Why do promiscuous women feel they should be worthy of marriage or not judged for their pasts?

I seriously can't understand how this expectation is reasonable in anyones mind. My friends.and.I all agree wed only marry a virgin woman or one that has been with 1 or 2 guys max.
+1 y
I gave oral sex (she felt it was derogatory to women to give it and I was OK with that) with one woman I dated for almost a year but we didn't go past that. So I'm kind of dirty too /:
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Totally agree with asker. Used-up sluts are no good for marriage, or anything longer-term for that matter. Girls with more than 0 premarital sex (any kind of sex) partners are used-up sluts. The difference between 1 and 10 partners is only in quantity, not in quality, both are used-up sluts, does not matter what these awesome persons say to themselves (look up "alpha widow").
    While they are still young and sexually attractive, they will have a lot of interest from thirsty guys to have short-term "fun" with, but by 30-35 they're finished.

    Both the history of humanity, religion and modern scientific evidence say that sluts are ruined for marriage.

    There is also funny and simple GBFM ECOnOMICZ MAXIM # 1:
    "A woman’s courtship value is equal or less than the lowest price she ever gave her pussy away for. lzozozoz"

    Any guy who "pays" with his long-time commitment for a slut who has been slutting around with other guys for free, when she was younger, less slut and more attractive - is a sucker himself.

    One problem is that sluts (especially more "experienced" ones) will try to conceal their past and tell that "there was only one". For an inexperienced guy with stupid beliefs about women it is easy to believe.
    Sluts, if it is not a problem and the question is "dumb assed", why do you hide your past from your potential husbands? The answer is obvious.
    "Born-again" and refurbished virgins probably are the worst kind.

    Another problem is that there exist a lot of despicable pussy-whipped manginas who will marry any used-up slut, even with children from other men, and be proud about that. Sometimes they even knowingly marry a former prostitute or a pornstar. They should be shamed and ridiculed along with the sluts.

    I also heard a lot of stories along the lines of husbands f

  • Dude, you have a huge chip on your shoulder and are walking around just daring people to knock it off. All those people on here who ask about what it's going to be like to be alone the rest of their lives? Guess what? You're the leader of the cub scout troop. No One Wants to be judged, least of all by someone who thinks every one else needs to conform their view.

    I am very sorry you were hurt but at the same time it gives you no right to visit that hurt on others to make yourself feel better.

    Note: posting on public forums that you will kill anyone, anonymous or not, is the sign of being unhealthy.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Well in your crazy insane little utopia of a world maybe that works, but in this world you are being a complete ass! What makes you all high and mighty to where you think it's OK for guys to be promiscuous and girls can't because it makes us dirty? Who the hell are you!?! Seriously! If you want to marry a virgin, then you yourself should be a virgin. This double standard sh*t is wrong and irritating. What we have all done in our past is exactly what it is, In The Past! So leave it there. Who are you to judge any women for what they have done? No one. It is guys like you that I stay away from. What I do in my personal life is none of your business no matter what happens. All women ARE worthy of marriage and shouldn't be judged. What makes you worthy of marriage and to not be judged for your past? What makes you so much better? Who cares if she has been promiscuous or if she's never had sex, if she is with you (although I don't know why she would be) what does it matter what she did in her past?


    • Because I'm a virgin. I'm not marring some used woman.

    • You're a virgin? Wow that's a new one coming from someone who obviously doesn't know much. No wonder your view is screwed ... Don't get me wrong I'm not hating, but I def wouldn't want to be a virgin again. I have way too much fun doin me!

    • lol not even a virgin woman would want him...he pushes the sex issue waaaay too much and its scary to girls!

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  • And you're going to be a virgin when you get married, right? 'Cause women find it hard to be promiscuous without the active cooperation of a similarly moral man. As long as you're not playing a double-standard, more power to you.
    To your question, I, for one, thought of my worth as something bigger than my number. My husband was my fourth lover and I was his something-bigger-than-fourth (I don't remember 'cause I didn't much care). We got married because we were best friends and we loved each other and we wanted to share our lives and grow old together.

  • what is the purpose of this question? if you dnt like premiscuos girls then don't marry one; its your choice. most people won't think like you and judge them for their past and many of them get married afterward and make great wives. hold your views, but don't look down on them because only GOD can judge not you.

    • i ain't promiscuous but I ain't a virgin either. and I dnt have these expectations for a husband. I will just marry someone I love and who loves me.

    • I can judge because there is no God. But itz more discernment than judgment. Have to cull the chaff out to make sure you don't end up married to some tainted whore that will infect the choldren with her bad behavior

    • lol. wait you dnt believe in a GOD and you have such high values for a wife. you sweet me. I thougth you were religious. I don't understand your reason for your preference then.

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What Girls & Guys Said

14 5
  • I'm an awesome person, regardless of my sexual history.

    Someone's sexual past does not determine their value as a person. Someone is valuable because of who they are as a person.

    I've met lots of guys who like me and don't judge me by my sexual history. My partner has asked me to marry him, which leads me to believe that I am "worthy of marriage".

    The thing is, not everyone shares your point of view. There's no reason why a woman who has had more than "1 or 2 guys max" should think that she's unworthy of marriage---because a lot of guys will see her as worthy and have no problem with her past.

    Luckily for you, "promiscuous" women aren't likely to want to be with a guy like you---so why do you care?

    • I care because you sluts rub off on otherwise good girls. Like a contaminated apple ruining the whole crop. If I had it my way sluts would be punished by the government, especially for adultery. In some countries they cut your head off for that. Guess what the divorce rate is in Saudi Arabia? The problem with America should have been obvious from the beginning. People don't deserve freedom, because most of them are too idiotic to handle it correctly. The election of Bush proved that much

    • That's cool. I believe that people have the right to their own bodies and that the government should have no say in what I do with mine. I don't believe in capital punishment. And I don't think Saudi Arabia is a good country to model after. Also, I'm not American, but even if I was, I certainly wouldn't vote for Bush. Though, I know a lot of people who share your point of view who would. Interesting.

    • Well I just want a woman that isn't a slut. Meaning any woman that has ever had casual sex, slept with a guy within 48 hours of knowing him, been with more than 3 men or had a one night stand or threesome. Of course, there are degrees of slut. But most young American women seem to be sluts.

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  • Well shouldn't the same be applied to men?

    But 'sluts' do get married too also nobody is forcing you to fall in love with a promiscuous girl. It doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

    • Well the one time this happened I told her she was disgusting and a hypocritical sad excuse for a christian

  • jeeez that's so narrow-minded! can't believe I'm reading this in the 21st century! judge not lest ye be judged yourself dear chap.

    • Im not a christian lol

    • crikey, so what's your excuse then! :-) I believe that it's fine to live your life as you see fit, but not so fine to judge others.

    • Well I have standards and odd morals I suppose. I don't look.down.on those women I just don't see them as meeting my standards.

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  • because us big kids believe you should not judge someone on the past. so what who cares about what they have done before they met you? if they change and are totally 100% loyal it should not matter (within REASON). live in the present not in the past. that's what mature adults do.

    • So you shouldn't judge ax murderers or deadbeat dads for their past? Rapiers? Child molesters? We all have different morals but choices have consequences and judging someones behavior by the results of their actions is a good way of discerning a pattern for figuring out what manner of person they are.

    • Rapists not rapiers lol

    • did you even read what I said? I said within reason.

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  • Some of us are looking for a good wife, not to judge people. But if judging promiscuous girls gives you a charge, knock yourself out.

    • Its both. Would you marry a slut?

    • If she can keep a good home, I would in a minute. Wouldn't even blink.

  • Dude, virgin or not, she will be able to make out that you have a small dic*. Can't hide it. Chuck it, bro. Underneath all that preachings about sluts and morals, I know thats your reason. Lots of men are insecure about it and hide it under that bullshit ^. Good luck, :P

  • Good luck getting an attractive wife, who is a virgin (and not religious). You sound like just the kind of guy this extremely small demographic would be looking for...

    If you aren't religous, what reason is their to hold out, beside the most likely scenario that you are just awkward and incapable of actually attracting women?

    • The difference between me and most monstrous people is I have f***ing standards.

    • I'm begining to get a really sad picture...

    • Indeed ericneo. Lots of sluts out there

  • do you mean worthy of marriage "and" not judged for her past, because or doesn't make sense in that context

  • Why do sleazy men feel the same way? They sleep around with the whole town and then want a Sweet innocent virgin wife?

  • Because that's sexist. Why should guys be able to sleep around but not girls?

  • You need to answer this question yourself, women like men enjoy sex. How many partners we have had does not matter. You could meet a girl tomorrow and she could say that she has slept with only one man (yet she could be lying and slept with over 100) and you would love her anyway so what is your theory proving? lol Does it really matter how many men she has slept with? And say you find a virgin girl, are you going to fall in love with her because she is a virgin? What if her personality stinks? Love has no bounderies hun. No matter how many partners she has had. I swear that is a form of discrimination...lol Its like saying I will never marry her because she is a race you do not like. You won't know unless you try...

    • Yes it does. Every guy has a number. Being a slut is not good wife material.

  • How a woman treats her sexuality is always an important to a man. Not all men agree but I believe the large majority would not knowingly marry a sexually promiscuous woman. I would never expect a virgin, I would expect that she would have to be very selective and have been sexual within the confines of a real relationships. Giving it away like free samples at Costco would make un marriageable and one you would not let your heart fall for. Very few MEN would disagree.

  • People are free to look for what they want in a relationship... for me I could not fall in love with a slut even if I wanted to, it would be too risky, it's like a defense mechanism built into us by evolution. I think a lot of men feel this way that's why sluts have been shunned by societiey for thousands of years also this is why women lie about how many guys they've been with, deep down they know shagging around makes them less desirable. it's just nature.

  • lol well if you can't understand why we'd feel that way, then you have absolutely nothing to worry about because I can't imagine any girl like myself in her right mind who would waste her time on someone who thinks like that. I think it comes down to the fact that some of us are more liberal about sex than others, we have different morals and ways of seeing people and life.

    there are plenty of women who are more conservative about sex and not promiscuous so you don't have to worry. why be concerned with how we see things if you aren't interested in us? we are on two completely different pages, and that's fine. we should all find people who are on the same page as we are and have the same views on this stuff. that's all you need to focus on. find someone compatible to you. :)

    • Great answer.

    • nice answer

    • Good point I suppose. How likely do you think it is I'll be able to find a virgin woman?

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  • i respect your views, but some people just enjoy sex and there's nothing wrong with that. it's basic human nature. creatures have been doing it since before marriages and religious rules were around. and not everyone who has sex before marriage is just sleeping around and whoring themselves out...i've had sex with a few people but I don't have sex with them unless I have feelings for them. like I said, I respect your opinon, just don't lump everybody into one negative stereotype.

    • Thats alright. But I don't find it fair that so many women flip out when you ask them if theyre a virgin on a date. I'm not investing time or treasure in a woman that can't give herself completely to me. And I wouldn't want my sins or daughters to inherit her poor morals

    • yeah, I guess they should at least own up to what they've done.

    • b/c it is a personal question to ask on a first date. what you should do is explain your values first and not just blurt out a question like that.

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  • because everybody makes mistakes and should not judge someone base on their past. and everybody sins so we are all equal. people have different circumstances, maybe she experience some sort of trauma that made her act out, maybe her parents pimp her out, maybe she was rape by a gang of guys, maybe she was drunk and had a laspe of judgement, maybe she was young and experamenting and is now wiser. I can understand your concern if she slep with 30 guys and is in her 20, but a smaller amoutn other than 1 and 2 should be OK as well. I ain't promiscuous, I have only had sex with 1 guy and that is my boyfriend. belive it or not, guys are far more promiscuous than girls and tend to loose their virginity at a younger age, and as females we have to look past that. my boyfriend had sex with bout 6 females before me, you get over it and love the person for who they have become rather than who they were.

    • Personally any woman I'm dating must be waiting for marriage

    • oh OK, everybody is entittled to their own preference I guess. those are hard to find though but they exist. I originally thought I would wait for marriage but I didn't. but I do hope if the girl had oral sex you won't hold that against her.

    • Yeah most people have no self control and can't love or live by any morals professed or real. Its pretty typical.

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  • how many people you've slept with doesn't define who you are as a person

    • yes

    • No but it says a lot about how one regards love and sex. Its a logical criteria for a man with stringent sexual morals

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  • y do promiscuous men think they should not be judged for their past and think they are husband material?