Do you support the "slut" phase after a break or rebound sex with different people?

So, I think I'm closer to this stage after my very bad break up. I'm dating and I find myself only interested in having fun and hooking up with the guy if I want. And no I do mean every guy I go on a date with but if I'm attracted to him and want to sleep with I'm going to do it. Now it's only been one guy but I've been on a few dates I'm interested in hooking up with at least one more. I feel okay with simply because I'm single and I want to experience shit. And it's something liberating about doing what the hell I want and not feeling bad about it or feeling obligated to seriously date someone or even talk to them afterward.

Any one else went through this stage? Did you later appreciate your bit a freedom before you seriously wanted another relationship?
Yes for both men and women
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Yes for men no for women
Vote B
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I voted yes for both men and women to avoid double standards but I'm mor eor less against it for both. Mainly because after your break up you're vulnerable and still getting over the other person. Part of me sees it as that other person taking advantage over that vulnerability even if they're not intending to and know nothing about it.

    I never really went through a "slut" phase or rebound phase after a relationship. I just spent that time and money on other things that I enjoy doing that I may have not had time for while dating. That was liberating to me. That felt liberating to me (and a bit badass). So I say do what you want. Don't care whether or not other people support you (including me) because it's your life to live. I just wanted to say that there are alternatives.

  • I don't agree with it if you're doing it to fill a void, which is commonly the case post breakup. But if you were just done with the relationship and getting back out there and are now in a bit of a slut phase because it's all new again then cool. But if it's coming from a place of loss and needing to fill that emotional void ehhhh. Not a smart move, but it might still help.

    I generally go celibate post breakup so I can get my own shit together, because i'm not in a good emotional state. Going out when you're not ready is a good way to end up hooking up with someone far below your standards lol. Anyone who's been in a funk knows what I mean lol.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I'm in a perpetual slut stage. Just play safe and fuck as many guys as you want. Also, I read what you said in a post below. When you start a relationship and wait a long time to have sex, it can be a huge mistake. But I guess you learned that he hard way.

    • Oh yes protection and birth control. Yea, I used to think waiting was the best way to go but I learned that sexual compatibility is just important in a relationship and it's something I won't compromise on anymore

    • Most women are conditioned to believe they that they have to find love first and then sex. Just go for the sex and love will happen on it's own.

  • yesss girl 😍😍 plus you get to know more dick, and when you find the right person you'll know more. and you get to explore your sexuality. enjoy the adventure 🤣

    • I'm saying! I've been a relationship where the sex was bad I didn't know until late because I waited almost a year to have sex. Needless to say the relationship went down hill from there.

    • a year!!! goodness my record is almost 3 months! it's okay cause now you know. 😋 but just always use protection (no matter how annoying it gets) 😂😂

    • Lol yes protection is a must! Along with birth control I don't want to end up with a baby or worst a std lol

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 20
  • Hi: you shouldn't feel guilty about your actions. Your free and single and can do what you want. Don't let your false feelings steal your thunder and run away with your fun. Just keep doing what you are doing and live your life happy. Good luck.

  • Sort of the opposite for me. I have never had problems finding/having sex. Never had a problem getting a second date for the same. It is to the point that I feel that rushing into sex with someone new makes me feel objectified, and the other person isn't in it for emotional connection. I stopped my sexual activity because I desire, and feel I deserve to have an emotional connection with someone before I think about the physical aspects

  • I don't care what people do sexually.

    • Well I guess... only speak from personal experience and what you yourself do... lol of course what other people shouldn't do sexually bother you. That's a no brainer. Lordy you guys can be so technical lol

    • You asked if I supported it, but my answer doesn't fall into the false dichotomy. It's just that I don't care. I don't do it, but I don't care what others do.

  • It's fine.

    You might get some insecure people disapproving of it, but it's your life.

  • Shitty ass poll lmao

    No, I don't support it for anyone. It's pathetic.

    • Only put it that way because I was reading some replies on another forum and guys seem to think it was on okay for men to have casual sex because "men are more logical than women"

    • Ok, but it still doesn't give an option for the ones who think it's wrong for both genders.

    • I agree... but I don't think I can change the poll.

  • Don't care for the word and neither should you. Just be careful, having fun can cost more than it was worth.

  • Why is there not anoption for "no for men, yes for women" but "yes for men, no for women"

  • thats so stupid, why isn't there a no for both?

  • love how there's no third option... yes for women no for men

  • "And it's something liberating about doing what the hell I want and not feeling bad about it or feeling obligated to seriously date someone or even talk to them afterward."

    No, that's not what liberating is. And you'll hate how you feel, cheap and sleazy. Sex just isn't the same if there is no emotional connection, especially for a girl.

    But try it out, see what it's like. Just don't wait too long to look for Mr. Right. Don't squander your youth and beauty - once it starts to fade there's no going back.

  • I am in a similar situation just that I rather go wild online than offline.

  • Go ahead, have fun.

  • No, it is charity instead

  • lol @ women who say they're in a "slut phase." Dirty skanks

  • Should be another option for nether should but kind of a one sided pole.

    • I agree I just forgot it

  • thats called depression

  • I support this as long as the person you hook up with knows it's just sex

  • Yes for both gender

  • Girls who sleep with someone easily and without effort, fit the slut tag.
    Women are the ones who can pick and choose who, when and how often, therefore they need to be more selective.
    Just like a rich American who can pick and choose what and when and how often they eat, would be called a pig and a glutton if they eat a lot and ate anything they could find.

  • Yes. We need more women to get preggo by dumb irresponsible sex.

    • Lol because birth control and condoms don't exist right?

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