Are prostitutes not more direct and honest than all other women?

Think about it, aren't all forms of relationships considered some sort of prostitution? You marry a girl, you have sex. You are responsible for buying her gifts and spending money on her. There are just subtle differences like girls will spend some money now and then out of courtesy. Its a different style of relationship but since the stone ages there has been a recurring theme of the relation between man and woman. He pays for stuff and takes care of her and she has sex with him. Whether its giving crack or money to a hooker or showering your fiance with showers so she gets happy and has sex with you, its all more or less the same. Prostitution is just a more direct way of doing that. What do you think GAG users?
+1 y
Instead of focusing on the minor details people, why not focus on the big picture. Its just on a different scale. Instead of dealing several prostitutes on different days, the man deals with one big prostitute. Maybe its changing a bit in modern society with increasing equality between men and women but back in the day, the man goes and works his ass off while the woman performs duties for him such as cleaning, cooking and more importantly sex.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • No, many people base their relationship on a lot more than sex and money. I think the relationships you're speaking of are in the minority, especially in the modern world. Things haven't just changed a little bit, they've changed a lot. More and more women are working, and on top of that, they're also still doing the majority of the cleaning, cooking, taking care of kids, etc. And they're not doing it because they want money, they're doing it because they love their families.

    Even if a woman isn't working, you aren't taking into account the fact that the man isn't the only one providing for the family, she is too, albeit not financially. Looking at things the way you are, the husband could be just as much the prostitute as the wife. All you have to do is switch up the currency. He offers sex and money, and she pays for it with daily chores, meals, her own career sometimes, and her time and effort in raising kids (back in the day, 4 or more, not an easy feat). That's not how you think of it though, right? Maybe you should ask yourself why that is.

    Why do you have this idea that sex is only for the man's benefit? As if it's a duty instead of a mutually enjoyable experience that both parties want? Men and women want pleasure and closeness, they have sex. They want kids, they have sex. It's not, the guy wants pleasure and so the woman puts out because it's an obligation. If that's what your relationship is like, you need to seriously re-think it.

    If all a man wants is a sexual relationship, pay a prostitute for sex. If he wants help raising a family, and he wants someone who loves him and who he can talk to, share laughs, hard times, and happiness with, marry a woman. There are more than minor differences between the two.

    • your argument would make sense if hookers didn't enjoy sex either, but they do. And that's where you have lost credebility

    • How do you know they all enjoy having sex with strangers, especially in often scary and uncertain circumstances? They do it for money, that's the focus. Also, they don't do it for closeness, love, or to have kids, so there are multiple places in which your argument fails.

    • Ahh but that's were you are wrong. They do in fact do it for love most of the time and they get pregnant sometimes too. They are just smarter, more honest and direct than other women. They get paid in an organized way on top of it all,

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  • I think you have never been to a prostitut or been in a relashionship

    I have watched enough tv. And read articals to know that prostitution is a job some people do it because they have run away from home and are rebeliouse some are forced into it but for what ever reason they do it they have a better chance of dieing at the hands of their pimps and being very poor because they have to give all their money to their pimp anda they live in fear every day

    Oh and not to mechin stds and stis and hiv they are payed for sex its not a relashionship

    and they might be honist but on the other hand they might say anything you want to stay alive to

    Relashionships are based on love and trust and honisty and good comunicashion if you don't have thoes key ingredents in a relashionship then you don't have anything I know because I have been in enough relashionships to. Know yes relashionships take work and energy to keep the relashionship working but relashionships are not jobs and sex doesn't have everything to do with relashionships and money doesn't have everything to do with relashionships and we are not weak we can take care of our selves even with out a mans help we are strong and independent and very hard working most of us are.

    • AHAHAHAHAHAH. I have a girlfriend that will tell you otherwise loser. So hows working in the movie theatre? must be fun giving popcorn out for a living hahaha

    • Its fine with me if you don't like my answer but you have no right to call me a loser you don't know anything about me I was just answering your question you don't have to be such a jrk about it

    • ohh looky here missy innocent calling me inexperienced and that I have never been in a relationship. you made personal attacks on me then saying that you are just giving your opinion. BS!

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  • Engles said it first. Marriage is legalized prostitution.

    Honesty & candidness, have to do with character. Not gender. Not vocation.

    • =-)

Most Helpful Guys

  • It's kinda what B_Luved said. With prostitutes its business, with others its part of a relationship; gotta keep each other happy.

    There IS a thin line with some women though, but they're easily recognized :P usually the cold type that leaves when you get fired :P

  • your no responsible to do anything. If the woman is richer than you she is responsible to look after you

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8 2
  • This is such an interesting comment that I must throw-in my two-cents.

    So unlike prostitution, in a relationship you freely decide to spend money on the girl. YOU ultimately decided that that is going to be your way to keep her interested. In prostitution, you don't control that decision. You spend money on the girl so that she will sell you her product (sex). It's not a matter of choice on your part. If you decide not to give her money then the prostitute isn't going to give you sex. However in a relationship, regardless of whether you decided to give her money you may get laid. There are no "maybes" in prostitution.

    • what part of "subtle differences" did you not get?

    • I wouldn't call that a "subtle difference". But since you do then clearly we draw our lines in different places.

  • Well, prostituiton having sex with random men for money. Marriage is having sex with only one man. I don't know too many women who get married to be showered with gifts and what not. Honestly, a lot of men tend to buy gifts and things for women of their own accord, not because she asks.

    Plus, the idea for men to be giving to women is reinforced by parents and the media; the " good guy" always pays on dates, buys lovely birthday gifts, treats his women to this and that. Speaking as a female - I don't need a guy to shower me in this and that to be happy. I'm satisfied with your company, that's it. Hell, I'll buy you gifts and what not for your birthday and anniversary. Our marriage isn't founded off of gifts and money - I care about the things you can't put a price on...

    • And being a prostitute is a business - she wants her money, so it's basically lets get to it.

  • Lol you've already asked a question like this and gotten your answers. Most people don't agree with you because it's such a twisted view on things. You're treating relationships like their some kind of math problem. If hookers = A , a wife = B then A - B = 0. Right? A loving relationship is nothing like prostitution, sure both include some of the same ingredients, but one includes love and companionship where the other does not. What about volunteer work slavery? You're working for no pay, so surely it's slavery right? Give me a break!

    • Also what if the traditional gender roles were reversed? What if the husband stayed home and took care of the house while the woman went to work and provided for him. Would you also call him a prostitute? I tend to doubt it...

    • first of all no this is my first time asking this question but its very common for people to ask similar question. assuming I'm the same guy isn't very smart of you. I never saw the similar question tbh. second of all I actually prooved most of the girls who disagreed with me wrong and I won the argument as you can see in the much more detailed answer than you provided below. Some women actually agreed with me 100% so its not bullsh*t and you are not getting a break. TOulouse and the anon two

    • two places before her agreed with me and they are women. I already had a long argument with a much more detailed answer so you can read that instead of wasting my time and then if you have something to argue about what I have already proved wrong, maybe we have something to discuss. Bottom line is when you look at the big picture, men and women have basic needs that are fulfilled one way or another. whether its through prostitution or marriage.

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  • No, prostitutes leave when they're done. They don't love you. They don't make you sandwiches.

    • lol

  • I feel like I've heard George Carlin say that spiel before, but I may be mistaken.

  • Um they got money to make of course they are gonna be direct!

  • Sex is just a small part of a relationship. Prostitution is purely about sex. See the difference?

    • Just because the guy gets more than sex is superflous to semantics, the defintion is still reached. Without the guy paying or being a money making prospect, the women wouldn't date him and in turn sleep with him.

  • you are way off if that is how you think. What do I want from the man I married? I want his heart. I want to know my heart is safe with him. I want to be his best friend and him to be my best friend.

    Not attached at the hip, but a deep relationship. If I have that, then I don't need gifts, because he has given me the greatest gift I can ask for. His heart.

    If you truly believe what you wrote in your question, then I feel sorry for you. You are not looking for the right thing

  • Sex is a duty. WTF

    • Oops forgot the question mark. Seriously, I love sex it is not a duty.

  • Wow. That does sound like prostitution to me. LOL

    I have never had a relationship where the guy took care of me or paid for everything. No guy ever showered me with gifts. I make my own money and pay my fare share of bills, etc. I enjoy sex very, very much so I only have it for enjoyment so that would not make me a prostitute. Prostitutes are not so direct since the vast majority of them are survivors of rape and/or sexual abuse and they actually hate sex but tell johns that they like it. Blatant lie actually. They do it for the money and that is it.

    Though, I do know women who hate sex but still do it because they're boyfriend or husband expects it. Interesting theory. Not necessarily saying I agree but I see your point.