Do guys like girls shaved or hairy?

Ya that's what I wanted to know so let me know please..
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Most Helpful Guys

  • You should always keep hair down there. It´s enaugh with shaving your legs and armpits, of course. And never use raizor. If your bush is totally covered by your underwear&bikini, then, it´s fine. After all, no one else (except you) is going to see you private places unless you like nudism or something like that. So, don´t follow that stupid fashion of shaving all your pubic hair. Men like real women, and women have hair, girls don´t. Other good reason is that hair really helps when having sex, because the friction decreases. And finally, it´s healthier because hair protects your vulva from infections.

    Women that keep their hair seem to me very sexy and decent. One, as male, thinks that she doesn´t show her private parts to everyone.

    Many people use to think that a shaved one is cleaner. That´s totally false. If the woman has poor hygiene, it will smell bad, no matter if there is hair or not.

    Hope this help you.

  • Please leave it hairy. I don't know why most women like to shave EVERYTHING these days, but men are visual, and a nice patch of hair really intensifies the sexual experience. I would rather an ugly women with a nice visually appealing bush, than a beautiful woman who is completely shaved. It may be just me, but I think the woman should be natural, and the man should be the one who shaves (or closely trims). Just as long as everything is clean, I don't see the issue. And no, I don't think being shaved adds anything to being clean.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I'm a girl. N personally. Shaving is tiring. N take time. I can't always shave anywhere there lot of hair just becuz society thinks it's right to do it... I'm a hairy girl by the way. My skin is sentinive. So shaving entirely is out the question. I'm just scared when I. Finally have sex. The guy will be disgusted or something.

    • Please do not be scared. There are plenty of guys out there who will love the way you are and a few who may truly love you, just the way you are. At least the guys that are worth it and not superficial. If he is an easy going guy that is himself confident, not arrogant there is a greater chance he will be good to you.

  • As far as I know, every guy has a different preference. Some love hair, some don't. It depends on the guy.

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What Girls & Guys Said

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  • I think hairy is kinda a turn on, even is this culture is a huge taboo

  • Gotta go hairy. I think of hairy women as being more mature and comfortable being themselves. I find shaved women to be trying to find themselves and don't mind if their downstairs resembles a porn-star from PornHub.

  • At least trimmed. After that trimmed or shaved both work for me.

  • It depends how kinky you are! Pubes are a big clue. No use being shaved unless you like to get creative. That said, I much prefer kinky women. To my mind: hairy beaver = church girl.

  • Bald all the way every day!

  • i like it trimmed

  • All natural is super nice... If it's gonna be trimmed, I want to see some customization!. If you are gonna go bald, then when it's time to get busy, it better be freshly shaven, stubble down there is just horrible!

  • shaved. it just looks so much hotter without hair, nice and pink. not too fond of pubic hair-as-dental floss either.

  • i want as much hair as you can get down there personally

  • Real men like beards, whether on the chin or pussy. Guys who like clean shaven girls are pedophiles and should be locked up.

    It is women who make other women shave, pathetic tribalism.

  • Of course shaved, girls looks Awesome if they are BALD too.

  • idk...dependws what you look like...msn

  • Depends on the body part and how hairy the woman is. I love a full bush on a woman. Don't even trim. I'm pretty indifferent to underarm hair. As far as legs, I could go either way. If she looks like a man below the thighs, then probably shave. If leg hair is pretty thin then I don't mind unshaved legs. I just like to be able to see as much skin as possible on legs.

  • Personally, shave your pussy so much cleaner and most guys prefer it. My girlfriend shaves and makes me shave sort-of a double standard but I shave and im a 17 year old guy so... Yea eating her out is so much better that she's shaved :)

    • That is because you are only 17

  • for me some arm hair is ok and the little yellow hairs it's just fine

  • A HAIRY BUSH? OH EWW! You guys are either DISGUSTING or has some weird fetish or fantasies! You know a bush can carry millions of GERMS! Shaving is recommended by most gynecologists, doctors, or even religious figures! As far as I know, the Jews and Moslems recommend shaved pubic hair (I can citate it, but, just look up webMD or Wikipedia). That germs, can affect the health of the genitalia, by infection or other disease. So, at least keep it trimmed, or shaved is best, for health reasons. Just don't let it grow uncontrollably. Also, a guy above mentioned hairy is natural, but in my opinion, shaved is the very natural way possible as we're not born with hair on our genitalia. Another guy above mentioned about shaved and pedophilia, get your facts straight, a girl under the legal age aren't always hairless. They get to experience puberty too! Especially when aged 12-17.

    • Actually, hair works to keep things from going into different orifices on the human body. LOOK IT UP! Eyelashes, nasal hair even facial hair. Nature RARELY does something for no reason. Plus , when you're shaved and you sweat your skin becomes irritable and MUCH more susceptible to breaks in the skin and other things that might lead to infection etc. And while girls go through puberty in there early teens the fact that you only see a bald pussy on VERY YOUNG girls makes it worse. I mean, throughout history once girls began to go through puberty they were considered "ready" this could be s early as 12 or so. BUT NO HAIR is a sign that she hasn't been to that point in her development i. e prepubescent (0-12 years) I am not saying guys who like bald ones are pedos, I only mean to point out the obvious. We are not born with hair...(well real hair, not peach fuzz) ANYWHERE. It's what separates children from those able to TECHNICALLY and BIOLOGICALLY ready to breed

  • Definitely hairy but trimmed is acceptable. Now more than ever a woman who does not follow the trend to shave shows herself to be above average in self confidence. Greater self confidence means better sex, not sometimes, always. On the physical side, hairs, when stroked, stimulate nerves and add to the excitement in a similar way one becomes stimulated when fingers are run through one´s hair on their head. Take away the hairs, that stimulation is much less profound. Enjoy what nature has provided, it serves a purpose.

  • shaving is a waste of time in my opinion; but sometimes you have to give it form. Leave it the way you most feel comfortable.

  • as a fifteen year old in this contemporary society, i prefer women with a bush. Why, because it's more arousing to look at. i also feel that woman shaving down there is just a poor attempt to fit in, even kids in my year do it and there only reason is, so they don't get crabs. Yet, they're fine with the risk of getting razor burns, pimples and bumps and ingrown hairs, it's beyond me. Just because you shave, it doesn't mean it is clean, it just appears to be. Mainly, the reason is i feel that woman are meant to have a bush while girls aren't. I prefer doing it with a WOMEN. (btw, keeping it trimmed and "tidy" is alright)

    a pubic region is like a shrubbery; It looks great when all of it's leaves are exposed and trimmed well, but getting rid of all of it's leaves just doesn't look the right.


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