"Being skinny and having a 6-pack is just like being overweight and having big t*ts. Doesn't count."

Agree or disagree? My boyfriend always says this.
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  • if he saw my pics he might change his theory lol I have big t*ts. other big girls my size dnt have t*ts like me. I wear a 52G all natural white meat chicken breasts might I add. lol

    if I was a size one id still have big t*ts lol I had boobs since I was 8 years old. I have a small tummy, no muffin top and big hips and ass. when I was a size 12 I had the same description but a flat stomach and less wider.

    in middle school I was a DD, 8-9th grade DDDD, yes 4D, now I'm a G.

    i think I was born with big t*ts, what you think? lol

    • Most likely. Your body type isn't the norm though.

    • no, its unique! lol and I asked my doctor how much fat was and my breasts caus my friend mom saidd something, and she said I have very little fatty tissue in my breasts its all muscle. of course we all have some fatty tissue. so ima jus shoot that down b4 som1 try to claim fat t*ts lol

  • your boyfriend sounds like my ex: good at putting women down without you really being able to put your finger on it. I disagree and don't think you can generalize about women's bodies. a six pack is always hard for women to get--unlike some men who are more naturally muscular than others, the same doesn't apply to women.

    • He didn't specify gender for the six pack comment. But I think he meant men.

    • And it's not putting me down!

    • Ah okay that's fine then. I didn't mean he was putting you down. But, taken out of context, that comment doesn't really sound very positive towards women. Now that I know he's trying to lose weight and things it makes more sense but you should have specified that the entire comment wasn't about women.

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  • infact! thr are a lot of skinny guys who dnt have 6packs, you have to work for that lol. what does your look like! pft lol

    • What does my what look like?

    • sorry boyfriend look like lol

    • He's 5'11 roughly, very broad and about 225lbs? No six pack going on at all but he's very muscular naturally. When I met him he was 60lbs heavier and he's working at being more toned, I'm proud of him haha.

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Most Helpful Guys

  • While simultaneously gaining muscle and losing fat is very hard, it's probably actually easier to get and for someone who is muscular.

    Dudeman suggests brad Pitts body is not impressive.

    If it was that easy to get there's be a lot more of them around.

  • Not exactly... but I guess I get what he means... just not sure of the relevancy of the statement. Is not overly profound.

    • mind explaining what he means?

    • well what he is saying is... "A girl who is fat, has big breasts... but there is nothing she did or is special, she is just fat... take away the fat and there are no big breasts. Same with the abs... everyone has them, but a skinny girl's can be seen, it doesn't mean she is working hard to get them. I think that is what he means, but I question the reason for saying it.

    • Yes, that's what he means. Reasoning for him saying it? We were at the swimming pool. There was a lot of overweight women with large breasts. One of them was boasting about her cup size when her stomach stuck out more than her boobs. I can't think about other situations but I know he's said it more than once.

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  • That's some pretty significant ignorance of genetics and how such things work. Then again, people think everyone who is fat just lacks will power and/or lazy and/or this or that bs. People are so dumb when it comes to weight issues and body types -_-

    • So a 300lb woman isn't lazy, and its her body type?

    • It could be. It's hard to say without knowing the woman. I'm not saying that there aren't fat people due to laziness, but it's so stupid to assume it's always laziness. Hell, one fat woman is fat cause she wanted to be fat for fame. Stupid? Yes. Some people might be fat cause of depression. Others cause the are endomorphic types and that's a very common type actually. People really don't realize mesomorphics are the rare ones. Oh well.

    • Could be. Could. But if she's munching a cheese burger and an xl fries its safe to assume its not. Diet and lifestyle play a huge role.

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  • Being skinny implies having low body fat. But you still need to have strong abdominal muscles to have a six pack, and you can also RARELY achieve low enough body fat % to get a six pack without being fairly muscular on the whole.

    Basically, when you picture someone as "skinny" they almost never have a nice six pack.

    It's a little different.

  • i agree any man less then 170 who has abs its not very impressive now a man the same height who is 210 that is starting to get in the damn that's what's up category

    • link not impressive

      link pretty impresive

      link how the f*** did that happen

    • Sweat, tears, & 'roids!

    • your links totally eww... why would anyone want that? that is too much

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  • I sorta agree, it's called a hunger pack.

  • i agree. everyone has abdominal muscles, but most people just have a layer of fat over them which makes them not visible.

    this is what's impressive: a thin girl with c cups and an ass

  • I 50% agree.

    Abs can still look good on a skinny guy, as long as he has a bit of muscle.

    • No, I'm saying he thinks its nothing to be proud of.

    • Abs are never a bad thing in my opinion haha.

    • Lol, yeah, I agree, it's nothing to be proud of, but like I said, at least it can look good compared to being overweight with huge t*ts lol

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  • i agree lol

  • That statement would mean a lot more coming from a girl than coming from your boyfriend. Unless, of course, he happens to be gayer than Christmas. . .

    • Hahah how does that make him gay?

    • the comment was funny but it dosnt apply lol

    • It doesn't make him gay. I'm just saying who gives a crap what a guy has to say about what makes a guy attractive. Unless he's into banging other guys. Similarly, I don't care what girls think makes a girl attractive, I KNOW what makes a girl attractive. I'm really only interested in what GIRLS think makes a guy attractive, since I'm trying to attract THEM--not some dude. Although as a shout out to my gay friends, they may care what other gay guys find attractive in a guy.