Is it possible to be too good at a blowjob? Would you think a girl is a slut for it?

So this guy was super into me for months. He had his eye on me for a long period of time. We took some time get to know each other and then went out on a official date. We had a great time. Towards the end we had a really hot make-out session and he ended up figuring me. I asked him if he wanted anything from me but he said he is not the type of guy to ask. So I gave him head but told him I don't do this for just anyone. I was really into it and pulled many tricks out of the bag. He said I was the best he has ever had. I had him speechless literally. He was just like WOW! I told him I have only give them to two other people and he said I was his 4th. From everything that went on between us and what he told me it seemed like he saw me as girlfriend material. I am not a skank in anyway shape or form. I have kinda that perfect girl reputation. But after an awkward social gathering with friends he stopped texting me or having anything to do with me. He wasn't mean, he just seemed less engaged. He hasn't texted me in a good week and half. I don't get what went wrong? Was I too good at head and he thought I was a slut? I mean being able to give good head is good incentive to keep liking someone right? What do you think? I find this REALLY weird and I'm not the only one! All my guy and girl friends are like wtf? hahah! Thanks for your help! :)
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Most Helpful Girls

  • if he really liked you. YOU as a person, you as his girlfriend someday, the bj would make him want even more... you'd be on his mind, and he'd think of ways of swooning you into more intimate stuff.

    I don't think giving him a bj is slutty, because you said you took your time to get to know him, so its not like you gave a bj to some guy you don't know or care about. also... if he said you were his best... I mean, seriously, why wouldn't he want more?

    its either the social awkwardness thing or maybe you might have lost some type of mystery that you had before for him so he lost some interest and ended up with eye on another girl.. someone *new*... I don't know

    eitherway, give him some time. if too long passes, then its goodbye to him. though it would suck for you, that you would increase a number on your bj list, without it being meaningful...

    i hope that doesn't happen! good luck!

  • think about it...if you didn't give him head than you probably wouldn't care as much that he isn't contacting you, because you dind't make yourself vulnerable and exposed..and you would think that maybe he is just genuinely disinterested in you, which may be the case but because you gave him head before trully getting to know him you're immediatelly thinking the reason he isn't contacting you anymore is sexual...

    that's why you always need to slow it down with sexualcts untill you can trust a person and know they will not stop talking to you once something happenes--that way you'll have a cerarer picture as to some of the other reasons that a guy stops talking to you, it's not always sexual.

    sexual things should really come after the "i actually care about you bit" and you won't be confused or feel used.

    ps. potentially he could have though that maybe you had more than 2 and dind;t like it

  • One of my good guy friends once told me that every girl always thinks she's the best ever at giving head. I suspect many guys just tell girls they are good at head because

    1) it can't be that hard to be bad at it as long as you get the basics (e.g. use your hands, move, don't bite, play with the balls).

    2) the more you compliment the girl, the more she'll want to keep doing it.

    I mean, I've never really had a guy who was horrible at going down on me... wiggling tongue combined with wet saliva, it's all it takes and I explode 5 minutes later. The only one that needed help forgot to breathe through his nose, but really even that was fine - I just didn't want the poor dude to suffocate.

Most Helpful Guy

  • if you give good head...there's nothing wrong with that and guys wouldn't think anything bad about it...he's probably too busy for you right now or maybe he's contemplating something that's bothering him...when did he break up with his last g/f?

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2 1
  • I want to think the head was not the problem! Don't have any idea what did happen but it wasn't because of doing a great job sucking his d**k

  • Maybe it was because of the awkward social gathering. Seems like the bj had nothing to do with it.

  • Really good head is really awesome...