Guys, Guys: Do you like girls that don't shave down there?

I am a girl that does not shave down there. When I shaved down there once I immediately got an allergic reaction - the area sorrounding my vagina and vagina burned, itched, and it was all red. Since then I don't shave but I trim every once in a while but I can't use creams or anything to not have hair down there because I have the most sensitive skin ever. Is it a turn off when there's hair down there? What do you recommend I do?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Nothing is more unattractive to me than razor burn. Shaving in a general is basically a mine field for bacteria to collect since your skin is very exfoliated and all other defenses against infection are taken away. Places like the armpits and genital region are even more dangerous since they are right next to lymph nodes. If you get a staph infection there you can actually die from it and people do die from it. The itchiness is your body's way of telling you that you should not be doing this.

  • Most American guys find d this gross, but I actually prefer a full natural bush. Incidents like yours are exactly the reason women shouldn't shave down there. And it reduces chances of STDS too. Of course, if my girlfriend was shaved I wouldn't care, but my favorite is a full natural bush.

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What Guys Said

  • it's not a bad thing and it probably wasn't an allergic reaction. it was probably razor burn. I think everyone has had that... if anything, just trim and keep it neat!

  • No woman has any business having a strand of hair anywhere below her neck. Only exception is very fine blonde or red pubic hair, and then very disciplined grooming and kept to a bare minimum daily is that standard.

    there's lots of options. Wax. Laser removal. Sensitive skin razors. Know what there isn't any of? Excuses.

  • Just stay clean and fresh for oral and I will find my way through the jungle.

  • Total turn of

  • i HATE when girls shave all the way it looks weird, i like when it looks like u haven't shaved for a week or two. just trim it once every week, u can buy an electric razor and buy attachments that make sure it doesn't shave all the way to the skin

  • I'm okay with trimming and shaving is best but just not shaving down there totally grosses me out

  • trimmed is ok with me.
    I shave with shampoo

  • My opinion is that its not a turn off nor is it gross.
    I like female pubic hair because of the natural beauty of it.
    I think it's sexy , a turn on and a sign of maturity.
    However I still respect a woman's decision on how she grooms herself , no matter how she looks down there I still respect her choice because its her body.

  • No, I don't like

  • I like those too ;)

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