How can you get HPV with out having sex?

So my girl might have HPV. I seriously doubt she's been unfaithful but I'm looking online and it's the damnedest thing, it says all over the place "A recent diagnosis of HPV does not necessarily mean anyone has been unfaithful" and "Anyone who is sexually active can get HPV, even if you have had sex with only one person." But it will not tell me how in the hell that actually happens. I'm quite sure she didn't have it before, I doubt that I do but unfortunately I can't get checked because apparently the only why to knwo is if you have warts... Which I don't. I guess I could have gotten it from the last girl but... It had been 15 months between having sex with her and my girl... And HPV clears in 2 years max for women right... And faster in men. So I'm not here looking for someone to tell me she's cheating. (inb4 ur gf's a dirty sloot) I'm actually legitimately asking how one can get hpv without having sex with a person with hpv. Can you touch someone with it and then... I'm go masturbate later? Does it live on surfaces for a while? I've been googling for about an hour or so and it's just the same Damn sentence about infidelity not being the cause... But it won't say the cause. Thoughts?
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Most Helpful Girl

  • HPV attacks the skin. Skin to skin contact. So, even condoms can't protect you from it. There are different strands of it. Some strands of HPV are worse than others. Some strands can cause genital warts, others cervical cancer in women. Also, there is no test to determine if a man has HPV unless he shows symptoms (the warts). Women can determine if they have HPV by (the warts) and if it shows up on their papsmear. So many people have HPV and don't know it. It does not mean she has cheated on you, (although still possible) but there is no way of determining when she caught the virus or not.

    • But she didn't have it when we started dating... And it had been 15 months since I'd had sex before that. If it's gone in 2 years max from women and faster in men... Then it's not likely that I had it... Additionally she's gotten tested since we started having sex and didn't have it.

    • Did you go to the doctor with her? Did you see actual paperwork? Do you have actual evidence? How can you be so sure she did not have it when you two started dating? It is very possible that you had it or could have it. There is no human engineered test available for use to determine a man has the virus UNLESS he shows symptoms (warts on his skin/genital/anal area) We don't have the technology yet to determine the virus inside a man's body like we can inside of a woman. Also, the virus can clear on it's own. My theory is that the virus is not actually gone, it's just dormant (asleep) until something triggers it. The viral load could be so low in a person's body that human standard testing applications cannot find the virus. You can't always believe test results. I had a patient who exhibited symptoms of Herpes, but our tests could not find a positive result. It wasn't until weeks later that she lived with the virus that we could see actual positive results. Go see a doctor.

    • She's had checks since we started dating And been fine. She's also the one who told me she has it thsts how I'm sure. I realized I might have given it to her but it's unlikely. The virus can be present for up to 2 years right? And it leaves quicker in men on average right? I hadn't had sex for 15 months prior to having sex with her. Still leaves 9 months of incubation so it's possible. In fact I'll go with that of I find nothing else.

Most Helpful Guys

  • You can totally get it from the inoculation, which sometimes bundled in with a bunch of others. There's a few other symptoms that go with that. May want to look into it

  • Google and see if the virus can be spread any other way. Or how long it can live without a host

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  • Needles maybe? Has she had any kind of shot?