What do guys think about labiaplasty?

What do guys think about a girl getting labiaplasty? At the moment I feel too scared to even show a guy my parts because they stick out so much, I feel like I look really ugly down there


what do you think of this? Is it worth it?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I know my labia is a little larger now that I've looked at pictures of labiaplasties online.. But I've never been insecure about it. I'm 24 and I've dated so many different guys in my life.. Including exceptionally good looking men with egos and I have never had a complaint about my vagina. I'm now in a serious relationship with the man I'll spend my life with and he loves absolutely every part of me and wouldn't change a thing! So why should you? Men, deep down, don't care about what it looks like as long as they're getting it lol and if they do care? They aren't the guy you should be with! A man will come along one day who'll love every single part of you and tell you everyday and vise versa. So for now.. Don't be insecure about something god gave you because he gave it to you for a reason! And don't waste your time with men who are going to make you feel anything less than perfect. Especially over something so small, stupid, and shallow as a little bit larger piece of skin. Be confident! Love yourself! And that's when you open yourself up to be found and loved by the man you're meant to be with😊

  • I think the only reasons for cosmetic surgery are if the size of them cause you physical harm such as chafing or if you feel so bad about the way you look that you cannot go on the way you are and you are doing it for yourself. To feel good about yourself and not because you are scared of what other people think about the way you look.

    All people are different and all people have different preferences. There is no way you can look like everyone's preference.

    • but obviously if all vjs looked like mine I wouldn't care, I've just seen so many slits and guys are used to those, so yeah it would be for me but it would be for them in the end, there's no difference really

    • What do you mean you have seen so many slits? Do you mean p*rn? Because that is not what real people look like. Most of those pictures have been airbrushed and edited as bigger labia is considered "too graphic". And for the movies, how many girls do you think audition for those before they are made?

    • well p*rn and most of my friends, I only have two friends who have sticking out ones and one isn't even as much as mine

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  • A lot of woman hate their vajayjays but everyone single one is different dw here this will prove it:)))


Most Helpful Guys

  • I’ve had large lips, medium lips, and no lips, and in my honest no BS opinion, bigger is better. Yes, there are some very ignorant people out there that associate large labia with loose women (which is unequivocally false) but do you even want to be liked by those types. Yes, the porn industry flaunts these bald slits around like that is a normal thing (I don’t prefer bald vaginas either by the way) but in reality, at least before labiaplasty was a thing, I came across mostly medium sized lips, and just as many larger lips as there were tiny/no lips.

  • I think is is not necessary. Perhaps there are the rarest instances where that may be called for. Over time, I have come face to face with some long, swaying petals and never thought them unsightly. Concentrate on your character, sweetie.

    • i feel like my clitoral hood is too long, would that turn you off? honestly.

    • No, sweetie. Most men have a Forest Gump attitude to vulvas. Like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get, but they are all sweet and delicious. A long hood (prepuce) is just another toy to keep my interest during oral sex.

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 7
  • I love big labia. Many men do. Big labia are SOOOO sexy.

    No no no no, please do not trim your labia back. Leave your full feminine sensitivity out there to enjoy.

    • but wouldn't you prefer to like, settle down with someone who has a slit, just neat looking or something? I dunno, I feel like guys would see mine and wish it were neater:/

    • There are many many qualities of a woman that are more important than the shape of her vulva. Heart comes first, with comes a little later. Specifics of physical form trail seriously in third place. A woman can look 'perfect' and be a very difficult person. I would much rather be with someone who does not look like a model, but has a lovely personality. Little slits are cute. I like them. Labia, that jump out and say "I am woman!" excite me even more. Actually I love the diversity.

  • you don't look ugly down there. beliefe me!

    guys don't care if you have a big labia or not. be comfortable with your body!

  • Labiaplasty is utter waste, but I don't tell people how to burn their money.

  • I think it'd be another girl who was brought up to hate her genitals and the way they looked.

    Another girl who never paid attention to the very simple fact that guys LOVE p****. They love how it looks, how it feels, how it smells, how it tastes.

    Another girl who let someone take a knife to her, because she projected her own fears onto "guys" in general.

    Girl no guy is going to call your girlie parts ugly. He'd be too busy being happy you showed them to him at all.

  • Don't do it

  • I mourn the loss of another beautiful vagina.

  • I have no need for it, at least not at this stage in my life. But I think if you consider your options and want to do, it then go for it! Just make sure you're doing it for yourself and not others! Best of Luck =)

    • im doing it for both.

    • Well as long as you're happy xD

  • Well, I agree with the thinking you shouldn't change the things you were given, From a guy perspective, any p**** is good p****. You women have all the p****, so you set the market.

    What he find in life is our preferences. I have found I like the less voluptuous p****. But, since I don't know until I make a more cerebral assessment and actually make a move, then I don't care. I go with what I have and try to be a good person. So, I would think the labia thing is low on the list of priorities

    • why do you like less though?