It smells like Tuna! Does he have an STI?

My bf's penis smells like fish... We broke up for a few months...and when we got back together and were about to have make up sex...I almost passed out from the smell. I was so turned off I could not continue, he is not circumcised...and I am pretty sure he washes. He never smelled like this before. I do not like it. I am having a hard time getting my mind off this. I've already asked him to go get tested, and he admitted to having a 3 partner when we were separated.. what is that smell? Is this normal? What are the possibilities of it being STI? I am grossed out, how do I get over this? Could you get over this, and stay with the person? Is it normal I lost most of my feelings for him after I noticed the smell?...:(
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Most Helpful Guys

  • A foul, "fishy" smell is a common symptom of a yeast (Candida Albicans) infection in both men and women. Fortunately, it's easily treatable in both sexes. Anti-fungal drugs are readily available in pharmacies without needing a prescription. Drugs like Canestan and Monistat (If you're in the US) that are geared to women to treat yeast infections will also work on men. Anti-fungal creams that are pitched for athlete's foot and jock itch are basically the same thing. Lotrimin is a common brand in the US and most pharmacies have generic versions too that contain the same active ingredients (usually clotrimazole, tolnaftate or nystatin).

    Yes it is transmittable from one person to another but it's completely curable and won't do any long term damage. However, it doesn't mean he caught it from having sex with other people. Most people have the Candida fungus in their bodies in small amounts. It's when the body's defences against it (healthy bacteria) are removed that it is allowed to grow of control and cause problems.

    It's not uncommon for uncircumcised guys to give themselves a yeast infection by washing under the foreskin with soap. The foreskin in men and the vagina in women host a culture healthy bacteria that are indiscriminately killed by the use of soap on the genitals, leaving it defenceless against fungal infections.

    The logic of it is really counterintuitive to people raised in a culture where cleanliness is of the utmost importance. Uncircumcised guys are often told that their penises are dirty and prone to infection. The guy, feeling ashamed and self-concious, rigorously washes his penis and keeps it clean, and the more he washes it, the more it smells, and the more it smells, the more he washes it. It's so drilled into us that bad smells come from poor hygiene that they don't get what's going on. Instead it makes all the myths and lies he was probably told about circumcision appear true and obscuring the real problem.

    Many women often the same experience. The more they douche, the more it smells and the more it smells, the more they douche. The genitals (in a healthy state) aren't nearly as "dirty" as our culture would have you believe. They take care of themselves. A good rinsing with water is all you need. Soap should not be used.

    So here's the drill:

    -Send him out the pharmacy to get a tube of anti-fungal treatment

    -Have him use it every day as per the instructions on the box

    -No more soap under the foreskin. Ever.

    -Avoid sexual activities that involve transmission of bodily fluid or use a condom until it clears up.

    • Dont listen to this comment. The persone has no idead what the heck they are talking about and afe just trying to sond like a penis guru from the magical land of the far easy where most men are not circumcised. That ranky stank is indeed from uncircumcised penises that produced "SMEGMA" which is dead skin cells that build up under moist areas IE penis foreskin or clitoris hood sin. Go " google " it. This is the infomation age not the ask your fellow stranger age.

  • it might just be smegma. that is one of the reasons I am very happy I am circumcised. But it could be something else. I understand being really turned off by it. But I've been with a few girls that had the same problem. Honestly it is pretty gross but maybe it was a fluke? idk. I can't say that you should or shouldn't get over it.

    • Do you think it would be rude to ask him to get circumcised? even though I don't know if I can get over that smell...It just makes me wonder what he got himself into (no pun intended) to make him smell like this. He never smelled like fish before our breakup. I would go down on him and it was odorless. I know I can be immature about this but I do not understand how his chemistry changed.

    • umm.. you can ask and he will laugh in your face. A guy isn't going to seperate over his manhood for some girl.

    • I hope you choke on an oderless dick one day and die thinking of the uncircumcised smegga smelling dick while your screaming; whyyyyyyyyy diid i have to care so much about the smell of that dick i loved so much, now i will die with a dick i have no idea who it belongs to, my boyfriend's dick that smells funyky, i love you!!!' *gurgle gurgle [dead] *

Most Helpful Girls

  • he may need to wash better! I know they make body wahses and stuff for women but maybe he needs to use it too! it helps take away the oder and if he's as bad as you say I suggest haveing him us it. at this point I think anything is worth trying I don't know what could be the source. maybe he has some sort of fungal infection or liek you said an STD/STI I think maybe he shoudl try some oder control thing and if that doesn't work go see a doctor!

    • Oh...fungal infection,... I wish he was circumcised. :(

    • when you aren't circumcised you are more prone to get them as well as smegma! if he goes to the doctor they may be able to get him some medication to get rid of it if it actually is a fungal infection, if it isn't hopefully it's nothing to worry about and just a hygene thing! like I suggested get him some body wash(the kind made for women that is supposed to target those smells) that may help even if he feels weird using it!

    • Strange. Of all the people that answered only the female actually knows what she's talking about.

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  • God that would gross me out. I'm so glad my boyfriend is circumcised. Even outside of the lower risk for STDs and all that, I really don't miss dealing with crap like this from an uncircumcised guy.

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What Girls & Guys Said

0 6
  • yaaaallllllllll ugh this is the absolute worst. Is he showering often? Give him some super lathery soap or even better, shower together lol I’ also recommend you get him a bottle of Man1 Man Oil as it has antibacterial properties that could help your dudes’ junk. good luck.

  • never heard of that being a symptom, but I guess its possible.

  • needs to shower?

    • is some advice for you ...Need to read.

    • google it

  • he didn't wash his penis,lol

    • ew :'( Why would someone not wash their penis when they are going to see their gf!?

    • men sometimes don't think of those things! they get so focused ont he fac that they get to se eyou that they forget to "clean up" befor emeeting you!

    • true, sometimes I forgot too

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  • how to get rid of this jock itch and its smell?

  • Maybe he wasn't expecting to have sex and didn't wash his penis.

    I'd highly recommend you politely ask him to wash it before next time.

    It would also be a good idea to ask him to consider getting circumcised. I wasn't circumcised as a kid, and not a day goes by without wishing I was. He could be in a similar situation and just needs some prompting to get it done. This alone should be a good enough reason.

    All the best! :)

    • Cutting off the foreskin because of a bad smell is like amputating your arm because it has a rash: It's WAY overkill. Much of what passes for "common-knowledge" about the penis today is complete horsesh*t. Having a foreskin is awesome but our culture makes us ashamed. You can learn to accept it and love it. I'm eternally grateful my parents didn't circumcise me.

    • I totally agree. I am also eternally grateful my parents didn't circumcise me. Too bad no one could detect the sarcasm in my post... hah!

    • I pickd it up at the (hah) part. Why would you be sarcastic ablut being sarcastic about circumcision? Unless God told you to cut your foreskin, you look pretty stupid in the name of science.