Girls when you give a guy a blowjob?

i haven't given one yet but do you make sure he is clean first? like do you pull his pants down and smell him or taste him and if he doesn't taste good do you tell him to go wash off or if he smells bad do you tell him to go wash off? or do you just give him a blowjob weather he is clean or not?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • It *usually* won't be too hard to figure out if your guy has showered recently or not; look at his hair and the skin on his face. If his skin and hair are oily, he hasn't showered in a while.

    One of the last things I do before I see my girlfriend is shower, because I want to be fresh and clean when I see her, regardless of whether we have sex (though we usually do). Still, when you're dating long-term, there are times when both of you might not have showered recently, and you might want some sexy time. A great way to deal with that is to take a shower together, and wash each other, which makes for great foreplay. You can continue to sex itself in the shower, but you'll probably find it nicer to dry off quickly and hit the bed fresh and clean.

    If you're dating a guy with questionable cleanliness, you might want to come out and tell him something like "I enjoy taking care of my man, but I need to know that he's freshly cleaned first." Unless he's super thick-headed, he'll understand that means "shower right before you see her, dumbass!"

  • I think girls don't tell guys to go wash off.

    They either start sucking or take one look/taste and tell him to f*** off if it isn't clean as well they should!

    Now, not having given a blowjob before the question is... What is clean and what isn't?

    A penis is going to smell and taste a bit even when perferctly clean, but it isn't supposed to stink!

    The thing to look for I guess is smegma, it shouldn't be there. You can google some pictures I guess. A clean penis doesn't have any on it, a dirty one most probably will. If you see it I would suggest to tell the guy to f*** off. Or, if you really like him, politely decline and tell him to wash up NEXT time.

Most Helpful Girls

  • personally I've never had this happen! If there is a weird smell or discharge I would for sure not do it! Guys don't get that like girls do, that would typically be caused by and STD or infection! Now if he just doesn't taste good or if he's kind of dirty (like from work or something) suggest you guys shower together and wash each other! This also works well if your self conscious and afraid you may smell bad or just aren't as clean as you wish! But for sure if a guy smells really bad or if there is a weird discharge (unlike Precum) then step away and tell him to get his sh!t checked out!

  • If he's not clean when you're about t blow him, then he's not a guy you should be be blowing! If a guy pulls out sh-t d*** he clearly doesn't care about himself or the person doing the task. A pig like that gets kicked to the curb! Better be clean BEFORE hand, because I am not your mom & shouldn't have to tell you to wash up.

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  • I try to be as fresh as I can be whenever I think the clothes may come off. I keep baby wipes on hand and will freshen if I have any doubt.