And Then Two Dark Pink Lines Appeared...

And Then Two Dark Pink Lines Appeared...
I felt like I was on top of the world; I was attending college, trying to find a job, and being in what seemed to be a loving, stable relationship.

Well, something was about to knock me off of cloud nine and give me a big reality check....

Aunt Flo left me alone for two months straight. I wondered to myself, "huh, that's weird, she has always been on time." And that's when it hit me...."oh no", I whispered to myself. "I could be pregnant...." And then I started to panic. I rushed to my friends for help, and they told me that I was stressing too much and that I would eventually be okay. Like a complete idiot, I listened. Of course, this was my first pregnancy scare, but I still don't think it was a good excuse to ignore the signs...

I didn't wait for long, though. After a couple days, I told my mother. She cried, and I cried too. I could see the disappointment in her eyes and hear the anguish in her voice when she asked why I couldn't tell her sooner. Why didn't I tell her sooner, you ask? Well, mainly because I was scared of how she would react, since she taught me that sex was for after marriage.

She bought me a little dollar store test, and I shook as I took it with me to the bathroom. I did the test and then almost within seconds, two dark pink lines appeared. I thought, "wow, I'm screwed."

And Then Two Dark Pink Lines Appeared...

The rest of my pregnancy was like hell on Earth. My great-grandmother passed, and I was too ashamed to tell her while she was alive. I was afraid that she wouldn't take the news well and didn't want to stress her out. Well, at her funeral, my grandmother said that she was sick of being here, since she had nothing else to look forward to. This brought tears to my eyes and made me wonder, "if I told her what was coming, would she have had the strength to live just a little bit longer?"

At the same time, my grandfather was having health issues. His kidneys were shutting down, and he was put in hospice care. My grandfather was kind of judgmental and crazy, so I also held off on telling him until Mother's Day came around. He was actually pretty excited, but he died about a week before the baby was born. Although my grandfather and most of my family room the news well, others did not. My baby's father didn't want him, and my sister was upset because she liked life as it was. Passers by were giving me dirty looks (and some still do to this day) because it was obvious that I was a young mother.

Currently I am a single mother. Am I proud of myself? Honestly, no, because I should have been more responsible and have either waited to have sex or just told my mother what was going on from the beginning, so that I could of at least got better protection than the natural cycle mapping. But there's no sense in crying over spilled milk, so I suck it up and take care of my son. Do I regret having my son? No, I do not. But I do regret not having my life together before having him. I'm working on picking up the pieces; I just feel so bad for my son, not just cause I struggle to get by, but also because he doesn't have his father around. I wanted a have a whole family for my kids, but I guess it's too late for that.

Now, I could have chosen another topic to write about, such as my first relationship, or my first pet. But I have seen way too much questions here on GirlsAskGuys about "the Pullout Method" or "Ways to Know if I'm Pregnant" to ignore this topic.

So, to those of you who think that the Pullout Method works for you, or just don't use any protection, I ask, what are you going to do when you see two dark pink lines?

And Then Two Dark Pink Lines Appeared...



18 4

Most Helpful Girl

  • I'm also a single mom, but had this just a couple years later than you. It's crazy but 2 or 3 years can make a huge difference in society's eyes. Also, I didn't have so many people dying around me while in this already difficult phase. Seriously, I have nothing but respect for you.

    I get that you feel incredibly dumb for not using protection, but I got knocked up while using it. I used to be a very popular (and dumb) girl. Ever since I was 18 and went to college, I was seriously getting fucked. And I mean at least once a week and I did not have long relationships. It was mainly these senior frat boys having turns porking me and some other cute naive freshmen girls. Condoms were mostly not used and I now realize how lucky I am I didn't catch a disease or a baby like that. When I finally got over this phase at age 22 and almost never hooked up anymore, I did it one time after an entire sexless year, made the guy wear a condom, I was on the pill, and this time I get knocked up. I thought I'd just have an abortion but something inside me couldn't do it and I wanted the kid. I was so shocked when the two purple lines showed up, but since that day I was thinking about my kid like he meant the world to me. Pregnancy was hard and I dropped out of college and started working. It's a hard life but I have nothing but love for my son.

    Don't give up on finding a good guy for you. I'm also still looking, but I'll warn you, it won't be easy. I (sorry for bragging) attract a lot of attention from men since l'm still young and really take care of myself. But for some reason, if you have a kid, they see you as a piece of ass that's only good for pumping and dumping. Also, being a single mom is a fulltime job, so there's not much time for dates and romantic evenings to get to know a guy, and a quick hard fuck can really nice stress release. So it's hard to say no sometimes and you easily damage your reputation. But still, I'm also kinda glad that so many guys are offering cause if I couldn't even get sex, I'd go crazy in this stressful life. Lol.

    Anyways, I know how you feel and really admire you for staying so strong during your hellish pregnancy. You are a great mother and simply a great girl. I can see that in every word you write.

Most Helpful Guy

  • Be patient, and don't give up. Somewhere out there, is a man who would not mind one bit taking on both you and your kids. Just don't flip and treat him like a predator if he shows a hint of interest in you even after knowing you have kids. It may be that he just wants to be supportive, period.

    Not everyone who becomes interested in single moms is a snake-in-the-grass looking to prey on both mother and child. Yet, when I offered MERE FRIENDSHIP to two different single moms in the past, both of them tried to depict me as some kind of predator. (And the one, I never even mentioned her kids in public!) Yet, not confident that simply telling me to go away would work, both of them resorted to some pretty big whoppers to not just get rid of me, but make my life as miserable as possible along the way.

    Don't be that crazy lady!

    I realize you have to be selective. But don't be too quick to ruin the lives of men who do take interest in you either, just because they're not the bio dad.

    In the mean time, yes, take care of your son. And grow his faith, if you do nothing else. Be frank with him that not every choice you've ever made was wise; and that it is a reminder to him of why he owes it to himself to do better.

    The bio dad was rather sad to abandon you like that. I would've bent over backwards to be involved if that were my kid. And would've talked marriage the second I knew of the pregnancy. "I must fix this!" would have raced through my mind. A pity most guys today instead have this thought of: "I must run away, now, and fast!"

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14 14
  • Props to you for unhesitatingly stepping up to the VERY challenging and VERY daunting role of a mother, all by yrself.
    I noticed that you didn't even describe ANY thoughts of aborting, or adopting out the baby... nope. You were in it to win it, from the start. #UnconditionalLove Good on you.

    Things happen for a reason. Hang in there, don't compromise yr principles, and life will work out. <3

    • Oh, and... No one EVER "has their life together" before having kids. Srsly. The people who wait for that, are the people who wait and wait and wait and wait until they are desperately hitting up IVF clinics at age 38.

  • I never understand why women are ashamed of unplanned pregnancy. If you act ashamed, other people will treat you like it's something to be ashamed of and it's not at all. You had unprotected sex, okay, and you're pregnant, okay. Take responsibility for your actions and do it like an adult (I'm talking to everyone in general here). If you've confirmed the pregnancy then what fucking good does it do to act ashamed or like it's wrong? It's so awful if pregnant mothers reject their pregnancy and can't take joy in it, what a shitty attitude to have about your future child. If you aren't ready to be a mother then you have choices, but if you go through with the pregnancy, for fucks sake at least walk around with your head held high. Yes it wasn't planned but who plans to fall down stairs? Who plans to crash their car? Things happen unexpectedly and when it comes to being pregnant, this attitude of women-should-be-ashamed if it was unplanned or they're young is just complete bullshit. Women who have children young or who even do it alone don't miss out on anything if they organize their time and make effort to accomplish other goals like everyone else. having a child shouldn't be viewed as a setback or a curse or some shit. Don't resent the child you're about to have, there are no words for how horrible that is (again, addressing everyone in general).

  • . Birth control would be the thing to do if you really didn't want A baby. maybe on some level you wanted your son before he was born... Now you ahem him:)

    • Very true :)

  • I took plan b after my first time. It wasn't planned but luckily I didn't end up pregnant. I went on the pill from planned parenthood after that. He is my first and only guy I have ever had sex with. I felt that we were in a serious relationship. He proposed 2 months later. Three years later and married for three years we had our first son together. I did have sex before marriage and I do regret that but I am glad I was married before having my first child. Sorry about your son not having a dad.

  • Thanks for giving a slice of your story, this was refreshing to read on here.

  • I like that you used your experience to share the lessons you learned the hard way, and not to delve into a morality debate or push your choices on others. Good take!

    • Thanks! :)

  • I am proud of you. You are a strong person, full of love. There is definitely a light shining in your soul.

  • Can you clarify what you were doing, maybe that will help others... e. g. just playing around... had a serious boyfriend and didn't use protection, etc?

    " but I guess it's too late for that" - that isn't right. There are guys that will gladly take on the right girl who has a child. May not be the other guy unfortunately. And you are right kids need a dad, even if it is a replacement or a spiritual one.

    • I had a serious boyfriend and thought that I could rely on timing my cycle. And I hope so. But right now, I should just focus on taking care of him.

    • I'm sorry about it not being so clear, it's just that I was trying not to mention names or blame anyone or anything specifically. (Which I shouldn't blame anyone other than myself for my actions, anyhow.)

    • you answered what I was wondering. So it is unfortunate... that you had a "serious boyfriend", but as soon as the child shows up... he's not serious. Just reinforced in my head the importance of slowly building relationships and getting some level of commitment.

  • Why didn't you just get an abortion?

    • There's no such thing as, "Just getting an abortion." It may seem like a very easy decision to make from the outside looking in, but if you are actually in the situation and have to weigh the ramifications of what that decision really means... it's not something you "just" do.

    • @HGStebbins 1) keep the baby you don't want and ruin your education, youth, freedom, independence and commit everyday for the next 18-20 years of your life financially and emotionally to something.. That you don't want... 2) go to an abortion clinic, stay for a few hours, walk out the door and carry on with your life. What, "ramifatiions" come with an abortion exactly?

    • You are making the choice to extinguish the possibility of human life. You're no longer thinking what's "best for me." Although you seem to not have a problem with the morality of the situation, for many this is a terrible moral struggle. You are literally choosing your personal happiness over another human's life. I don't expect you to understand this, you've not been there yet. You're still young. Please don't see those as insults, because I was there once, too. There was a black and white answer for most things in life. Sadly, this situation is far more complex than I ever thought was possible. And, sadly, not one that we, as men, may ever truly be able to understand ourselves because we will never actually have to make it.

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  • Thank you for sharing. I give you all my respect for not aborting the baby. Tell those pro-"choice" advocates how great you now feel for not having murdered your son. How precious that little life is. In the Name of all humans with hearts and in the Name of all children that live in this world, i thank you for not playing god and killing that precious life. A fetus is not a piece of clay.

    I wish you all the best in being a single mom. I never want to be a single mom myself for fear that I would ruin my kid. Read, read, read. Read a lot on child raising. It's a very challenging task and kids are very delicate beings. Anything you say or do could have long term impacts. Some of my students' mothers are single moms and I have Seen failures and successes in how they raise their kids.

    I know I'm no mom, but here are some things i've obseved and read:
    - Don't spoil your son too much. Discipline him and show him who is the boss. He needs love, but also needs a strong hand. You have to be both. Be consistent with your words and actions.
    - Have playdates so he learns how to share and interact with other kids.
    - Don't let them learn that crying or throwing tantrums would get them what they want. They will get what they want if they ask nicely.

    I know you're gonna face some really exhausting days in the future, but think of this: it is astonishing to See how a child grows up to have all the beautiful qualities a human could have. Let that motivate you to keep on going and not giving in to the easier ways that would ruin your boy. I have no kids, but I have watched several kids grow up and it has always been an honor to See them bloom beautifully.

  • Thanks for sharing that. More on this later.

  • This describes everything in my life except the deaths I haven't had any of that but I'm a 27 weeks along pregnant single mom to be. And I hope to be the best mom I can for my baby

    • I hope so for you too! Congratulations :)

    • Thanks 😀

  • You got knocked up but did you let the guy know he is a father?

    I would say there is nothing bad. You have a child and you love the child. You should have let your family know. There is nothing NOTHING to be ashamed about having a child!!! You got knocked up but you are keeping the kid so your family should support you and love the kid.

    • Well, except for the sleeping with a man who was not her husband part. But again... live and learn.

    • Yeah, he definitely knows.

    • Well, you have the child now so just forget about the bad stuff and love him. You can regret meeting the jerk who knocked you up and ran away but never regret having the kid.

  • As you mentioned I really don't like when passers by give dirty looks to a young mother. It is not their business but they still give the looks.
    They don't know the reason why the girl got pregnant and her reason to not have a abortion and shame her for that.
    I am really impressed with you even though you are just 3 years older than me you handled the stares and problems nicely. When the Baby is about to be born it hurts like hell.
    You Are 19 and I think you go to a college but still you are managing studies with your baby at such a young age.
    Really Respect for you.

  • good luck

  • wow! Thats eye opener. Sometimes we don't think anything can happen to us but than bam... It happens ): I agree with your statement and feel sadness..." I wanted a have a whole family for my kids, but I guess it's too late for that." that is what I hope for as well. But I guess thats why they say the best method is no sex! I am really sorry... life is a bitch!

    The important thing is that you're taking responsibility for the repercussions of your actions.
    It's unfortunate that the father left. Surely this is something you should have done together, but instead he's neglecting his responsibilities as a father.

    You're a very brave person in my opinion, what you chose to do is very admirable.

    Respect fam!

  • It's what we do in instances like these that reveal our true characters. You're a good woman and will a good mom. I enjoy our conversations. I believe this may help others who may have otherwise found their-selves in your shoes.

    • "It's what we do..." Are you referring to men in general?

    • No, I am referring to all people facing perceived adversity.

    • Ah I see

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  • Don't be silly! Wrap your willy! Is what I like to say haha. Its sad to hear about this but I'm sure he's part of your life now. Too bad it's in Michigan 😜 Wisconsin is better hahaha jk... not really tho 😂

  • Thank you for writing this, its idiotic that people actually rely on the pullout method

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