friends that have such pics saved of themselves, and I definitely don't. And I CERTAINLY wasn't interested in taking them at ages like fucking 14, whereas in school I still knew plenty of girls that had nudes and again, I'm sure you did, too.

      Food for thought that might link to your question.

    • honestly number one reason why lesbians hate men are because men don't respect or believe the fact they're lesbian, they try and do too much convincing... at the end of the day where a woman lays her head and who she loves is not your concern. its not effecting you in any way same with gay men. mind your own

  • Sorry I don't want to see two women lick each other down.

    • Well most women who still claim to be straight do, since it's the most popular genre of porn to the female demographic (pornhub statistics).

    • I am not most. That is disgusting to me.

    • Have you got a daughter? If you do, i am pretty sure she masturbates to lesbian porn, yet she will claim to be straight, when she clearly isn't.

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  • Yeah i only date women that are total sluts for my dick. I find women adoring my dick to be a romantic gesture so none of this is really relevant to me.

  • Yes I think so but I watch gay porn too so. I don't know I am pansexual.

    • Always thought that was a semantically redundant word, or just a synonym, bisexual is seemingly the same, trannies are either a man or a women regardless.

    • Okay then I'm bisexual.

    • All women are, anthropologists say women don't even have a sexual orientation, just an amorphous mess based on narcissistic sexual self affirmation.

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  • Does anyone else feel like there'd maybe be more conclusive knowledge on this type of subject or more mainstream research on it in general if the ever-looming threat of it being labelled "sexist" or "homophobic" wasn't there?

    I mean let's be completely honest, these things DO influence it. And even if the research goes ahead, how many people are going to be made privy to it? I actually think it'd be interesting to get decent insight into this type of thing and it'd maybe help both men and women out as a whole.

    I mean, Christ, remember that study that showed women's bodies get aroused when watching monkeys have sex, but their brains were largely unaware of the arousal? Why can't we have MORE research, like that. That's a tremendous breakthrough into understanding female sexuality properly. But no, let's just assume someone is gay or a bisexual or throw dumb, modern terms at the thing without any attempts to actually understand it.

  • Geez and men walk around sayin women are messed up, then we post a question like this and think we didn't drop the ball

    • All i have said is true though, just because the truth is derogatory towards women doesn't mean it shouldn't be said.

  • own pleasure

    • So then how are you straight? women can sexually pleasure you too!

    • I didn't say I was I'm demisexual. do some read... lol I also don't use porn.

    • Then you aren't straight, you are attracted to emotions, your opinion doesn't really help in answering the question.

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