Do guys see eachothers dicks when they piss?

I just found out that guy toilets are separated to pee and doodoo so that means their toilets are just out there. When they're peeing can another guy see their dick?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • 1. Ideally in most wash rooms the separators are more for civic courtesy than to be an actual shield.
    2. It is expected that no one really is going to peep into another's business :-)
    3. And honestly no one does UNLESS they are really intrigued or...
    4. Peeking is violation of privacy and can well be treated as one i. e. it can go to the cops and/or courts
    5. Accidental viewing does occur at times even if not by intent but that's scarce
    6. School kids may well do stuff out of some idea of fun or even 'comparison' :-D (girls have boobs and butt to compare with each other while you understand guys have one and it's this ha ha )
    7. Generally most of us are looking either straight ahead or looking down to ensure that the stream is going the right way and not wetting our trousers or shoes wherein I'd say it's a tense time ha ha

  • Occasionally. But it's terribly bad form.

    Propper urinal ettiquet goes something like this:
    1: Walk to urinal
    2: If other men are pressent, try to be as far away from any other users as possible.
    3: Eyes-front. (golden rule). Do not make eye contact, look at others as little as possible.
    4: Eye line does not decend bellow shoulders, unless looking at your own junk. Stare at those wall tiles until you are done.
    5: Zip, shake, wash and leave. Do not linger, do not make unnecesary communication.

    • Why shake?

    • To clear off any residual wetness. Obviously in a private bathroom a gent might have a quick gentlemans wash, but that's out of the question in a public lav.

    • @Aigoo the urinal tract is much longer and bent for boys, there's usually some liquid left there so you have to squeeze or shake it out.

Most Helpful Girl

  • Guys have straight rules no other guy should see a guy when he pee :3 it's something like a code between straight guys :3 if the rule get broke someone will get a face punch ;)

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1 19
  • There are usually stall like things next to the toilet, so al u see is from like the shoulders up, and its hard to see them from the side. But some bathrooms dont have them, so u just look straight ahead

  • You COULD, but we aren't looking. I remember Fenway Park used to have a straight up TROUGH system, basically just a bunch of dudes pissing in a giant sink. What's unfortunate is I was like 8 or 9 at a Red Sox game and my head is like waist level with all these dudes' wangs out in the breeze while I'm trying to take a wazzer. Pretty scarring, really...

  • yeah, sometimes... its no big deal lol

    just dont cross the streams! (if you get that reference then well done)

    my mates and I have been naked around each other more times than I can remember. Guess thats my military background though. not shy of anything

  • Look up urinal etiquette. There are chances to see each others dicks but the thing is not to look. you wouldn't want someone looking at yours so why do the same. we just want to get the business done and get out. In a lot of cases, guys don't even talk during that particular activity. I don't know who came up with that, I personally don't care, sometimes at clubs it gets pretty rowdy in there lol. the weird thing is just to strike up conversation with a total stranger WHILE handling business...

  • There are stalls when we take a shit so I'm not sure where you came up with that phenomenon. And the urinal usually sticks out far enough where you can't see someone else's genitals and even if you try, I'd suggest try to re-evaluate your sexuality because I go in to piss, not look at other men.

  • its against men's restroom ettiquete

  • Yeah and truth be told we compare too.

  • Can they? Yes. Do they? Well I always look straight ahead and try to never use the stall beside another guy.

    That said there was one time in like middle school where I accidentally saw a guy's dick at the stall. Only time.

    LOL at the snoop pic by the way. "Hiiii Tod buddy."

  • There are opportunities to see, yeah, but you never ever look. LOL

    There are very strict social rules in the men's room, and violation one of those rules with the wrong person can get you in big time trouble, believe it or not.

    • *violating

  • they have a divider actually

  • If you try to then yeah, but we have enough courtesy to not stare at each others' dicks. There's no way you're 18 to 24.

    • im not lmaaaooo im 16

    • It took you 16 years to learn about urinals?

  • You're not really supposed to... it's an unwritten rule... Eyes forward at the urinal... some people do though..

  • You can see other peoples pee pee, but there is a unwritten/spoken rule that we as men go by. Don't look and if there is an open urinal you never pee right next to another man. You skip 1 urinal.

    • Very true! !!!

    • Its true! All straight men abide by the rule

    • What if a guy didn't follow the rule and pee pee next to u

    • Show All
  • Most have a divider, there is also a unwritten set of rules for male bathroom etiquette.
    1. Look straight ahead or down. Even when caring on a conversation.
    2. Leave one urinal in between users whenever possible.
    3. if there is no door on a stall, use only if you can absolutely, positively not hold your deuce in anymore.

  • I never, EVER use a urinal. I will wait to use a stall even at the risk of peeing in my pants.

  • Sometimes I do take a peak but just to see the size...
    I remember once a guy pissed to far away and dividers did not cover him, I saw his dick and it was quite small but really thick...

  • We have laggi.

  • How have you only found out this late in life and how did you find out then being over 18. And no you don't look not that any should want to.

  • It may be possible to see, but most guys don't try to see another mans dick. This only pertains to straight men, I can't imagine how excited fags get when peeing next to another man.

    • I'm genuinely surprised by the answers. Usually you don't look obviously, but when (young) men got more than a couple of drinks when going out and meeting new people, they look quite often. Maybe it's the social etiquette that's being suppressed by the alcohol, I don't know. I've been looked at and I sometimes looked back, but it's only acceptable when going out. At least that's how it is for me. I live in Belgium.

    • I even dare to say that when you just met some really cool guy, chances are they will intentionally choose the spot right next to you , not specifically to look but also to keep the chat going. Again only when you're really wasted lol (alcohol or mdma)

  • I stare with great intensity.