Girls, are you attracted to penis smell?

Before anyone answers: Think about it. We are all attracted by each other's pheromones which mostly come from the armpits... but if I asked "do you like armpit smell" here, most people would go "Eek, disgusting, no." without thinking even once about it. It is not what I mean. I don't mean unwashed and I don't mean infected and I don't mean nasty unclean or penis up your nostrils. If I smell vagina it smells like gold to me, but it doesn't smell like that to you for all I know. So I figured maybe (if you think of it the right way) equally my penis smells like gold to you but not to me (if it is clean and nice and everything).
Yes very much.
Vote A
Yes, but not really.
Vote B
With some guys.
Vote C
Can't tell.
Vote D
Haven't read the details or am male.
Vote E
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Girl Guy
+1 y
I didn't notice the question was missing a "no" and the number of options were exhaused. But it seems rather surprisingly, that most of you can't even distinguish the smell itself. If that is the case you want to vote "can't tell" anyway.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • There is no option for no. If a penis is clean there is no smell. The only time I have ever smelled anything near a dude's junk was B.O from their pubes or dirty, smelly, unclean, uncut penises. If an uncircumcised man cleans he doesn't smell. If he doesn't and he has dried cum/piss underneath the extra skin it builds up bacteria, resulting in a foul smell. So I can't choose an option because my option would be no.

    • Sometimes a guy will have a manly, sweat smell - usually do to pubes. This can be sexy.

    • I couldn't add more options and a "no" makes sense. But in your case it didn't, because what you meant to vote on is "can't tell" and not "no" because you cannot distinguish the smell for whatever reason. Everything has some smell, stricktly speaking there is no lack of smell and all body parts smell differently because it are different environments for the natual, normal, clean bacteria on our bodies that have nothing whatsoever to do with excrements. It might be more problematic that I thought it would to get conclusive answers here because of the sheer inability of people to even distinguish the distinct smell from an unclean smell (where the smell would also be exaggerated but unpleasant because unclean).

    • haha that sounded horrifying.

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  • Sorry guys but the penis does have a smell to it unless you have just and I do mean Just taken a shower. When by nature it secretes pheromones down there for the sole purpose of enticing a woman.

    Oh by the way I do LOVE the smell.

  • Haha, I like the clean smell of men. I mean not when they smell of soap/perfume but just clean a bit sweat doesn't hurt (just make sure it's not much or that it isn't nervous sweat)

Most Helpful Guys

  • I don't really think the penis has a smell that's very distinct from the rest of the body.

  • My penis doesn't have a smell, but I do agree that I love the smell of the vagina.

    • Everything smells like something. I don't know if your's is long enough but put it right up your nose after showering and you can tell.

    • Ah, I forgot that you don't use curd soap so perfumes would mask it you have to use something perfume free.

    • "Put it right up to your nose" LOL

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What Girls & Guys Said

7 1
  • There is a certain smell, but honestly it kinda smells sweet. Like i'd walk into a room full of men and laugh because i can just smell that smell. I don't know if it's just me, if i have a heightened sense of smell or something.. haha

  • I like it when it's clean

  • If its clean and washed the right way and doesn't smell then I think I would like it.

    • The question is about smell though, what do you mean exactly? Everything has some kind of smell or odor even the plastic in my keyboard or the wood from my desk.

    • Well as long as it's not smelly it's fine. There's actually a smell I can't explain. Like a guy scent.

  • it has a smell?

    • Yes. Did you never put it up to your nose?

    • lol nope

  • With my boyfriend, yes, I have noticed that I do like the smell.

    • Is it really only your boyfriend or was he just your current one when you noticed?

    • I just started to notice with my current boyfriend. I've only ever had a few sexual partners, and I don't remember really noticing with them. With my boyfriend one day I just realized I noticed his smell, it suddenly stood out to me and like I said I do like it, it turns me on.

    • Thank you, that is helpful. If you ever get to smell another men's penis let me know.

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  • It really doesn't matter to me. It's about how good he is at stroking. Even a guy who is a perfect size can lack a great sex experience if he can not stroke correctly.

  • Only with some guys. It's like their sweat or their mouth, it's just them. I once dated a guy whose odor I didn't like. He didn't smell BAD, I just didn't like it. Chemistry.

    I love my boyfriend's smell. His penis mostly smells clean.

  • Virgin sorry :p but it sounds like a nooo I haha