I think I have castration anxiety? (maybe it's not a crazy theory)

Maybe Freud was actually onto something, I don't know why the thought bothers me so much, but its been running through my head lately. Can anyone offer any insight? I also have an inferiority complex about being a male, I feel more vulnerable than women. Also I don't like it that women make jokes about Lorena Bobbitt or laugh at guys getting kicked down there. what's up with all this?
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  • As I was saying before I was so rudely timed out, I seem to be dealing more with symptoms of "post traumatic stress disorder" than from "castration anxiety" but the two seem to have converged on some level.

    Personally, I don't agree with Freud's explanation for castration anxiety in the sense that all boys are born from infancy with this phobia. However, I do believe that the condition exists for allot of guys and I think it comes on in either early childhood, adolescence or even adulthood. After all, how many little boys did you know growing up in grade school who were actually afraid of girls? Not many, and certainly not me. In fact, we used to pick on girls just for kicks.

    However, the high school wrestler who gets pinned by a girl in a school wrestling match has been castrated. His life is over. He'll never feel secure in his masculinity for as long as he lives. The same can be said for the ugly shy middle school kid who gets constantly picked on by a group of girls and does nothing about it. He's also been castrated and he'll probably never recover from it. Another example would be the young kid who gets beaten up, pushed around and dominated by either his mother his grandmother, or his older sister. In this case, the poor kid has been castrated before he even had a chance to know any better.

    And then there's the high powered MBA who gets beaten out for a big promotion by some women who's been away from the office for 6 months on maternity leave. That's what I call a "corporate castration" and I find it very Orwellian that big business has decided to promote so many women into positions of authority in order to emasculate their male employees. In fact, our whole PC culture is a virtual incubation center for the spread of castration anxiety throughout the male population of western civilization.

    Nevertheless, somewhere along the line some girl or some woman did something to you, or to a friend of yours, that was so horrific and hurt you so badly that you simply can't cope with the reality it. For example:

    Do you have a female boss? Did your best friend get beaten by a girl in a wrestling match? Do these things bother you and make you doubt your own masculinity? If so, than you have castration anxiety.

    On the other hand, have you ever seen a friend of yours get kicked in the groin by some girl? Was it an ugly scene? Did the sight of the guys agony upset you so much that you got physically sick to your stomach? If so, than you're dealing with post traumatic stress disorder with a castration anxiety overlay.

    Realize that a kick in the groin is an act of sexual violence and when a woman does it to a guy the sexual violence component is magnified. I've read where many guys who get kicked down there suffer PTSD for the rest of there lives.

    Anyway, these are some of the things that I've been thinking about ever since that bitch kneed me in the balls. Hope this helps...

  • Well, I think most chicks like making those jokes BECAUSE they know that stuff affects us. And with good reason! That stuff down there does a whole lot for us!

    While most every guy is going to get a little ill at ease when the topic of castration is brought up, if for you this anxiety affects your day to day life in a negative way, then it is a problem.

    What this means is, if you make certain common decisions based on the off change that something might happen to your junk, and those decisions make living more difficult or normal tasks slower, then you might want to meet with a therapist that deals with phobias.

    If this is not the case, then just try and work on coming up with counters to when girls say stuff like that. Such as how when they have a kid, they are going to have to push a watermelon through a water hose. And that is going to hurt much more than a ball kick haha

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  • Maybe you feel more vulnerable because you are. You're more likely to get assaulted and murdered than women, you don't get protection from violence by women (on the basis that as a man you should be able to defend yourself) but you can't defend yourself because you don't have equal protection under law ("violence against women act"). Welcome to western society.

    You'd be hard-pressed to find a guy who'd laugh at a story of a woman's genitals being mutilated, but this site should be ample indication that the courtesy is not repaid. You all need to finally understand that women won't respect you just because you respect them. You don't need to tolerate this from them, just grow some god-damn balls for one motherf***ing minute of your life. jesus

  • its ok, no one is gonna castrate you

    • You don't know that! jk, lol its more of the indifference women show towards it. I mean John bobbit almost was mutilated by his wife but people think its funny....I wouldn't ever laugh about nething like that if it happened to a woman

    • ...it happens in Africa as a traditional practice

    • I know! and its horrible! I can't beleive any culture could believe in that practive it makes me wana throw up, I feel awful for those girls....but no1 every jokes about it (well...any sane person) I think there's a double standard is what I mean.

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  • Dude, I have the same problem. You have my sympathies! Just don't use this phobia as an excuse to get down on women or to do something stupid. I don't know what else to tell you?

    • Thanks..good to see I'm not the only one..just curious what started you on it

    • When I was in junior college, at a party, this tall older women kneed me right in the groin. Full force! It was horrible. She put me in the hospital. Physically, she damaged me beyond recognition. On an emotional level, I haven't been the same person since that incident happened. Now I'm dealing with some of the same issues that you describe here.

    • Just so you know, the really long reply that you see above is a continuation of what I was trying to say here.